Samsung D600
- s
- skeleton
- U2V
- 06 Sep 2006
no 1 seems to answer my questions :( but here is the answer to yours....
just follow the instructions.
- m
- misu
- mAZ
- 06 Sep 2006
one question does anybody knows how i can dawnload java games on my phone with the usb cable?....pls answer to me :D sfencs for all
- s
- skeleton
- U2V
- 06 Sep 2006
FREE sms text, no trick or scams totally free!
but first, when blocking a number from sms msgs, how is it possible to unblock?
- s
- skeleton
- U2V
- 06 Sep 2006
Does the external speaker have clear sound? quality? much louder, then normal?
And does it use much more of battery power?
- s
- skeleton
- U2V
- 06 Sep 2006
Thanks for the tip, buddy. I also just thought, there was a diffrent way of sent items being saved. Just use to nokias I guess.
- L
- Leo
- m9C
- 06 Sep 2006
I really like the look and features of this phone. I'm just concerned about the sliding mechanism. I've never had a slide phone, so I'm just wondering if, after a while, it gets loose or something. Any long time users out there?
- S
- Soroush
- jC}
- 06 Sep 2006
I just got this phone 2 month ago, great phone, best display I'v ever seen, TV out is amazing, camera's fantastic but what apity' It's sound could have been louder and it doesnt make the fullscreen.
- l
- luke
- nDM
- 05 Sep 2006
for the guy with the sms problem: jeez man...nice and fluent english...could barely understand what u asked 4... if u click on the menu button after u wrote the text message..u'll see that there are 2 ways 2 send it : send only and save and send ! if u wanna save ur sent message...u always gotta pick option #2 . romanian cracker ass cracker !
- s
- skeleton
- U2V
- 05 Sep 2006
Guys if you read a post about playing the mp3 player in the backround, with a small trick, forget it, it freezes the fone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTw
- 05 Sep 2006
Does enyone now how to save the sent messages?becouse if i sent a sms the phone indicate o sms sent please sent my a sms to my number +40740051304 please
- J
- Jay
- 05 Sep 2006
I have no idea how to set up my email account on this phone... i cant send pictures to my email off my phone... :( it just wont work.
- G
- G
- mH2
- 04 Sep 2006
oh there any way of hiding contacts numbers? so when u go 2 ur contacts there would just be a list of names like the nokia phones? x thanks again x
- G
- G
- mH2
- 04 Sep 2006
u cant have ur on msg tones only the 1s on the fone :( wish u could tho! u can only have ur own ringtones.
while im here....any1 know how 2 get a screensaver? mines blank @ mo! & how do u set a password 4 ur msgs etc? x thanks x
- m
- misu
- mAZ
- 04 Sep 2006
does anybody knows if i can change the messege tone except the 10'th of the mobile?......please answer to me :(((
- s
- shaf
- 04 Sep 2006
is there anyway 2 have a screensaver or permanantly show the time on the front? at the moment mine is just blank. how do i get it done? please let me know.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mX8
- 03 Sep 2006
oh ok thanx!!!
- c
- char
- my6
- 03 Sep 2006
well i think you have ruined ur usb cable but you can a a bluetooth plug but it costs about 50 pounds
- M
- Nxs
- 03 Sep 2006
An excellent cellphone that is very user friendly as well as packed with superb features.The quality & feel is really good as well.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mX8
- 03 Sep 2006
ok thanx 4 your help!! i have windows xp i think? and i dont have a memory card so do u think i should get one? but do u no why it dosnt work? it should do shouldnt it? so what do i need 2 get a sim card? thanx 4 ur help!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 03 Sep 2006
To the person having usb connectivity problems-try going into settings, then phone settings, then usb settings then select mass storage. If you have windows 2000 or higher it should be recognised as a remeovable disk and you can drag items you want into it. However, this only works when you have a memeory card inserted into the phone!