Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G

Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G

User opinions and reviews

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  • P
  • Prottoy
  • vTQ
  • 23 Jul 2020

This looks fire🔥🔥

    • A
    • Anonymoose
    • 0F%
    • 23 Jul 2020

    As stated on the spec sheet, the color is rose gold. You'll know if it's rose gold if it has a touch of pink to it but it doesn't have any. The color is more like of a copper, kindly correct it.

    A gigantic phone with a ridiculously large RAM. In my point of view, 3 to 4 gb of ram is enough for day to day social media, games and other apps to function smoothly. Heck! Even a 2 gb of ram is alright if you're a light user. 6 gb is more than enough while 8 gb and above is unnecessary. Yes, having more ram will help a user when it comes to multi-tasking but the real question is, are you going to open all of your apps at the same time? I guess not. This is a marketing strategy of companies to make it appear that there's an upgrade so that they can increase the value of the smartphone, which basically you do not need. Non-technical casual users will bite into it but people who're smart and practical won't be easily tricked. A techie person who know these things won't be wasting their money on this overlypriced stuff.

    As for the device having no 3.5 mm headset jack, It's not about it's already 2020. It's about restricting a user from using their 3rd party earphones so that they'll purchase the dedicated Bluetooth headset for this device. It's all about business, put that into your mind. More accessories to purchase, more profit for the company, plain and simple.

      Having Note 10 Plus and S20 Ultra I don't see much difference other than 100x zoom and better camera on S20 Ultra. So I'm guessing Note 20 Ultra will be S20 Ultra 5G with S Pen version and 50x better zoom camera thats all. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

        • T
        • The Observer
        • 8yQ
        • 23 Jul 2020

        upgrades from note 10 +......120 refresh rate(doesn't matter to me) 0.1 bigger(not even worth mentioning) faster processor(matters a little) 108mp camera from 12mp( not really a camera freak but thats an ok upgrade) slightly biggger battery by 200mAh (doesn't matter) pixels 100 and some more in all i am underwhelmed and i am glad i bought the note 10 + 3 months ago at a cheaper pricewith no regrets. these minor upgrades except the camera is not worth the price it will be selling at

          • T
          • The Observer
          • 8yQ
          • 22 Jul 2020

          Boss utog, 20 Jul 2020Wtf.! 3.5mm jack should be back. 👎👎👎👎Its a trash phonewell buy a A series or another barnd name phone and just be quiet then! fed up of people only mouthing off themselves about 'oh no headphone jack no headphone jack!' please!!!! its 2020 not 2017!! its a thing of the past. the only reason people bitching about lack of headphone jack is because they can't listen to music and charge the phone at the same time!! learn to deal with it or buy a cheap ass phone and rock with so with your 3.5mm jack! i using wireless headsets for 8 years now no regrets and no issue!! jeez!!

            • T
            • The Observer
            • 8yQ
            • 22 Jul 2020

            Suresh, 22 Jul 20203.5mm jack ?Reality check pal its flagships have no 3.5mm jack......its gone never to return. if having a 3.5mm jack is so important to you buy a A series or another brand ok. The world has moved on and i does enjoy my 2 pairs of bluetooth headsets

              • D
              • Dr Chintan
              • 2S@
              • 22 Jul 2020

              Exynos 990..... So it will drain more battery and poor performance....and will be overpriced

                • S
                • Sikandar
                • uZa
                • 22 Jul 2020

                Still not using snapdragon outside usa that's a shame why would i pay for inferior chip?

                  • S
                  • Suresh
                  • rKN
                  • 22 Jul 2020

                  3.5mm jack ?

                    Jonathan, 22 Jul 2020I think they still remember when they put an oversized batt... moreOK, this is true, I can not deny it, lets hope battery life will not be bad. :)

                      • J
                      • Jonathan
                      • NuP
                      • 22 Jul 2020

                      Mobilemaster, 22 Jul 2020In my opinion, if this smart phone has a high refresh rate,... moreI think they still remember when they put an oversized battery in Note 7 and they started exploding and catching fire. They are playing it safe. lesson learned.

                        Ashirbasit, 22 Jul 2020S pen takes considerable space. So no room for bigger batte... moreI am not that convinced there is no room fro bigger battery, but I do agree with the CPU. Exynos is just not as fast as Snapdragon, they should abandon their CPU and use only Qualcomm's Snapdragon CPU. And fast charging could be useful, my Huawei has a 40W Fast charger and it charges my phone from 20% to 100% in around 50 minutes.

                          Mobilemaster, 22 Jul 2020In my opinion, if this smart phone has a high refresh rate,... moreS pen takes considerable space. So no room for bigger battery. Note series should have bigger display than contemporary S series. There is big big big drawback for using exynos chipset in major part of the world for same price of snapdragon. This will definitely effect the sale of this flagship model. This is not fare and not tolerable in any case. Exynos chipset model should be 150 to 200 $ cheaper than snapdragon chipset. Another blunder that Samsung is going to make that is the use of 25 watt charger in the box rather than 45 watt charger. It is somewhat shameful that 45 w charger is not easily available in the market and you have to also pay 50 to 60 $ extra to get this one..

                            In my opinion, if this smart phone has a high refresh rate, a QHD+ resolution and almost 7 inch display, 4500 mAh battery is considered small. They should have put at least 5000 mAh. Asus made a phone last year which had 6000 mAh! So Samsung, please...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • HBD
                              • 22 Jul 2020

                              Exynos 992? or another inferior to snapdragon version

                                • J
                                • JayP
                                • X}J
                                • 22 Jul 2020

                                Susam bez Ng, 21 Jul 2020Battery is 4500mAh???????? Xiami Redmi Note 9 Pro has 5020m... moreHappened last month in India when a person was driving his bike while a Redmi phone in his pocket got blast lead to a terrible accident.

                                  I think it is the same as tme s20 ultra

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • KiM
                                    • 22 Jul 2020

                                    another exynos chipset

                                      • J
                                      • Jass
                                      • 56G
                                      • 22 Jul 2020

                                      Susam bez Ng, 21 Jul 2020Battery is 4500mAh???????? Xiami Redmi Note 9 Pro has 5020m... moreredmi phone are not on flagship level soo stop comparing them with note and s lineup

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • bJb
                                        • 22 Jul 2020

                                        Protection corning gorilla glass 7 not corning gorilla glass 6..