Samsung E900
- d
- deyaa
- iDm
- 30 Jun 2007
hey all<
what about using a 1 giga memory card for this phone?
does it works propaply
thanks for ur concern
- K
- Kirsty
- mxt
- 29 Jun 2007
I really could use some help pls. I have been trying to put some games on my phone and everytime i get to the part where it says install, I can and it come up with an error message saying invalid format.
I would really be greatful if someone could help me out with this problem as soon as possible.
- N
- Nat
- pYU
- 29 Jun 2007
HIya could somebody please help me as my e900 screen keeps going white i have turned it on and off i dont no how many times and taken the battery out but every time i turn it back on it goes white please could somebody help me fix it
- B
- Biohazard
- iGg
- 29 Jun 2007
i need help for USB... i cant connect my E900 with pc. i install cd with programs and drivers... but i still cant connect pc with my e900. i wait answers from you fellas
- ?
- Anonymous
- P@U
- 28 Jun 2007
hellow check cananyone pleaseeeeee tell me can i use it as edge modem
- K
- Karen OMahoney
- Gqj
- 28 Jun 2007
Great phone once you get used of the touch screen. Good features, nice and neat for your pocket or bag and it looks stylish too. I would definately reccomend it.
- m
- mark
- nEt
- 25 Jun 2007
had one of these great phone, but the touch screen is so anoying. Bad move samsung.
- C
- Chelle
- 478
- 23 Jun 2007
CAn any1 please show me how to unlock my phone so i can send and receive picture messages. Greatly appreciated!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2Gm
- 22 Jun 2007
hi duz any1 know wat type of video it takes? the format? is it the same as d600 coz if it is ill definitely buy this fone
- l
- lozz
- M@P
- 19 Jun 2007
lol fat fingers !!! anyway i cor wait till my phone cums it shud b here within 3 weeks and im so excited. hope i get used to the touch buttons. so u can lock the fone so you dont press the buttons in your pocket? lol gotta mke sure :P. and 1 mur question
how many pictures can you store in the fone?
oh and
how many songs? my friend can only put 15 on
- j
- james
- TkG
- 19 Jun 2007
i'd just like to tell everyone, theres absolutely nothing wrong with this phone whatsoever.the touch sensitive buttons are fantastic, the day i got the phone i got the hang of them, the rest of you must have very fat fingers. the signals brilliant, the screen is very bright and colourfu, the camera, even though i conceed does take slightly long to load but its nothing to worry about is billiant and yeah, the sounds quality of the mp3 is very good.
the one gripe i have about it is the fact that it takes so long to set up the mp3, you gotta add songs to the playlists and then use it.,..
- j
- jimbo
- nFh
- 19 Jun 2007
why is everyone goin on about knockin the buttons in ur pocket??? all u gotta do is set the slide option to stop operation when its down!!!! it then locks till u slide it up... come on even my 5 year old son cud work that out
- ?
- Anonymous
- iIR
- 19 Jun 2007
no sorry not fat fingers but any one who like a sirroco and daft enough to want one is out of there mind no features and buttons are too small to use you need a need to press a button and same for the e900 same as any other samsung no battery life and buttons to small and using lg touch screen for phones which is better than lg but too hard to use
- ?
- Anonymous
- MF5
- 19 Jun 2007
you must have fat fingers to say that!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- MF5
- 19 Jun 2007
this phone is the daddy it looks smooth as!
- a
- ali m
- mXE
- 18 Jun 2007
thank god ive now got rid of the e900. the touch sensitive keys were more of a pain in the backside than u can imagine !!!
- s
- steunit
- MF{
- 18 Jun 2007
Is anyone else having the problem of when ur charging the phone the touch buttons dont work?
- t
- toyin
- fuN
- 18 Jun 2007
cant figure out where the memory card is and how the video camera works,pls show the internal view of the phone
- l
- lozz
- M@P
- 17 Jun 2007
but wouldnt that drain your battery rlly bad?
- M
- Mehmet
- U2D
- 17 Jun 2007
So when it's charging the backlight doesn't go off. But this is an awesome feature, now I can find my phone in the dark, and I have a little night light :)