Samsung details health sensor upgrades for the upcoming Galaxy Watches

Peter, 08 July 2024

It’s two days until the Galaxy Unpacked launch and Samsung is taking advantage of the quiet before the event kicks off to focus on one particular feature of the upcoming Galaxy Watch series – the updated BioActive Sensor.

The sensor will provide more accurate health measurements than the original version in the current Galaxy Watch6 series. This enables predictive and preventative wellness features to be implemented.

The first feature will show the Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) Index – this is an indicator of metabolic health and biological aging, which is influenced by your lifestyle and eating habits. This will be used to track how your fitness improves as you change your regimen. There will be more features, but Samsung is keeping those under wraps for now.

Samsung details health sensor upgrades for the upcoming Galaxy Watches

Going back to the sensor, it has received a major overhaul. The new design adds more LEDs with different colors (Blue, Yellow, Violet and even Ultraviolet in addition to the familiar Green, Red and Infrared lights). Samsung engineers were also able to optimize the placement of each LED.

The light from those LEDs is captured by photodiodes, which were improved as well – Samsung claims that the photodiodes on the new BioActive Sensor have double the performance of the diodes on the old sensor.

Altogether, these improvements will offer more accurate heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen, sleep quality and stress level monitoring. The new sensor also has superior accuracy (30% better) when measuring heart rate during intensive workouts.



Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 11 Jul 2024
  • Ibx

How could it do blood glucose from the watch?

  • Rawr
  • 09 Jul 2024
  • RrK

I really hope this means the watch 7 would be able to do blood glucose estimates. It would really be helpful for me and I would buy it in a heartbeat.

go find athletes' reviews or scientific reviews. they all compare (running, biking, swimming, weight training...) these wearables by proven reference chest strap HR sensor and tell samsung sensors lack accuracy by far compared to smartwatches. m...

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