Samsung E900
- ?
- Anonymous
- nx2
- 11 Apr 2007
I got this fone just yesterday and i LOVE it! i've had other models before the samsung and i prefer the way that keys and features are all set out on the samsung, i had no prob getting to grips with the touch pad, and the cam is absolutely awesome. I haven't used a d900 so cnt compare which is best, but i would recommend this fone to ne1. And complaints about writing reli long txts and then accidentally deletin it all instead of just one character - i give it a soft touch to cancel one letter and it doesn't do anything! there no way u cud accidentally touch it and delete everything unless u stamp on it or summat!
- J
- JC
- xT%
- 10 Apr 2007
Had this phone for a couple of weeks now. GREAT looking phone first and foremost. Few gripes though: won't ring and vibrate at the same time, predictive text isn't on by default when sending messages, centre button starts connecting to the web, the touch sensitive buttons take some getting used to, not compatible with OS X Address Book, and some MP3's won't play for some reason. Basically, it looks superb but the functions are poorly designed.
- ?
- Anonymous
- I7y
- 10 Apr 2007
to maddy i would like to know your first impressions of it because i quite like it but can you tell what you think of it
because i might be getting it this month
- ?
- Anonymous
- I7y
- 10 Apr 2007
do not buy this phone i bought it the first day it came out and i have had nothing but hell from it all the timethe touch buttons can call people without you knowing and the camera is not very good and the phone button is also cancel please unless you want a really rubish phone do not get it and samsung features get really boring and there is no themes
- M
- Maddy
- p6H
- 09 Apr 2007
gonna buy this phone tomoro. wasnt too sure about it. ive read wuite alot of reveiws on this phone and there seems to be more good reveiws than bad. i think im still gonna buy it. i reckon i can get used to the touch buttons and if i cant then ill have to go back and get it changed :) quite excited about it tbh.
- r
- rob
- 2Tp
- 09 Apr 2007
i am finking about buying this phone but i just want to no a couple of things about the phone first. is the load speaker when playing music any good??? also does the speaker damage easily wen used at full volume or is it very good quality??? tjank you to anybody who can help :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- PvW
- 09 Apr 2007
does anyone know where a can get the E900XXFH1 firmware. please email me at
thank you
- M
- 2I6
- 09 Apr 2007
hey! i own the e900, and i recently swapped my e900 for the d900 with my friend for bout a week.
TO me, the e900 feels way better in ur hands than the d900. the d900 is a bit bulky.
THE user interfaces are similar on both fones, but the d900 enjoys some perks, missing from the e900, such as "ringing & vibraring" and other useful things. THe d900 is definately more media enriched. The screen is A LOT better for a reason, even though on paper they are similar.
The main reason on buying either fones comes down to ur choice. U shld chek it out in the stores. CUz do u wunt a looker or a kick as cam, but the camera on the d900 takes FOREVER to save. its not funni.
Hope i have helped Yall!
- n
- nazra
- fuV
- 08 Apr 2007
hello ane1 hea hu cld tell me wat wld b da highest cost 4 dis fone n i it has ane probs thanx in advance!may god bless you!!
- w
- wolf
- mqd
- 08 Apr 2007
can you get themes for the phone (samsung E900)
- ?
- Anonymous
- wgS
- 08 Apr 2007
Depending on your firmware, you might have to find your own patches for your message tones. There are patches out there though, and I'm using a custom message tone.
- (
- (*(Secret)*)
- nxi
- 08 Apr 2007
Hey, I've Bought This Phone For My Dad's Birthday And I Would Definately Say I's Worth It. I've Previouly tested The Phone In A Vodaphone Store, And To Me I'd Say It Is Good Quality And Worth Buying.
- B
- Bink
- 4G5
- 06 Apr 2007
I would like to know if this phone it's worth buying it? what pros and cons does it have???
- s
- sousou
- Mn%
- 06 Apr 2007
hi plz how to copie songs from my computer to my telephone using the USB cable.Thx
- s
- sousou
- Mn%
- 06 Apr 2007
the E900 is good but i want to know how to copie some songs to the mobile ? plz help me and which is better the E900 or the D900 thx for your intension
- z
- zinnie
- i3D
- 06 Apr 2007
I just got the phone few weeks ago. Still getting used to it. But I do have a prob hope someone can help to solve. Each time I accidently pressed the wrong key, there's a loud alert tone. It's kind a annoying tough. Was thinking is there anyway to off that alert sound?
- s
- sat
- ibh
- 06 Apr 2007
i just wan to ask a general n non bias question k guys.. which hp is better?? the E900 or D900??
jay==> thx for replyin my previous ques.
- J
- James
- wg6
- 06 Apr 2007
Hi Guys, Just one very very very handy tip for ya! To get the battery to last alot longer set the light settings to the lowest level. It is still perfectly visible but does not drain nearly as much battery!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 49V
- 05 Apr 2007
Yes, you can put videos on this phone. I'm not sure what format it supports (probably mp4, 3gp and avi), but you can watch all your tv shows and movies on it. Excellent feature, IMO.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Bqt
- 05 Apr 2007
Im hoping to get my E900 tonight and i know it can take videos but can you download videos onto the phones someone PLZ help me!