Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016)
- S
- Saber
- 7Xh
- 26 Feb 2016
Is this sasung galaxy a5 has theme store?or theme'?
- D
- AnonD-507159
- Kgf
- 26 Feb 2016
hahahaha bro you say true but iam saying thats exynous prosseser is fast but not that fast for sanapdargan s7 came with sanap daragon prosser i am using s6 but its bugs and not responsive any time some problem gain my s6 but now i use in china s7 its preminium and very fast then older s6 because samsung use sanapdaragon 820 chip all companies use sanapdargan chip exynous is not baad but sanapdargan is one of the best chip when you are a gamer you buy sanapdargan chpset phones fpr samsung because the games with run smooth on sanapdargon prosser when you are best gamer you buy iphone i am using two phones one is iphone 6 and s6 in my opinoin iphone is best fpr gaming but you have andruod user you by sanapdargan phones they play better games and performance then exynous sanapdargan heated some time but great i am saying that did not mind brooo
- c
- chocobo
- uCp
- 26 Feb 2016
[deleted post]Bro im very not agreed you comment, i hv note 4, note 5, alpha & A5(6) both EXYNOS chipset but until now i didnt face any lag & hang issue.For me SD/exynos both are good & depend on how you use it. So can you answer my question BMW & mercedes benz which one batter?
- k
- kymbray
- 7Xa
- 26 Feb 2016
best midrange phone yet. samsung is the best
- o
- opimistak
- t@J
- 26 Feb 2016
Esdeath, 25 Feb 2016Guys i have a version of do i know if what ch... moredownload CPU-Z OR PHONEINFO from play these apps you can see lots of etails about ur phone's hardware.
- D
- AnonD-507159
- Kgf
- 26 Feb 2016
bro exynos performance is noot great sanapdargan prosseser is best samsung s6 samsung use exynos prossesser it very slow and bugs came now s7 samsung not ise exynos prossesser its use snapdragon beachside sanapdargan is best you buy a5 2016 with sanapdargan prosseser its best you can check the detail fpr samsung s7 on gsmarena than you khow how i am says and check on youtube review
- D
- AnonD-507940
- 6Pk
- 26 Feb 2016
AnonD-507159, 25 Feb 2016samsung and apple companies phones is best phones ever thes... moreHows it performance...??
- D
- AnonD-506224
- tA$
- 26 Feb 2016
i need your review for a5(6) with exynos chipset.
- c
- chocobo
- tZ0
- 26 Feb 2016
[deleted post]Hey,you dont understand my english OR you dont get what ppl ask? Check the question 1st ok bro...
- c
- chocobo
- uCp
- 26 Feb 2016
Esdeath, 25 Feb 2016Guys i have a version of do i know if what ch... moreIf the box write:CPU Quad-core 1.2 GHz means SNAPDRAGON 615
& CPU Octa-core 1.6 GHz means EXYNOS 7580
- J
- JBee
- AJy
- 26 Feb 2016
Esdeath, 25 Feb 2016Guys i have a version of do i know if what ch... moreHi, I believe that model has the Samsung Exynos 7 Octa 7580. Very nice!
- D
- AnonD-507159
- KI{
- 25 Feb 2016
samsung and apple companies phones is best phones ever these companies phones have noo hanging and other issues and smoothy set now i am using apple now i am buy a5 2016 because samsung and apple companies is my favourite companies i buy only these company phones
- D
- AnonD-507159
- KI{
- 25 Feb 2016
iphone and samsung is best company you by these campanies phone not issues smoothy sets in these companies and now i am using apple but my next phone is samsung a5 2016 samsung is smoother and best like apple phones noo hanging like aaple phone i am buy apple and samsung conpanies phones
- E
- Esdeath
- t7Z
- 25 Feb 2016
Guys i have a version of do i know if what chipset is this me guys tnx
- E
- Esdeath
- t7Z
- 25 Feb 2016
Guys i have a version of do i know if what chipset is this me guys tnx
- D
- AnonD-505061
- nDE
- 25 Feb 2016
Hi all . He did not specify anyone here will tell you that the only problem, depending on how you look each sale is sealed, you can not go to the battery. What do you think ? Respectfully .
- D
- AnonD-505061
- nDE
- 25 Feb 2016
Hi all . If you use a Samsung Galaxy A5 please write you if you find problems. Respectfully.
- D
- AnonD-505061
- nDE
- 25 Feb 2016
Aladyaa, 24 Feb 2016Hello everyone, I bought this phone last saturday so I will... moreIt can be updated to Android?
- D
- AnonD-507547
- fD7
- 25 Feb 2016
can it's go to android 6.0.1?
- D
- AnonD-505061
- nDE
- 25 Feb 2016
Aladyaa, 24 Feb 2016Hello everyone, I bought this phone last saturday so I will... moreHowdy . Thanks for posting, I find it helpful to your specifications, and I want to buy a5 galaxy. Respectfully