Samsung Galaxy Note5

Samsung Galaxy Note5

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-77443
  • v6J
  • 18 Feb 2016

Tcool, 18 Feb 2016Congrats little child!Later T, would love to keep stirring you but have to go :-)

Thank you Samsung for seeing the mistakes of the GN5 and S6.

    • T
    • Tcool
    • Nyj
    • 18 Feb 2016

    AnonD-77443, 18 Feb 2016We (disillusioned Note fans) weren't trying to change your ... moreCongrats little child!

      • T
      • Tcool
      • Nyj
      • 18 Feb 2016

      AnonD-77443, 18 Feb 2016Maybe also consider the S7 which will be released shortly. ... moreCommon sense, all his choices have screens bigger than 5.1" so why suggest S7?

        • D
        • AnonD-77443
        • v6J
        • 18 Feb 2016

        Tcool, 18 Feb 2016Ok fine, I am not interested to phone without S-pen so you ... moreWe (disillusioned Note fans) weren't trying to change your mind... we were trying to change Samsungs mind... MISSION SUCCESSFUL :)

          • T
          • Tcool
          • Nyj
          • 18 Feb 2016

          AnonD-77443, 18 Feb 2016Poor Tcool is losing his cool... i will now call him "T" ... moreOk fine, I am not interested to phone without S-pen so you can rejoice with all your heart for now. With SD card support or not my life support is not affected like yours.
          As I said, it doesn't matter cause it is just a minor feature.
          Grow up and don't act like a child.

            • D
            • AnonD-77443
            • v6J
            • 18 Feb 2016

            mobile seeker, 18 Feb 2016Could anyone please help me decide on which mobile I'm goin... moreMaybe also consider the S7 which will be released shortly. Based on release history it will have the best camera, best performance, improved battery life and will have SD card capability.

              • T
              • Tcool
              • Nyj
              • 18 Feb 2016

              TheNeighbor, 16 Feb 2016If big memory is not something, why is Samsung producing 12... moreSame question goes to some of your ridiculous opinion:
              If wireless charging and fast charging are not something, why is Samsung have them in S7 and for sure they will also be with Note 6?
              How about the glass body? LOL!

                • D
                • AnonD-77443
                • v6J
                • 18 Feb 2016

                Tcool, 18 Feb 2016As I said: I am not against any micro SD card expansion mem... morePoor Tcool is losing his cool... i will now call him "T"

                T, I will stay on the GN5 page until the GN6 comes out with the micro SD card.
                You are welcome to stay with your GN5 phone as it suits your uses.
                Its strange that you still cant admit that many people need more than 32/64GB.
                If that wasn't the case Samsung wouldn't be back tracking on the SD card.

                Long live common sense and plenty of storage space.

                  • m
                  • mobile seeker
                  • Nyj
                  • 18 Feb 2016

                  Could anyone please help me decide on which mobile I'm going to buy. I am confused which one to buy, GALAXY NOTE 5, SAMSUNG S6 PLUS or HUAWEI MATE 8 PREMIUM. All the feature are almost the same, but I'm seeking for the excellent OVERALL quality. Please help me.

                    • T
                    • Tcool
                    • Nyj
                    • 18 Feb 2016

                    AnonD-77443, 17 Feb 2016Well well.... what do you know.... The S7 is confirmed as b... moreAs I said: I am not against any micro SD card expansion memory because it is not a main feature.
                    Typical users can live normally WITH or without it on their phones.

                    Now you can live your life happier with this life support of yours.
                    Congrats, hope you will shut up and transfer to S7 page, and never bother the Note 5 users anymore.

                      • T
                      • Tcool
                      • Nyj
                      • 18 Feb 2016

                      AnonD-77443, 17 Feb 2016Well well.... what do you know.... The S7 is confirmed as b... moreThat's good news! Now you can upgrade your cheap plastic phone.

                      Anyhow, I can live my life normally WITH or without the SD card on a smart phone.
                      I don't depend on phone expansion memory, so it doesn't matter.
                      It's not a big deal.
                      I am very happy with my premium 64GB Note 5.
                      No need to upgrade to Note 6.

                      I will wait for Note 7 or Note 8 or Note 9 and so on... LOL!

                        • D
                        • AnonD-367917
                        • 2Gw
                        • 18 Feb 2016

                        AnonD-77443, 09 Feb 2016Your right.... They have gone from no need to have sd to "... moreWhilst it might seem like people are 'flipping' all over the place...

                        If you acknowledge they are tech enthusiasts, perhaps they have reasons for changing their mind.

                        Good on them, by the way, I'd rather be flexible, than rigid. (Bruce Lee 'Tao of Jeet Kun-Do')

                        SD card slots create a range of hassles and a lot of unnecessary warranty 'repairs' for the manufacturer, as well as increasing cost and adding design difficulties whilst dropping battery life (if slot is used).

                        A while back I purchased an 'official Samsung 128gb sad card' from a third party.
                        It looked genuine. Price was in the right ballpark. Intact in unopened packaging.

                        After days of glitchy phone use; I pulled it out and ran some tests on it from a laptop.
                        It was a fake card, with about a quarter of the listed space, and vastly slower access speeds.

