Samsung F490
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 Mar 2008
Comon wake up your idea , Different phone are cater for different market , not everyone wants a phone with wifi or what s*** , when they just want it to be prefect in design with decent function , Thats why there are so many different model out there . How u expect to have a phone with everything inside . Must well wait for company to create a laptop small enuff then u can have everything u want. Get a life n STop Whining .
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0xi
- 07 Mar 2008
LG Viewty is so much better, this phone is trying to be Viewty...
- D
- Dr
- pYR
- 07 Mar 2008
Looks great, but agree with other comments no WiFi, no GPS and just a doc viewer rather than pocket word etc applications are serious deficiencies. The gloomy colours are also unacceptable. Also lacks voice clarity feature which works very well on D900. Hardly a leap forward.
- t
- thisphonesucks
- w9J
- 05 Mar 2008
I reckon this phone is sexy and thats all. People try to sell phones with the "5 megapixel" tag. its just not working anymore. pffft QVGA with 15fps. common maaan. the whole iphone rip off thing and bad OS is not helping at all. good luck samsung
- F
- Faisel
- MMy
- 04 Mar 2008
I don't see the point, they aint gonna get nowhere by trying to compete with the iPhone.
- G
- Grave-dig
- Mtq
- 02 Mar 2008
Video on this phone sucks! (QVGA @ 15 fps)
- i
- itbrian
- 29 Feb 2008
No WLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!argggggggg
- a
- adam
- mSM
- 28 Feb 2008
total waste of money, why the hell this big touch screen if there is no symian or wm Os??!!! with no wifi too there is no sense in the web browser, just tell me what market section is this device dedicated to??!!!!!
- n
- nao
- mdP
- 25 Feb 2008
Good look, i dont use GPS, neither wifi
- P
- P
- ML%
- 25 Feb 2008
okay fair then.. is it possible to by it through the net ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- u1P
- 25 Feb 2008
this phone is released, saw it in BEL company in Belgium two weeks ago
- ?
- Anonymous
- q}v
- 23 Feb 2008
if it had wm6 and wifi id buy it right away
- n
- nick
- vGg
- 21 Feb 2008
buying this phone is total money waste...
- c
- chayou
- MwJ
- 20 Feb 2008
released in france by bouygues telecom the price is 149€ whit a 12 months contrat
- ?
- Anonymous
- vCx
- 20 Feb 2008
Great phone. Why oh why no GPS or wifi! Wifi atleast is needed as it would be icing on cake. Also video should record at 30fps
- J
- Jax
- m%u
- 17 Feb 2008
Missing the GPS function !!!
- s
- sicobiso
- ftk
- 15 Feb 2008
Hey everbody,,,
This just in samsung at MWC released with the f480 a new touch user-interface called TOUCH-WIZ...
If ur wondering y this phone has not started shiping yet when it should have a week ago is because last minute samsung decided to ship the f490 with the new touch-wiz UI instead of the croix UI
Proof of this:
- d
- diana
- whB
- 15 Feb 2008
im so inlove with this lovely phone,,im loyal fanatic of samsung inc. i hope more phones to it,.
- s
- starrider
- Nxs
- 13 Feb 2008
@ Fab
I agree with here in South Africa(Im in CT)alays get the sold out models here. Its all a marketing ploy, releasing on old overseas model here as a new release. Anyway, if you want something similar to this phone that is available locally, i suggest you have a look at the LG990 Viewty. It has exactly the same specs. Be warned though that operating a touch screen takes alot of getting used to, as well as the change in menu set-up. I was also looking at getting this phone, but like you, also could not find one. I suppose thats how companies loose customers..they go somewhere else to find what they look for. Good hunting.
- ?
- Anonymous
- v3x
- 11 Feb 2008
3G, 5.0MP Samsung F490. why not?