Samsung D600
- ?
- Anonymous
- pYx
- 22 Oct 2006
hi there i'm going to buy this phone but one thing puts me off- is it correct that the phone has no 'voice dial' does this mean no voice dial when using bluetooth??
- e
- emi
- 4vj
- 22 Oct 2006
can someone tell me if d600 has it in black? because i`ve seen ppo use a black one before . . it was pure black there wasn't any gray linings
- G
- GasMcCloud
- k2p
- 22 Oct 2006
Is there anyway to add functionality to the phone's music player (fast forward, pause, etc.).??? Thanks
- G
- GasMcCloud
- k2p
- 22 Oct 2006
Is there anyway to speed up music transfers from computer to phone via USB?
- f
- freddy torres guerre
- PcK
- 22 Oct 2006
i think the cellphone is very funtional.. and have what i need
- G
- GasMcCloud
- k2p
- 22 Oct 2006
My phone does not ring right away. For some reason for the first two rings it is silent and kicks in on third ring. Is there anyway to make it ring immediately?
- j
- john smith
- n1r
- 21 Oct 2006
This is probably the best phone i have ever used!!!!! Samsung LCD screens are the best crisp-sharp reolutions ever!
Loads of features...would recommend!
- e
- elliot
- pwa
- 21 Oct 2006
i tried da thing to increase the volume using *#8889...... thing and i didnt work nd its messed me fone up does n e 1 no a way or the original numbers that are supposed to be in there for me to get it back the way it woz thanks
- R
- RubberyLover
- iIR
- 21 Oct 2006
Because i believe the USB feature is only v1.0, which runs at aprox 40-50Kbps
- G
- GasMcCloud
- k2p
- 21 Oct 2006
Why does it take so long to transfer music from my computer to the phone?
Thanks thanks thanks
- G
- GasMcCloud
- k2p
- 21 Oct 2006
Finale Question. Listening to music without head set sounds crappy. It must be a mistake on my side. Is there a way to make music louder. With out head seat. hope so. Tell me what to do. I am 78 years old technology is strange to me. ubarugbdgbuii
- G
- GasMcCloud
- k2p
- 21 Oct 2006
How do you get the speaker phone to work. I am old man and can't figure out these darn instructions.
- G
- GasMcCloud
- k2p
- 21 Oct 2006
How dou you add contacts from your old phone to new one?
- G
- GasMcCloud
- k2p
- 21 Oct 2006
Just got my D600 and was wondering if there are any updates i need to make in regards to software and drivers.
Does anyone know how to hook it up to cingular?
- R
- Ry
- Yc7
- 20 Oct 2006
To adjust volume, type *#8999*8378# and press send
a menu should come up, go to
H/W test
Audio Settings
and from there you can tweak the volume..
the main settings to look out for are
under Normal/Headset/Loud SPK xxx
Rx PGA which can be set to as high as 255
Rx vol. which again can be set to 255
then under IIS Normal/IIS Headset
Rx vol. seems 0 is loudest here
thats all i did, be sure to write down the previous values incase you screw up. iunno what they do EXACTLY, but my phone is pretty loud now... and mute doesnt mute it xD for some reason volume level 3 is silent now...
anyways... if you turn up the volume REALLY loud, you get typical low quality speaker sounds,.. u know like static-y bass and stuff..
- b
- bogdan_g
- nDy
- 20 Oct 2006
can u increase the volumes of the mp3's??
- M
- Mike
- 4At
- 20 Oct 2006
I was wondering if anyone elses down botton is sensitive when you touch it... mike is broken at the moment, going to fix it tmr
- ?
- Anonymous
- IgM
- 20 Oct 2006
I like this phone, but you when you text (without predicitive texting) you can't access the apostrophe unless selecting it in a menu. Also, you have to save every message individually if you want it to go to your outbox. I find this highly annoying. I seem to have problems with recieving picture messages too, but that could be a network problem. The phone has a decent enough camera and some basic editing options. Generally I would recommend it.
- t
- tj
- mxh
- 19 Oct 2006
loads of my friends say that this phone is worse than the e370 is it
- G
- GasMcCloud
- k2p
- 18 Oct 2006
I have just recently purchased a Samsung D600, and it should arrive shortly. Had several questions I hoped an experienced user could answer.
1.What is the appropriate way to charge it? Do I use the initial charge on the phone until it runs out and then fully charge it. Or do I charge it right after getting it. I am just worried about ruining the battery.
2.Does anyone know how to set it up for the Cingular network?
3.Is there a 1gig memory card for it? If so any recommendations.
If there is any other useful info on the phone I would definitely appreciate the feedback