Samsung Galaxy A70
- A
- A70user
- vgM
- 17 Dec 2019
Anyone experiencing signal issues?
- t
- this phone has 8 mp
- 3Lj
- 16 Dec 2019
this phone has 8 mp camera, google cam detects this phone as 8 mp.
32 mp is produced by software
photos are the worst that i have seen in a phone in the last years.
my iphone 5s can take far better photos than this crap.
- P
- Printoy
- X}8
- 13 Dec 2019
Anonymous, 11 Dec 2019Not a good for gaming especially for the game called MOBILE... moreIt's not just the phone. You should also consider the speed of your internet the region where you are playing when playing mobile legends.
- J
- JJ
- 2Au
- 11 Dec 2019
Anonymous, 11 Dec 2019Not a good for gaming especially for the game called MOBILE... moreReally? I was planning to buy one for Christmas and I'm gonna use it for ML. Tss
- ?
- Anonymous
- sxr
- 11 Dec 2019
Not a good for gaming especially for the game called MOBILE LEGENDS it lag when there are a lot of effects going with hi def or low def
- ?
- Anonymous
- NrH
- 10 Dec 2019
Abdeen, 06 Dec 2019I bought a new A705FN , after just one week i noticed that ... moreIt's battety is polymer not ion
By mean 4500mag hive you actually about 3300
But it is more durable than ion type
- ?
- Anonymous
- NNd
- 10 Dec 2019
Pejman shamshiry , 07 Dec 2019Good phone good battery, but it is too big ; it's not easy ... moreInstagram was never supported for split screen.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0vW
- 09 Dec 2019
Anonymous, 05 Dec 2019iphone 7 plus or samsung A70?A70
- J
- Jaro
- pmH
- 08 Dec 2019
Alop, 08 Dec 2019Instagram isn't that major. Lol. Just saying.Yup. Instagram is a waste of life and time just like facebook.
- A
- Alop
- tZ4
- 08 Dec 2019
Pejman shamshiry , 07 Dec 2019Good phone good battery, but it is too big ; it's not easy ... moreInstagram isn't that major. Lol. Just saying.
- L
- Leonitis
- bJA
- 08 Dec 2019
Hi GSMARENA my Galaxy A70 model is missing from the list .
Samsung Galaxy A70, A705YN for Australia...
- U
- Udo
- A2X
- 07 Dec 2019
Rama, 06 Dec 2019Hello! Is Samsung Galaxy a70 waterproof?No.
- C
- Chaibens
- fpk
- 07 Dec 2019
Letlet, 05 Dec 2019A70 or P30 Lite?I had a P30 lite, and now A70, so no doubt A70 for sure far a way a head
- P
- Pejman shamshiry
- L6Z
- 07 Dec 2019
Good phone good battery, but it is too big ; it's not easy to work on it by one hand ; serious problem with split screen ; shame on samsung , it doesn't support split screen on major apps like instagram and ... !!!
- S
- Sam799
- GTe
- 06 Dec 2019
younas nazarzai, 05 Dec 2019note 8 or A70?Samsung galaxy Note 8 of course!!
- A
- Abdeen
- XIp
- 06 Dec 2019
Anon, 06 Dec 2019Battery is quite phonomenial. On my 4th day since I've char... moreI bought a new A705FN , after just one week i noticed that the battery is give me just 18 hours , and when i used internet with network 4G Lte , i feel like it's something wrong .
I want your advices
- P
- PG
- F6v
- 06 Dec 2019
Letlet, 05 Dec 2019A70 or P30 Lite?If you are a camera person the P30 is the phone to go for but for everything else the A70 is better
- R
- Rama
- NiB
- 06 Dec 2019
Hello! Is Samsung Galaxy a70 waterproof?
- A
- Anon
- 7sk
- 06 Dec 2019
Battery is quite phonomenial. On my 4th day since I've charged with battery saver on and still have 37%. Granted it's not heavy usage but still incredible compared to my HTC 10 which was a fantastic phone but battery was never the best
- L
- Letlet
- I@a
- 05 Dec 2019
A70 or P30 Lite?