Samsung Galaxy A50
- G
- GalaxyUser
- uvc
- 22 Apr 2019
Anonymous, 22 Apr 2019Exynos 7885 is equal to what snapdragon?Exynos 7885 is somewhere btw SD636 and SD660.
- G
- GalaxyUser
- uvc
- 22 Apr 2019
Teddy Sadcat, 22 Apr 2019Somewhere between a Snapdragon 660 to 710Exynos 7885 is below than SD660.Check the benchmark performance.
Exynos 9610 is btw SD660 and SD710.
- Teddy Sadcat
- PS6
- 22 Apr 2019
Anonymous, 22 Apr 2019Exynos 7885 is equal to what snapdragon?Somewhere between a Snapdragon 660 to 710
- ?
- Anonymous
- vx6
- 22 Apr 2019
Exynos 7885 is equal to what snapdragon?
- -
- --VM--
- D0b
- 21 Apr 2019
Bernie_en, 21 Apr 2019I've had this phone for a week and in the first few days, t... moreAfter login in several account.
Turn off sync .
Because it cause battery drain
- ?
- Anonymous
- CD5
- 21 Apr 2019
Is this phone water resistant?
- D
- Dawn jay
- 21 Apr 2019
San16195, 21 Apr 2019Samsung A50 Vs Redmi Note 7 (Indian Variant) Vs Redmi not... moreCamera is better in note 7 pro and its supported gcam.
If you want a good camera quality way better go with note 7 pro but I'm a galaxy a50 user and I'm satisfied with features that came with triple camera setup in a50. And exynoz 9610 is very good processor because my phone is running very smoothly and I played pubg in HD and realistic graphics without any lagging and phone didn't get heat. Also the finger print sensor work fast than I thought and I'm very satisfied with my phone.
- L
- Leopard
- 3AM
- 21 Apr 2019
Dombah, 21 Apr 2019Between a50 and a7 2018 which sholud I buyGo for A50 way better than A7 2018.
- e
- egyption
- NkW
- 21 Apr 2019
I bought it in Egypt .. a50 .. and sold it after 15 days I sold this machine so I'm very happy.. losing 1000 pounds Egyptian
l sold it used .. I hate this machine too .. My heart is filled with sadness because I bought it
- N
- Nayeem Khan
- XR2
- 21 Apr 2019
Arfan, 20 Apr 2019This is pathatic mobile. I just could keep with me max. 24 ... moreI am feeling sorry for you.Keep buying & using phones when you're dreaming.
- N
- Nayeem Khan
- XR2
- 21 Apr 2019
San16195, 21 Apr 2019Samsung A50 Vs Redmi Note 7 (Indian Variant) Vs Redmi not... more660
- S
- San16195
- D0g
- 21 Apr 2019
Samsung A50 Vs Redmi Note 7 (Indian Variant) Vs Redmi note 7 pro ?
Which is performance wise and camera wise bettter?
Exynos 9610 is similar to Snapdragon __ ?
- -
- --VM--
- D0b
- 21 Apr 2019
Dombah, 21 Apr 2019Between a50 and a7 2018 which sholud I buyFuture features are in a50 .
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nj4
- 21 Apr 2019
Anonymous, 21 Apr 2019This phone makes the Samsung Galaxy A7 2018 looks like a joker. That's because samsung was joking around with their phones in the last years
- D
- Dombah
- 21 Apr 2019
Between a50 and a7 2018 which sholud I buy
- L
- Leopard
- 3AM
- 21 Apr 2019
zhoulwern, 21 Apr 2019I bought this mobile but I do not know if the wireless char... moreNo it's not support wireless charging and beside this is not a flagship phone. But this one is fast charging.
- G
- GalaxyUser
- uv1
- 21 Apr 2019
Anonymous, 20 Apr 2019Bro how can we know that, i mean ufs 1.0 or 2.0There is app called "Androbench" where you can test your test the speed. I tested it give sequential reading speed about 500 MBPS
which falls under category of UFS 2.0.
For more info
- z
- zhoulwern
- 3rW
- 21 Apr 2019
I bought this mobile but I do not know if the wireless charger is going to support it
pleas help me
- M
- Mike Rogers
- SdX
- 21 Apr 2019
Arfan, 20 Apr 2019This is pathatic mobile. I just could keep with me max. 24 ... moreYou are missing the whole point, Samsung have created this to target the mid range market, phone with low price but with higher specs. Of course you will expect some cost cutting in hardware features but software wise its very reasonable. If you argue that the build quality is bad. then go for flagship, that's if you can afford one?
- B
- Bernie_en
- 21 Apr 2019
I've had this phone for a week and in the first few days, the battery was pretty good. However once the 1st week hit, the battery started to go down, Dropping much more than the first week with use. Shouldn't be happening to a brand-new phone. Also, it takes more than 2 hours to charge fully on fast charging when it took shorter (about 1.5 within the first week). Does anyone have these issues as well and are there any solutions? Thanks all.