Samsung Galaxy M51
- D
- Darius89
- pTf
- 18 Jul 2021
first of all its korean and it carry samsung name that is great !
its been 3 month i have it and the only weakness is back of phone that can get dirty or scratch so fast ... but with cover it will be good .
- a
- asd.chooser
- pRB
- 17 Jul 2021
Today I purchased new Samsung M51. Before transfer data I thought to update the device completely and reset it.
I was trying to reset with volume down + power button. Suddenly it is dead completly, not even doing charging. Within 2 hrs of purchase this happen. Done nothing except doing updates.
Why this happen ???
- S
- Shymin
- wrX
- 16 Jul 2021
M51 use One UI Core
- h
- hari120
- 7kp
- 11 Jul 2021
Using it for past one month. So far so good. Battery backup is amazing.. i get minimum 15 hr screen on time. Got 19 hr once. Lasts 2 days easily. No heating issues. All the cameras are pretty good for the price but needs more consistency. Display quality is excellent. Gaming is okay i played cod, genshin impact for some hours no heating but a little warm which is normal. Fingerprint sensor is pretty reliable. And finally one ui(core) is awesome. Im coming from moto x4's stock android.
Back plastic gets scratches easily, i wish they used some quality material there. Lack of carrier aggregation might be a deal breaker for some heavy 4g users
- ?
- Anonymous
- U@x
- 08 Jul 2021
ddas, 07 Jul 2021Has anyone received any software update for Indian M51 mode... moreNope been a long time since i got a update
- A
- Anonymous
- rAR
- 08 Jul 2021
Sajib Mahmud, 21 Jun 2021When using a 4G browser and camera, the upper side gets a l... moreIf your Network strength falls down/climbs up continuously then it heats up chipset of phone and it's placed below selfie cam under display so it heat so that part heats up!
- A
- Anonymous
- rAR
- 08 Jul 2021
Anonymous, 01 Jul 2021Don't go for Samsung. Try Mi 11 Lite, Note 10 Pro Max,... moreCustom ROM fanboy! 😑
- d
- ddas
- KAq
- 07 Jul 2021
Has anyone received any software update for Indian M51 model after 1st April software patch?
- d
- ddas
- KAq
- 07 Jul 2021
Bablu, 06 Jul 2021The speaker quality is worst.I'm an Indian M51 model user, but i don't find speaker is that worst. It's just good.
- B
- Bablu
- rJ4
- 06 Jul 2021
The speaker quality is worst.
- ?
- Anonymous
- CIu
- 03 Jul 2021
S . SUDHAKAR, 28 Jun 2021To all : Samsung has purposefully disabled the carrier agg... moreNot true at all, battery capacity is a great dealbreaker for the a71
- s
- sasi
- 03 Jul 2021
Anonymous, 16 Jun 2021I'm an m51 user for 6 months and my phone is not worki... morehey bro.. again re installed old os version 10 , this versio are not laging and not heating issue. this is so smooth
- b
- babak
- av@
- 03 Jul 2021
Anonymous, 13 May 2021I have a question about external SD card. Is it support 512Gb?most phones these days support upto 1tb.i used 512 gb on it and works fine.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGW
- 02 Jul 2021
Latvis, 01 Jul 2021I have this weird bug with samsung default dialer app. From... moreI have no problem like you said, either your phone is defective
- b
- babak
- gq6
- 02 Jul 2021
Meka99, 15 Jun 2021I think that m51 better than a71 cause its M not A, M model... morem series only support max cat6but a series upto cat many countries thats very important
- L
- Latvis
- n2T
- 01 Jul 2021
I have this weird bug with samsung default dialer app. From my last phone (lenovo p2) I have habbit to hold phone to closely my ear when talking, so I was doing the same with M51 and quite often there is total silence in the middle of conversations. I was like wtf, ok, maybe its something with signal strenght, but today I discovered that I accidentally press "call holding" when it happens. There is no way to avoid this. Solution was to switch to google's phone dialer app. Basically it looks same as samsungs, but without this annoying bug. I can now hold phone to ear and talk normally. No more call silencing. I tried where to disable that feature alltogether, but cannot find such setting in phone. Who needs call holding - I dont know. For is that is such feature I will never need/want. Things I dont like about google dialer app - there is no true dark (full black) theme, background is not fully black but only dark grey. Also I dont like what sound google phone app makes when typing number to call - in samsung app there is far much nicer sound. I ended up disabling sound then typing phone numbers. Anyway - its google phone app for me, unless samsung fixes their app. Actually M51 speaker is biggest dissapointment in this phone after coming from awesome Lenovo P2 speaker. Its so far much better. Sure, you get over it after using M51 maybe like a week, and maybe speaker is pretyy much standart for samsung phones, I dont know, but I could tell difference right away when started to use M51.
- I
- Iphoneking
- 01 Jul 2021
Samarth Mehra, 01 Jul 2021Guys, I've to buy a mid-range samsung phone(under 26k)... moreBuy console or pc for you gaming, the best choice, smartphone for work and call or massage not game,
Ps 5 only $500
- d
- ddas
- vGB
- 01 Jul 2021
Samarth Mehra, 01 Jul 2021Guys, I've to buy a mid-range samsung phone(under 26k)... moreThere are options below 26k in Samsung but u may miss Full HD stick to M51 or F62.