Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830I
- p
- pk sarswat
- Hkq
- 21 May 2013
I want upgrade to 4.0 ? Pllese tell me.
- a
- ajitesh
- 9E6
- 17 May 2013
i feel it is a very cofortable handset for everyone.i like it this set beacuse of its features
- a
- anuj
- Kge
- 16 May 2013
k s, 14 May 2013jeely 4'1 makes it fastr look much bettr no need for launc... morehow can i upgrade to 4.1...pls help me
- a
- ali
- rJ@
- 15 May 2013
i am using this phone only and i have android 2.3 can i upgrade it to 4.1 or 4.0.
- S
- Spirittamer
- HD8
- 15 May 2013
k s, 14 May 2013jeely 4'1 makes it fastr look much bettr no need for launc... moreSurely with the processor and ram combo it must be sluggish on 4.1 Jelly?
- k
- k s
- rJM
- 14 May 2013
jeely 4'1 makes it fastr look much bettr no need for launchers so more free rom .
i cnt recognise my phone :) too gud .
who want to stick to the past!!
evry1 wants the lattest ... :P
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7X
- 14 May 2013
What wil be the advantage of upgrading froyo to 4.1.1 jelly?
- k
- krn sharma
- rJD
- 14 May 2013
u can recover us sms bcoz u didnt make backup. :P
emily u like candy ;)
- m
- madhur
- 7jW
- 13 May 2013
can any1 tell me how 2 recover our inbox memory msg , if it was deleted by mistake.
- ?
- Anonymous
- R55
- 13 May 2013
Why is it that this model does not support Candy crush game.
- k
- kran sharma
- rJ8
- 13 May 2013
download cm n jell
root ur ace.
start ur phone in recvry mode (press power + volume down + home) simultenously.
choose rectory zip
choose reset n clear dalvic
choose jelly .zip
search Google for custom rom zip files rooting , eg jelly for ace 5830i .all are there.
- k
- kran sharma
- rJ8
- 13 May 2013
download cm n jell
root ur ace.
start ur phone in recvry mode (press power + volume down + home) simultenously.
choose rectory zip
choose reset n clear dalvic
choose jelly .zip
search Google for custom rom zip files rooting , eg jelly for ace 5830i .all are there.
- P
- Paul
- 9FL
- 13 May 2013
Is there anyone out there who has radio issues too ? Like disappearing signal in left earpad or short and sudden breaks in playing certain radio stations?
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7X
- 12 May 2013
karana sharma, 12 May 2013I HV upgraded to android 4.1.1 jelly bean with custom from ... moreHow can i upgrade it to 4.1.1 jelly bean please teach me, thanks in advance
- k
- karana sharma
- U@x
- 12 May 2013
I HV upgraded to android 4.1.1 jelly bean with custom from cyanogen 10 n not a single problem. I feel like I just bought a new super smart phone .ma kasam :D
blootooth : go to Bluetooth setting make device discoverable ;go to gellary choose n hold for 2sec then choose share then Bluetooth then device ... done
- k
- karna sharma
- U@x
- 12 May 2013
140mb free after jelly bean flash
- k
- karan sharma
- U@x
- 12 May 2013
ace phone is to slow that means ur ROM internel memory is full .always keep 30-40 MB of rom free .move to SD or uninstall unuse app.n also use task killer widget.
use juice defender to improve 50% bet try life.
if ur rom is left near 20 MB it will not work properly.
- k
- karn sharma
- U@x
- 12 May 2013
hey ace phone is to slow that means ur ROM internel memory is full .always keep 30-40 MB of from free .move to SD or uninstall unuse app.n also use task killer widget.
use juice defender to improve 50% bet try life.
if ur rom is left near 20 MB it will not work properly.
- ?
- Anonymous
- tT{
- 10 May 2013
Hi all,
How is this phone for just communication and music?
I will not install much application.
- b
- bevarse phone
- rKa
- 10 May 2013
i bought my phone 2 months back nd now am facing lot of problems with the ace nd am suggesting to people who have an idea to get new ace phone plzzzz don't waste your money nf time really it is waste mobile instead of samsung plzz prefer sony mobiles it is my humble request