Samsung Galaxy A13

Samsung Galaxy A13

Prices in US, UK, India, EU

Best deals in USD, GBP, INR, EUR

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Here are the lowest prices we could find for the Samsung Galaxy A13 at our partner stores. Click on any of the prices to see the best deals from the corresponding store. We may get a commission from qualifying sales.

United States 32GB 3GB RAM64GB 4GB RAM128GB 4GB RAM
Canada 64GB 4GB RAM
United Kingdom 32GB 3GB RAM64GB 4GB RAM128GB 4GB RAM
Europe 32GB 3GB RAM64GB 4GB RAM128GB 4GB RAM
India 64GB 4GB RAM
Australia 32GB 3GB RAM128GB 4GB RAM

The pricing published on this page is meant to be used for general information only. While we monitor prices regularly, the ones listed above might be outdated. We also cannot guarantee these are the lowest prices possible so shopping around is always a good idea.

If you decide to make a purchase, make sure you review the listing carefully so that the hardware configuration, the item condition, and its price all match what you expect. Check the warranty coverage for your country and be aware of any potential extra charges like sales tax and shipping or customs fees.

We provide the links for price comparison purposes but as Associates to Amazon and the other stores linked above, we may get a commission from any qualifying purchases you make because we have referred you to the store. The affiliate programs GSMArena participates in are completely independent of our editorial product review process and our editors do not benefit from picking out specific deals.