Samsung D600
- d
- david
- x%x
- 08 Sep 2005
I guess the reason why it takes long time to be relesed that they had so much success in D500. D500 is still selling and haven't release in US yet (in my knowedge...) I saw some of the ads on Ebay selling D600 right now, I would like to know how they get it tho... I heard great things about the phone so I am still looking foward to get my hands on one of the D600 soon
- M
- Mpumza
- C{x
- 08 Sep 2005
this is such a gr8 fone but it's taking 4eva &a day- am due upgrade beg of oct &doubt if it will b available in South Africa- does anybody know when it's coming out?
- M
- Mobilo
- mKB
- 08 Sep 2005
Quote core [In wich shop do you buy your phone in The Netherlands?]
I by my phones at 'Bakker Dijk' in Alkmaar. the D600 will be available in week 38 there, they told me.
- f
- fellow
- P$5
- 08 Sep 2005
if this phone hasn't been released till yet...then hw come u own one...and also wots making u keep it on sale??aren't u satisfied wid it?? and ya if u hav one...can u jus let us kno bout hows the phone n all..its pros n cons..n whther the features evrybuddy is askin bout r REALLY present in it? rest evrybuddy i guess r makin' guesses only
- J
- Jeffrey
- C{x
- 08 Sep 2005
Dont you think this phone is taking way too long to come out? and people are talking rubbish as to when it is coming out? frm Jeffrey 084 662 4469
- C
- Core
- mG5
- 08 Sep 2005
In wich shop do you buy your phone in The Netherlands?
- ?
- Anonymous
- mKB
- 08 Sep 2005
quote taz [does anyone know if the SD memory card comes standard with the phone, and if so, how big!]
It does not come with SD (secure digital) memorycard, but with 64MB Transflash Card.
In the Netherlands you can buy a
Sandisk Transflash 256MB for only € 26,77
- t
- taz
- mnr
- 08 Sep 2005
does anyone know if the SD memory card comes standard with the phone, and if so, how big!
- M
- Mobilo
- mKB
- 08 Sep 2005
quote core [how do you know?]
Because I went to the store where I alays buy my phones, and they told me that the d600 was due to delevery in week 38.
- t
- taz
- mnr
- 07 Sep 2005
does anyone know if the SD memory card comes standard with the phone, and if so, how big!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Se8
- 07 Sep 2005
the link is probably one of the last places to get it anyway, o2 and vodafone have both said mid september.
- c
- core
- mG5
- 07 Sep 2005
how do you know?
- M
- Mobilo
- mKB
- 07 Sep 2005
In The Netherlands the D600 will be available in stores in week 38
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sd1
- 07 Sep 2005
I think anyone who cares so much about whether a phone is manly enough for them, needs to look a lot closer to home regarding their own sexuality.
- m
- mark
- ncs
- 07 Sep 2005 i can buy that phone!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- TkJ
- 07 Sep 2005
That's not reliable information though. It's a matter of his opinion, and The Link is a crap shop anyway, so i'll just get mine from 02, who said Samsung's date is the start of September
- A
- Alex
- pYx
- 07 Sep 2005
I spoke to a guy at The Link today and he has not been told a confirmed launch date of the D600. He said apparently there have been a few setbacks, and it is more likely to be launched into the UK market at the end of October.
- S
- Sigmund Freud
- RNq
- 07 Sep 2005
The black/grey version of this phone is for boys.
The red version is for girls.
Don't get the wrong version or everyone will stop in the street staring and pointing and laughing at you.
- R
- RK
- 41c
- 07 Sep 2005
How much is it on Virgin? I can't find it online.
- M
- Marty
- iLW
- 06 Sep 2005
The D600 is available now on the Virgin network.