Samsung Galaxy M32
- ?
- Anonymous
- 61K
- 03 May 2021
Dear Samsung, I'm tired with the design. A32 A52 A72 A quantum 2, they all have the same design
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3W4
- 03 May 2021
Look no further people
- M
- Mir
- ki$
- 03 May 2021
A rebranded A32 with 6000mah battery.
Nothing else changed...exactly.
- M
- Meden
- fsN
- 02 May 2021
How dare you samsung 😣 i was counting on this to be the successor of the ultimate legendary m30s , at least i was willing a 7000mah battery and a M51 design!! Look like i have to wait one other year to see a good difference
- ?
- Anonymous
- tZj
- 01 May 2021
if the chipset spec is true then this isn't that much better than A32. isn't the M series targeted towards heavy users? the least they could do is put snapdragon 600+ chipset for this series
- ?
- Anonymous
- fuv
- 01 May 2021
Is this supposed to be the successor of the M31 and M31s?
The M32 is really sh*t
- ?
- Anonymous
- iiY
- 01 May 2021
Anonymous, 30 Apr 2021put HELIO G95 + 7000Mah + 33Wi agree with the chipset and charging speed but why 7000mAh? 6000mAh is more than good enough
- ?
- Anonymous
- iiY
- 01 May 2021
Anonymous, 30 Apr 2021put HELIO G95 + 7000Mah + 33Wi agree with the chipset and charging speed but why 7000mAh? 6000mAh is more than good enough
- F
- FatShady
- Nt@
- 30 Apr 2021
they are still trying to convince people that their crappy 15w charger is a "fast charger" ?
thank god i stopped buying samsung phones for the past 3 years, otherwise i would have overpayed way too much for way too little.
- A
- Alhamza1999
- 0C0
- 30 Apr 2021
Anonymous, 30 Apr 2021put HELIO G95 + 7000Mah + 33WSamsung will never give more than 25
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8kb
- 30 Apr 2021