                        Speed I didn't care about too much as the Note Edge had gone back to USB2 and I saw little benefit to the higher speed internally (burst photo modes on a dslr camera can benefit from faster sd card write speeds).
                        What had happened though truly sucked>...

                        Android moves data from internal storage to external when it is added.
                        My 'first day of school' photos had been corrupted, and I lost 100gb of unique music from a friends visit at Christmas time. He lived 5000km away, I wasn't getting that back in a hurry..

                        When manufacturers have sd slots they are at the mercy of us consumers with regards to the difficulties we (inevitably) have.
                        We all want the cheapest largest high speed storage we can find. And there are a lot of people willing to sell dodgy parts.
                        Samsungs big issue with sd card slots recently has been to do with timing. The market is jumping to fast sd card controllers and newer format sd cards. The new controllers are a poor price point (bring a phone down by even ten cents in cost, Multiply by x million sales= real cash flow differences) and the old ones mean your phone may just get beaten in benchmarks by a much cheaper product.
                        Add in power consumption factors of the extra memory, and, with random reliability and the issues that a dodgy sd card cause.... Removing the sd card makes logical sense. In fact you'd have to be nuts to include one for all the difficulties vs having multiple tiers of product at varying price points so people who want bragging rights can buy 128gb versions..)

                        In the past Samsung went through all the rigmarole. Presenlty it is easier to compete with Apple with one piece units; non removable parts (battery and card) make it easier for a svelte finish.
                        I agree an sd slot in the side of the phone is doable.

                        Presently they are sitting back on super fast memory inside their devices, knowing no one can add anything faster.
                        A lot of 'cheap' sd cards will not record 4K video. With their present devices offering 4K, why deal with a whole slew of random complaints due to users cheap sd cards (and the media backlash of a perceived problem)

                        Solution: remove card slot. Greater battery life, better user experience (no glitches), less servicing (saves money), less having to tell consumers their cheap ass sd card caused the issues (and charging for in warranty service due to misdiagnosed issue- wasn't a Samsung hardware fault after all), as well as manufacturing savings, as well as, being able to compete in a high end phone market with slim and beautiful phones (bugger,I am calling phones beautiful; I'm taking a break!).

                        Anyhow, point of my rant is that these commentators are well researched, and they have a great scientific mind (open). If their point of view is flexible; more credit to them!

                          • D
                          • AnonD-100398
                          • sxn
                          • 18 Feb 2016

                          AnonD-77443, 17 Feb 2016Well well.... what do you know.... The S7 is confirmed as b... moreDude let the s7 come with Thousand's of sd card slots or removable batterys LOL ..we the real note5 uses are not very much intersted abt that on This Note5 page..LOL...
                          so stop mentioning it for thousands of times here ( its kindda annoying to read the same thing again and again Lol) u are not going to achieve anything by that Lol..

                            • D
                            • AnonD-77443
                            • v6J
                            • 17 Feb 2016

                            Tcool, 17 Feb 2016I am not against any micro SD card expansion memory because... moreWell well.... what do you know.... The S7 is confirmed as bringing back the much loved (polls say 60-80% of people) micro SD card .


                            I think its great that Samsung can see that the GN5, as a power users phone, was substantially weakened without the possibility of adding up to 200GB of extra storage. I am certain the GN6 will have it meaning i can skip the 32GB GN5..... happy days :-)

                              • T
                              • Tcool
                              • Nyj
                              • 17 Feb 2016

                              lovaraju, 17 Feb 2016Text shortcuts option is very very very good. It is too use... moreYou just need to make the right settings for the keyboard. Try exploring the keyboard settings if you have time.

                                • l
                                • lovaraju
                                • Hkt
                                • 17 Feb 2016

                                Tcool, 16 Feb 2016Hey you are still alive? How is your life support SD car... moreText shortcuts option is very very very good. It is too useful. But note 5 keyboard is too worst because when past a learning word from dictionary automatically cursor will down to next sentence 3rd character place. It is very very inconvenience.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-471267
                                  • xyk
                                  • 17 Feb 2016

                                  AnonD-499418, 10 Feb 2016Very nice mobile with new type of charger (fast charger)ena... moresomeone OWN a note 5, haha big clap to u brother.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-218710
                                    • 6P@
                                    • 17 Feb 2016

                                    Just envy price of S7 Edge 5.5" rare pls on net, 1250$
                                    If this is starting then on launch not less than thousand bucks. Nothing change, except hype?

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-471267
                                      • xyk
                                      • 17 Feb 2016

                                      AnonD-100398, 12 Feb 2016Note5 is such a huge sucess even without the Removeable bat... moreLOL

                                      made my day

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-471267
                                        • xyk
                                        • 17 Feb 2016

                                        Ordina, 13 Feb 2016Love that comment. If anyone wanna complain about the note ... moreAgree with u.
                                        even my friend who crazily fan of ios envy of my note 5 then after a month she already bought it. no mmc maybe a lack of this phone, but for me its more than i need, now still have 12 gb free storage in my note 5. gladly my note 3 broken after note 5 released. haha