Samsung E900
- ?
- Anonymous
- irI
- 13 May 2006
Support Bluetooth 2.0
- ?
- Anonymous
- wvG
- 13 May 2006
This is a great phone! You will be happy to buy this phone! Always I visit the website before dicide my phone and I finaly changed the K750i to E900. How about you? contact me via:
- e
- el chupador bulbulit
- PZt
- 12 May 2006
whata fone!! whata fone!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4xn
- 12 May 2006
This is a great looking phone, best i've seen, I've been spending the last couple of days looking on ebay for this phone. Suprisingly the phone has been up for sale more than a few times. But the seller always seems to remove the phone before the bidding has ended. Funny!! If you want you can check it out for yourself. If there is nothing posted try again every 6 hours. Just type in "Samsung e900"
- ?
- Anonymous
- 11 May 2006
good look... i'll give a rating of 10/10
- a
- andy
- iLV
- 10 May 2006
VERY NICE doesnt seem lyk it has loadz of features though, my mum has da D500 and i think its crap and has nothin on it so im nt sure bout samsung, wb and help me change my mine lol
- ?
- Anonymous
- QS1
- 10 May 2006
Then i am just wondering... does this mean that it will be impossible to find unbranded samsung E900 ?
- s
- skyblumatt
- pYA
- 10 May 2006
For your information guys an email from Samsung, hope this is of some help for you.
Customer Reference No. - 2101359069
In replyto your e-mail. There is no official release date set for the
SGH-E900. Currently, the Networks have the phone for testing and it is
the Networks who will announce the official release date.
I hope this has been of some assistance to you. If you do have any
further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards
Sean Wood
- K
- Q$5
- 10 May 2006
this phone is my dream, and also all my friends want it. does anybody have an idea when is this going to be available? the most beautiful samsung ever made! way to go samsung, you are the best in the industry! i wont spend 64 k for vertu, but i will spend like a $1000 for this.
- K
- Kal
- Ybt
- 09 May 2006
Oh Boy..I read that before..It didnt hit the stores yet..will be out sometime soon in this month.
- J
- Justin
- 47s
- 09 May 2006
Here is the link:
E900 is officially released!(will be available soon)
- K
- Kal
- jc}
- 09 May 2006
Damn! I would like to see a phone where you push a button and the peypad slids down. That would be cool. May be we would see something in coming days. You never know!Cheers.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mG8
- 09 May 2006
Manually offcourse. If you'd have to use a button to open the phone it wouldn't be very practical.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Gyi
- 09 May 2006
Hey guys ! Does slider automatically slide up/down at the touch of a button or does it need to be manually pushed up/down with the finger ?.
- K
- Kal
- jc}
- 09 May 2006
"Justin", would you please post where did you see this been released.
According to this should be released by the end of May. There are few European sites taking pre-orders.
- J
- Justin
- 47s
- 08 May 2006
E900 has just released in Europe.
Finally, this phone is available!!!
- P
- PcMan
- nuC
- 07 May 2006
IS there FM radio ? Here isn't written but does it have ?? Also some more information about battery life ? Any pictures from model's earphones in the package ? Sound quality ? Thanks.
- K
- Kal
- jc}
- 06 May 2006
"side-by-side comparison"!! oh yes, but why with E900??. Please do that with D870 and Crapi would look thick next to it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4Qy
- 06 May 2006
I disagree. Capri looks stylish to me. It is thinner than E900 and its back is totally flat when the slider is slid out. Would need someone to do a side-by-side comparison, though.
- K
- Kal
- jc}
- 06 May 2006
Frankly Moto 'Capri' looks 'Crappy' to me, infact the Chinese copy of RAZR slider CECT S500 ( looks better than Capri(MS600).And then Moto Razr class models are well known for their notorious functionalities.
E900 is in a different class.