Samsung D600
- k
- karkar
- mHd
- 24 Sep 2006
hiya, for those who already have samsung d600, is it possible to put images from the computer on to the fone to use as wallpapers? with image editor or something?
- k
- kyle18
- Nxs
- 24 Sep 2006
i had the same problem with connecting it to my pc. just go to, log in or register... then review the samsung d600 and then go to downloads... download the Sasmung Pc Studio... its free... and it works PERFECTLY.
- c
- cazza
- 23 Sep 2006
love the phone - but can someone please tell me how to turn voicemail off
- ?
- Anonymous
- mXB
- 23 Sep 2006
yh same here the usb cable dnt work lol! wts d point in them givin it 2 u if it dosnt work!!
- g
- gill
- Sr6
- 23 Sep 2006
I have a d600 and am trying to download some photos sent to me in a text message onto my memory card and can't do it . Can anyone help please as I've looked in the manual and tried everything I can think of and feel sure there must be a way and I've just not seen it. gill.
- C
- Camilla
- m7n
- 22 Sep 2006
I had this superb phone for three months, when it got stolen. I am therefore now looking for a new phone. I would have bought this one again, but the battery is just awful. Sometimes it hardly lasts one day! I really do love it though. Especially the design and the flip-technique. I was wondering if anyone knew of a phone as similiar as possible, but with much better battery..
- ?
- Anonymous
- nyh
- 22 Sep 2006
i bought the edge version and the battery last only 1 day. Photos and 3D sound qualitty are grate but the battery kills me
- R
- Ruff
- mEA
- 22 Sep 2006
can someone pls tell if there's a site where i can get samsung d600 themes??do they exist???pls answer
- k
- kery
- 22 Sep 2006
to Mikeyemd
Its realy big defect in this phone, when u move your photos to card more than one time, it creats same serial numbers, and can not move secound time unless u change the serial number of each photo, its realy troubled set, I am mistaken to buy it, before I was having w800i it was perfect set i have ever seen. was stolen.
- A
- Alex
- pYL
- 22 Sep 2006
Thank u 4 ur reply,it works!
im 2 havin problems with the computer,im trying to put stuff on my phone from it but the usb cable doesnt seem to wona connect?.......Cheers.
- ?
- Anonymous
- iAm
- 22 Sep 2006
is this phone compatable with TOMTOM? and if anyone has experienced severe problems please let me know. reply on here asap - thanks, Jacqueline....
- G
- Gna
- mH2
- 22 Sep 2006
''To make your image fit fully to the screen, go to samsung image editor. set the picture megapixel as 375x500. then, it will fit fully but the picture looks slighty streched.''
thanks Kel but wen i go on image editor i cant c anywhr whr i can change the megapixel! am i bein thick lol! x
- R
- Ruff
- mEA
- 22 Sep 2006
can someone help me??where can i find themes for samsung d600??i mean free themes??is there a site for all this??pls answer!!10x
- ?
- Anonymous
- mXB
- 21 Sep 2006
to Alex! u can make the video full screen by holding down number 1. and to make it record for longer press the left button (options) and u will c 1.take a photo...2.effects etc... click on timer and select off! hope that helps! ...also does anyone know how to connect phone 2 computor? ive tried everything and when i do it says camra busy???? thanx
- A
- Alex
- pY8
- 21 Sep 2006
How long can the d600 record 4 cos i only get 12sec,is there any way i can make it longer?....Cheers.
- A
- Alex
- pY8
- 21 Sep 2006
Hi, can any1 tell me why wen i watch my videos its in such a small box and not full screen?.....Cheers.
- m
- mikeyemd
- PZ9
- 21 Sep 2006
to kery,
i too have that problem and that's the reason why my phone memory gets full, i guess that why they place the MOVE TO option under the photos options.
- m
- mikeyemd
- PZ9
- 21 Sep 2006
hey R-2,
when you send a message don't just press send...rather press save and send. the message will be saved in the sentbox folder.
hope this helps.
- k
- kery
- 21 Sep 2006
any body knows how to store photos in memory card by default, seems there is no option available
- G
- GasMcCloud
- k2p
- 21 Sep 2006
Which is the better phone. Samsung d600 or nokia 6270.