Samsung E900
- K
- K
- Rdx
- 16 Jul 2007
u can switch head phone where you attach your charger e900 gave same palce to attach charger or head phone and try to attach original head phone of e900 you cannot use other one ...
and 2gb is best 4 has lot of space...
- l
- lauren
- 15 Jul 2007
Please can you tell me if this phone comes with a memory card. if it does can you tell me how much memory it has on it. Thank you
Also how long do the sensitive keys last because in someone's review they only lasted 10 months. your replies would be grateful. Thank you once again
Please email me on or with your replies
- L
- Love
- 2S@
- 15 Jul 2007
Hi Friends, Can anyone tell me where I attached headphones becasue there is no space to attach the headphones. Can I insert 2GB micro SD card to this or buy 1GB what is the best option. Someone says that 2GB & some 1GB what is the best.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nEP
- 14 Jul 2007
Hi i am getting the E900 on tuesday please tell me is it really good like some people say or is it bad like others say
- L
- Loza
- 0p6
- 14 Jul 2007
I have dis fone in pink and its well awsume every1 shud buy it is the best fome yet! xx
- K
- K
- Rdx
- 13 Jul 2007
can you please set your all mobile phone this option (vivid text messeg)i like it verry much and the other one option is display background is blak not gray only black.thanks
- K
- Rdx
- 13 Jul 2007
e900 is very very nice.i like it very much and i like it vivid text messeg option very much.
- l
- liam
- I7x
- 12 Jul 2007
oi trust this fone is wkd mi other fone jus broke n i bout a brand new 1 for £70 n der wkd HA
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Rc
- 12 Jul 2007
I just got this phone in Black. It's so nice! The keys are not as hard as some people say. They took about 30 minutes to get used to, and now I love it! Camera is awesome.
- ?
- Anonymous
- RN$
- 12 Jul 2007
i really like this phone and i can buy it for $220 does any1 think i should buy it ?
and also does it have like a rotating camera or something that faces u were u can take fotos
- a
- april
- 11 Jul 2007
Any phone in pink to recommend? I live in singapore, and i dont think got pink in sg :(
- l
- lozz
- my3
- 11 Jul 2007
it says its pink but its sooo not its red sowwi
- a
- april
- 11 Jul 2007
Does this phone come in pink? i saw a picture of this phone but is in pink colour, but i was not pretty sure. i want a phone which in pink colour badly :D
- a
- adam
- 11 Jul 2007
im going to get a e900
- P
- Paul
- i55
- 11 Jul 2007
Hi livioo. Yes you can watch movies on Landscape, i.e fullscreen. Just press key no. 1 and hold it down for some time when you have played your movie. It will turn to fullscreen mode and you can even slide it down to continue watch. Further, you can repeat above, to change the landscape way on your to the way you want to hold your phone when slided down.
Yes, you can use Opera 3.1 on it. I am using it too. Further, the new Opera 4 Beta is also very interesting on the phone, I also use it too. just download them and enjoy.
Cheers. Paul.
- s
- ss
- mJs
- 11 Jul 2007
Pleas can someone tell me how i can upload my photos from the e9oo on to my laptop??i dont have bluetooth on my laptop so i cant do it that way..I dont have a memory card all my photos are saved in images/my photos? Help me please!!!
- m
- michael
- 2Gd
- 11 Jul 2007
this phone is amazing dont be put off by cry babies saying how the touch pad is too sensitive and you make calls while its in your pocket and when you take a call it disconnects when it touches your face dont believe them because it locks while your in a call or not using it. the downside to this phone is the shutter speed on the phone isn't that great except it makes up for it in quality
- H
- M@T
- 11 Jul 2007
Wow!!! l dont see anything wrong with e900. Soft touch keypads, wide screen, very fast in browsing email, best picture quality. l would sugest any one who wants to buy samsung to go for e900. The only problem l can see (which is miner) whith this phone is that it can not ring and vibrate at the same time when new message received. Herbert Kingazi - Tanzania
- l
- lozz :P
- M@P
- 10 Jul 2007
ive got this phone but it came with orange !!! if i insert my o2 sim will it be accepted or will it mess the phone up??? please tell me asap !!!
tar chickas
- l
- livioo
- nDW
- 10 Jul 2007
Hi, could you guyz be so kind as to tell me if I can watch movies on this phone in landscape mode (full screen) ...also would the Opera browser work on this...thank you!!