Samsung F110
- M
- Mr Clean
- q{2
- 19 May 2008
You kidding me. phone selling on ebay for around $500 and phone comes with not memory card slot. LOL, this is a jok. this is a sport phone where most pepole want to listen to music wile running or rollerblading ot biking. GO NOKIA GO
- ?
- Anonymous
- m5M
- 16 May 2008
Im a personal trainer and this fone is just a gimmick.... dont waste your money!!!!!
- A
- mCi
- 13 May 2008
Adidas And samsung !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Bi
- 08 May 2008
Sounds good, but too expensive
- r
- rakeb
- mJU
- 29 Apr 2008
this day samsung f110 Available,now present in the market,but nokia 3120 until now coming soon....29-4-2008
- T
- TC16
- kH@
- 25 Apr 2008
this phone is £180
its way to mutch!
u can get a sd w910 4 £150
or a SAM G600
the F110 should be £100 max
have u pepel heard of a nokia 5500 it dose the samthing
- ?
- Anonymous
- SkE
- 20 Apr 2008
Any one can tell me Is there any answering machin fucntion available in this model?
Thanks in advance.
- a
- ak
- p@5
- 16 Apr 2008
it's a nice work from samsung ,it's look so fantastic by it's arm band and it's stereo phones.there some model from sony erricson in this field but it has no acssesory about it's usage as a pedometer but samsung make one of the best in this field .
- ?
- Anonymous
- q{r
- 16 Apr 2008
all u people that are bitching and complainin that theres no wifi and 3g, the reason is because samsung is being realistic, not everyone out there can afford those phones, samsung is making phones that everyone can use, phones that are realistic and affordable, thats how u make money, not by making the best thing on the market that no one can afford
- j
- jon23
- PVh
- 15 Apr 2008
all samsung phones have wi-fi!!! the same case with i550 which you should hack "in" just to unlock its wifi function. got the info from google and youtube.
- a
- aziz
- nCb
- 10 Apr 2008
What is the talk time off this phone ? please explaine.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2x5
- 05 Apr 2008
Why Samsug wasting time making all these phones with no 3G or Wi-Fi????? What si the problem? Samsung has no engineer on Board to know how to put Wi-Fi on their phones???
- S
- Steve Bailey
- mX9
- 28 Mar 2008
Samsung, why in the name of BLAZES do you not use SyncML?! For heaven's sake - It makes storing information so much easier if you don't have a USB cable or a computer handy. Unique is fine, but not at the expense of your customers. Sort your lives out.
- R
- Rotinkulo
- pRP
- 26 Mar 2008
This is a good looking phone... i like it bcuz its also a mp3 phone! the price will be at list...$450
- M
- Mostafa Arianfar
- prm
- 26 Mar 2008
The design seems very nice and and the features is fantastic .
- t
- tc 17
- kH@
- 25 Mar 2008
it like a nokia 5500
it can only estimate how far with a pedometer (every time u step times by your avrge step) n your hart rate thiok of polar watch if u want to know how it going 2 be get a nokia 5500 eny way it wont be beter then a nokia 5500
- a
- ambu
- M{3
- 25 Mar 2008
beautifull.after the success of armani smsg doing great job again. When it will launch in uae.&what will be the price.
- S
- Sahbiot
- vkM
- 25 Mar 2008
Can someone please explain specifically how this mobile can measure; Heart Rate, Stride...etc. That sounds unbelievable. Is it even reliable and accurate?
- D
- Dani
- nEw
- 24 Mar 2008
well thats ok whats wrong with that?
i bet all the football coaches will have this phone....
- M
- Marwan
- upq
- 22 Mar 2008
looks like a tv remote