Samsung Galaxy Avant

Samsung Galaxy Avant

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-404801
  • kKn
  • 10 Jun 2015

Bets, 08 Jun 2015My disabled daughter has the Avant and has nothing but prob... moreThe dropped calls are mostly caused by wifi-calling app, when you're on the phone and go to the yard for e.g. your outside the wifi's range, the phone tries to switch from wifi to normal mode resulting in a dropped call, if you have great reception in the house, disable this feature, the overheating is when you have a bunch of apps running at the same time like when you open a bunch of tabs in your browser, just hold down the home (Big Middle) button, and you'll see all the apps that are running in the background, just hit the bottom-right symbol that looks like a little x with three lines, that will close the apps and you'll feel the phone slowly cool down. Ive had this phone for over a year and it's great for a $150ish phone.

    • j
    • jab
    • kU9
    • 09 Jun 2015

    10~31~14 joe, 04 Jun 2015Why does it delete my pictures with out me knowing ? Can so... moreHow day delete pictures without me knowing also

      • B
      • Bets
      • Y6M
      • 08 Jun 2015

      My disabled daughter has the Avant and has nothing but problems. Drops calls, but biggest problem right now is battery gets extremely hot!!! T Mobile will do nothing but exchange the phone or send a new battery. Anyone else have this problem?

        • S
        • Songbird
        • k2%
        • 05 Jun 2015

        fe fe, 18 Dec 2014The phone crashes because of updated version of t-mobile ke... moreI am having a lot of trouble hearing and being heard. What do you mean it has to do with Google? How do I fix it?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Ibx
          • 04 Jun 2015

          Worst phone ever!! It does what "It" wants. Touch Wiz, I don't care for. It was meant for Advanced users. I was hacked immediately. Mine has the Gear Manager in it, which I do not have, so it locks me out, erases my data, and changes all settings.

            • 1
            • 10~31~14 joe
            • 0d%
            • 04 Jun 2015

            Why does it delete my pictures with out me knowing ? Can some one help

              • r
              • random
              • 4Yk
              • 03 Jun 2015

              Jess, 29 Apr 2015I really don't know why all these people are complaining. &... moreI agree with Jess, Im an old fart and this is my first smartphone . Im still learning how to use it but everything Ive done with this phone works perfectly. I admit Im not that tech savvy and my daughter trains me on all the amazing functions. Its fun. I cant complain about anything as far as the performance of this phone.

                • s
                • steve
                • 4ca
                • 30 May 2015

                Jess, 29 Apr 2015I really don't know why all these people are complaining. &... moreI agree with you, I just bought this phone and have had no problems whatsoever. Its never lagged never dropped a call so far or let me down. all in all I love this phone.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Ibx
                  • 29 May 2015

                  No comment,?,does phone have fm radio chip? If so how do I get it turned on

                    • b
                    • brain
                    • 7Fs
                    • 25 May 2015

                    My name is Scott, 22 May 2015This phone sucks ass. My friend and myself got to diffe... morethose are carrier and signal issues , not the phone , youre bitching about flash light ? Lol

                      • M
                      • My name is Scott
                      • 4SX
                      • 22 May 2015

                      This phone sucks ass.

                      My friend and myself got to different phones at one time.
                      He got an LG phone and I got the Avant, almost immediately I noticed that his flash (flash light) was brighter, also the speaker for music (or speaker phone) was very quiet compared to his LG. I had to download a "speak to text" program for the keyboard. The signal SUCKSSSSSSSSSS, I am barely on the internet or FB because it's always "Loading" or will not connect because of lack of signal, while my buddy's phone is blasting youtube. WTF??? This phone is awful. If T Mobile uses this phone for "prepaid" and it's metro's "top notch" phone, I think maybe there might be a problem there. JS.

                        • s
                        • sorry to disappoint
                        • RbX
                        • 18 May 2015

                        monkeysmom, 07 May 2015Hi thank u for posting ur opinion...i have been waiting for... moreI have the works fine for its intended purpose. Other than that, not great. I can't wait til I can finally afford to upgrade.

