Samsung D600
- ?
- Anonymous
- iIR
- 13 Oct 2006
i did have this handset but when i rote my bottle green saxo off my handset didnt survive..i was on my way to morrisons to do a thursday big shop gutted xx
- D
- Dean _A
- 13 Oct 2006
HI All,
I want to know as someone posted a comment that while talking over phone we can get a beep sound(alert) after 55 seconds but in my phone its 60 seconds. Kindly help me wiht the ans. Also when i play songs from Memory Card , it only plays the song which i select next song is not played. Kindly help with how I cn make it repeat all so that all the songs go on and on. Thanx.
- N
- Navara
- mut
- 12 Oct 2006
I am going to buy a new phone (I have Nokia 6230 now). I am between Samsung D 600 and Nokia 6131. Is there any body who knows whether it is possible to lock some files including text, pictures or videos for personal privacy in D 600?
- A
- Ankit
- PWg
- 12 Oct 2006
dude this phone is great. i just baught this fone and this is one of the best fones i have ever had in my whole life. i would rate this phone 10 out of 10, meaning 100%.
- E
- Egis`
- n9a
- 12 Oct 2006
try to charge then the phone is off. you`ll see the diferens ;]
- b
- boz
- P%u
- 12 Oct 2006
does itsupport 3gp format?
pls any1,nid ur answer...ty
- F
- Faisal
- PG3
- 12 Oct 2006
I am using D600E model. I have copied all my contacts from sim to phone. Now I wish to copy all my contacts (residing in phone) to my new sim. But i can't find any command to do so. I think this is its deficiency.
- D
- Dirk
- nBa
- 11 Oct 2006
''pls sir,
i want to know more about this phone coz am really contemplating about the slide.
How long will one use it before the slider removes from the phone coz that is what people talk about pls i really love you send me the responce to my mail as soon as possible.
will the slider ever disengage from the phone? ''
I have a D500 and D600............Never have had a problem with slides..They work fantastically smooth (better than any Nokias). They ares spring loaded.
- r
- raja
- 11 Oct 2006
Problem with the battery pls help me........................
- k
- kk
- Yaf
- 11 Oct 2006
For those of you who own this phone, I strongly recommend you to get a MicroSD, because it makes 2 hundred times faster data transferring than the phone.
- T
- Tavik
- m25
- 10 Oct 2006
i meant battery bar. not car :-)
- T
- Tavik
- m25
- 10 Oct 2006
My battery car its full and then all of a sudden the phone shuts down and the battery is empty,and i must recharge. is it the battery or the phone itself has a problem? pls help me out here 'cuz i dont wanna buy a new battery just yet.
- f
- fabunmi ishola temit
- mD1
- 10 Oct 2006
pls sir,
i want to know more about this phone coz am really contemplating about the slide.
How long will one use it before the slider removes from the phone coz that is what people talk about pls i really love you send me the responce to my mail as soon as possible.
will the slider ever disengage from the phone?
- d
- davide
- m25
- 09 Oct 2006
Someone said in a previous post to let battery life last longer change it from quadband to dualband that is:850/.... or 900/.....I hope my 5cents worth can help.
- R
- Reagan
- P%m
- 09 Oct 2006
For the D600, does the lights on the keypads that flashes when ever talking to someone on the phone? And you have to fix it?
- S
- Sean+o
- iLU
- 09 Oct 2006
wats the biggest amount of memory people have tested on these phones - just got one the other day and im trying to get a card thrown into it- but dont want to buy one that wont work in the phone cause that would be a nightmare
- k
- kate
- PSv
- 09 Oct 2006
lastly, any of u experience dat if u play mp3s and vid the batt really heats up...rli worries me..tnx
- k
- kate
- PSv
- 09 Oct 2006
as uv said im one of those who had prob wid the batt...i bot a new one but still its like the old d6 only lasts for 12 hours..that really sucks...(widout playing a vid or mp3)i hope ur solution just worried if its the unit that has a prob or just the batt..frm wat uv sed il giv it a try!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 Oct 2006
steve, yes you should have got a set of black headphones with your phone because i brought mine from the carphone warehouse aswell and i got headphones with mine.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 Oct 2006
meme, if you press 1 while the video is playing the video plays full screen.