Samsung D600
- s
- shirley
- nEc
- 04 Nov 2006
hey again,
can u increase da volume of da mp3 songs that u put onto ur phone??
many thanks in advance xxx
- *
- *+*shirley*+*
- nEc
- 04 Nov 2006
hey ppl,
i am plannin on buyin the samsung d600 in a few days and i was just wonderin what tv output was? if u know what it is plz tell me asap or add me on msn
thanks in advance xxx
- ?
- Anonymous
- iLN
- 04 Nov 2006
i think this phone is gonna rule plz tell me it is! samsung e900 my bro wants that so i dont want the same 1 as him
- L
- Lo
- PSw
- 03 Nov 2006
2005 phone of the year!!!! (do some researching)
- m
- michelle
- 03 Nov 2006
hiya been and brought myself a sliver d600 good phones better then the samsung e900 what i have just sold. would never buy one of them again.
- F
- Fong Sau Weng
- 03 Nov 2006
I bought Samsung D600 a week ago. I like its screen, video caller ID and the way to transfer the pictures(from phone to PC and vice verse ). The words displayed on screen(either English or Chinese characters) are really fantastic. But some of the functions(like phonebook entries copying from card to phone) making the power going down very fast. Basically I am satisfy with its standby time. For the camera, I seldom change its brightness because I always satisfy with its default brightness. This camera is surely better than Innostream P10.
- n
- nazo
- MR3
- 03 Nov 2006
hey , i just bought a d600 and its wonderfull, so i just wanted to ask if i could put LOUDSPEAKER while im talking ?
and why does the battery finish this quick ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- F4p
- 03 Nov 2006
Photo & video come out good. I had Sony W800i but like photo & video result of D600 own by my wife. Video format .mp4, quality seem to be better than .gr3 by w800i. Photo seems to have lesser noises than w800i. Ring tone a bit soft.
- Z
- Zoki
- Yfa
- 02 Nov 2006
Damn grow some balls, This phone is badass, everybody needs a phone for different purposes, This is a great little phone, with a 2.0 MP camera, TV output, and MP3 player, i dont know what else you need in a phone. Dont give in to what other people say, this phone is awesome
- n
- netix
- N9V
- 02 Nov 2006
hi all
well am having some worries about whether to buy the phone or not.after having read all your comments!!!!
so what do you guys who already have that type of phone think???
- G
- GasMcCloud
- k2p
- 01 Nov 2006
Love the phone. Only problem is that the first couple of rings on the phone are very soft , and then it gets loud. Is there any way to make this phone ring loud right away?
- 2
- 2ni
- Rxc
- 01 Nov 2006
im planning to buy D600, does it have feature like group sendind of text messages or send to many option? need this now coz ill buy this phone tommorow.
- D
- m1R
- 31 Oct 2006
hi all can u people tell me what is the advantage of tv output.because i want to buy this rocking cell very soon.and only for 2 mp camera and for the tv out put i planned to buy it.
- J
- Joshua
- mUk
- 31 Oct 2006
Are there any firmware upgrades for the D600???
Like for auto answer with the headset???
- ?
- Anonymous
- mUk
- 31 Oct 2006
this has to be the worst phone ever to come to the market. i wouldnt even let a tramp have one of these phones they are an embarrasment to mankind. please everyone do not buy they are terrible. the phones are known to blow up or give electric shocks if used too frequently.
Agreed!! Not only that, the D600 caused me to have 3 brain tumours and my testicles are also falling off.
- m
- martin hedley
- T4w
- 30 Oct 2006
this has to be the worst phone ever to come to the market. i wouldnt even let a tramp have one of these phones they are an embarrasment to mankind. please everyone do not buy they are terrible. the phones are known to blow up or give electric shocks if used too frequently.
- E
- EunAh Kim
- 29 Oct 2006
I'm getting this phone soon!!
wot i love about is the memory SIZE!!
i luv it!!~
itz so BIG,but it can get bigger!!
cuz i sometime thought about gettn motorola phones or the sony erikson K something i dun remember!!
- g
- gab
- 2Gx
- 29 Oct 2006
can anyone tell me if 1gb memory card is possible for this phone without any problems or hickups or is 512mb the maximum that it can take?
- j
- john francis
- RxV
- 29 Oct 2006
i have this phone for almost 6 months...
its great, but ofcourse have its own flaws...
like battery life... cannot perform multiple task like playing music while listening to mp3's, slow data transfer using usb, slow camera response specially using highest setting, no fm radio, hard to find themes for the phone, and many more!!!!
try this.. while playing a recorded movie, press 1, and it will be displayed in full screen! yeh!!!
to fastforward a music while playing, press scroll right and hold it long enough to forward the song..
- F
- Florin
- nDW
- 28 Oct 2006
For the some of you who complain about the batery live, i think it would be a good ideea to format the batery 3 tims in a row in a week's time. The procedure is extreamly simple:
1. Drain the batery power until the phone turnes off.
2 Leave the phone turned off and charge it for 10-12 hours.
That is all. A simple and good method to revive your batery. I should metion that the phone has a lousy mp3 player(it lacks many options), and also it has a great "-" in the fact it dosn't have an instal manager for the .jar aplications. Except that, the phone is great.