                          • d
                          • dorksita
                          • 4Zm
                          • 14 May 2015

                          monkeysmom, 07 May 2015Hi thank u for posting ur opinion...i have been waiting for... morehey iam a sales rep at metro and the answer to your question is.... if you have a CDMA phone it will stop working starting July 1st so Metro PCS is doing a trade in program so that you can upgrade for free or at a low price... go to any metro dealer for details. Hope this helps

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • qZ5
                            • 08 May 2015

                            monkeysmom, 07 May 2015Hi thank u for posting ur opinion...i have been waiting for... moreJust got it..had d same problem as far so good☺😊

                              • m
                              • monkeysmom
                              • Ibx
                              • 07 May 2015

                              AnonD-387488, 17 Apr 2015I got this Avant about 3 weeks ago. I am extremely happy wi... moreHi thank u for posting ur opinion...i have been waiting for wks for metro pcs to get their shipment..finally they got the avant in. ur the only positive post I have seen. Metro PCS has been sending me mssgs saying i have to upgrade or their disconnecting my phone. Thats Bullying..I too have had my same android for five yrs. i am hoping i will b happy with the avant as i am very attached to this smart ph. i hope i can see the pic on screen outside during the day as that is an issue with tis phone. maybe only the I apple phones are the only good ones for that..but noway can i afford that.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Ix9
                                • 06 May 2015

                                I bought the phone 2 months ago and the power button won't lock the screen, can anyone help with that???

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 47I
                                  • 02 May 2015

                                  I purchased the Avant on the recommendation of T Mobile as a phone that will switch to Wi Fi when available and cell service is not.

                                  Don't believe it! You can make outgoing calls with the WiFi connection, but 95% of the time incoming calls are directed directly to voice mail.

                                  Finally after many calls, T Mobile admitted that they have known of this issue with the Avant since the fall of 2014, have no fix for it, and have no idea if or when they will.

                                  So be warned, don't buy the Avant if you intend to get incoming calls over Wi Fi. It doesn't work

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • b9g
                                    • 29 Apr 2015

                                    I have nothing but a headache when I purchased this(now 4th return)phone. I had returned 2 on buyers remorse because it would not allow me to hear calls made to anyone outside of my area code, they would have to call me back as soon as I would call them, I could hear the ringtone they pick up...nothing they cannot hear me or me them, they call back and then we can talk. It has now been 4 phones from T-Mobile and they are still trying to find out what the cause is. I called Samsung directly, I was told well they did not put too much technology into this phone, so if I have apps running in the background it could cause issues. So basically this is a phone for someone who only wants a phone and not to use internet or apps(which we are paying service for smart phone usage from the company)and I am waiting to see if they are going to make me turn in this phone again under warranty which will be the 5th phone before they offer me another option. I have never been so unsatisfied with a phone in all my life. I guess the saying is true, you get what you pay for.

                                      • J
                                      • Jess
                                      • kS5
                                      • 29 Apr 2015

                                      Anonymous, 16 Apr 2015I've had the Avant for a few weeks, and haven't had one oun... moreI really don't know why all these people are complaining. "the screen is garbage" What does that even mean? The screen resolution is the typical mid grade android phone and is a pretty sharp resolution. This phone is fast and if these people don't like the auto correct then get SwiftKey. This is an android we are talking about. These phones are there For customization. Honestly if you don't have the money to dish out for the newest Galaxy S model then this is the way to go. This thing rivals the s4 I'm every way except screen resolution and camera resolution. But you can't say it's crap because you're not paying much for it in the first place. You get what you pay for and for this phone it's well worth every penny. I have had no problems with video playback Netflix Internet anything. I use it for chromecast, I use it for Spotify, etc. I've played games on it with no lag. I'm even using the metro pcs version. I'm pretty sure these people either got a bad pick out of a batch of don't know what they are talking about. Not to mention people expect unicorns for pennies now a days and complain if their purchase doesn't exceed standards.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-390797
                                        • jLB
                                        • 29 Apr 2015

                                        I think it's a great phone. The screen resolution is pretty good and the phone can be tweaked to go ultra fast. It also supports T-Mobile's new band 12 which allows for better reception. The flaws include a bad camera and less features than the better Samsung Galaxy phones. Overall, a fine phone.