Samsung Galaxy Note5
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- AnonD-100398
- g33
- 11 Dec 2015
AnonD-430264, 11 Dec 2015Just so ya know.. I'm not a fanboy. I've had every phone un... moreI have a LG 42" 3D smart Tv which came with a magic remote in 2013 even i bought the tv in 2013 it supports inbuilt screen mirroring on the galaxy note5 which has got few updates i mean the magic remote came with the tv can be used to control the entire smartphone .the magic remote has a mouse like feature & my note5 takes every command (back, task switcher, home buttons) from it which is just amazing i mean its gives a pc like feeling with everything on the huge tv screen. although u cannot play all the android games with it (anyways i mainly play AAA games on my ps4) cause there a microsecond latency in screen mirroring but u cud watch full hd videos and use the phone as a browser on big scrren. my note2 and note3 did not have this magic remote functionality they use to only mirror the screen .
The thing to wonder is that my note5 is supporting my 2013 lg smart tv and the tv that old also has a remote working as a mouse for note5 for me it was like fortunate co-incidence.
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- AnonD-100398
- g33
- 11 Dec 2015
AnonD-430264, 11 Dec 2015No reason to get offended. I was saying that it looks like ... more& read my comment again i did not ask if to only go for iphone 6splus i asked him to make a choice based on his usage. which is more important.
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- AnonD-100398
- g33
- 11 Dec 2015
AnonD-430264, 11 Dec 2015No reason to get offended. I was saying that it looks like ... morei do not get offended so easily! btw i did not call u a fanboy i was just telling you abt myself & yeh u have got it all right note5 is no gun to me ! but its a matter of fact that its a best android smartphone rightnow.dude if i wud get a option i wud get the iphone 6splus type all metal body with almost bezeless design and with all Internal specs from NOTE5. but guess what! no smartphone is perfect.
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- AnonD-430264
- 11 Dec 2015
AnonD-100398, 11 Dec 2015dam u! that is my personal opinion may be if you wud have t... moreJust so ya know.. I'm not a fanboy. I've had every phone under the sun. Only 2 Samsung phones (S4 and Note 5).
However I am a fanboy when it comes to TV'S. I only do Samsung with that. LG I feel is almost as good, but; the screen ratio settings are weird and don't seem to work for my channels. Samsung delivers in that aspect as it auto adjusts.
As far as phones: I've had everything and no fanboy here. Have a Crucial SSD in my PC instead of a Samsung Evo. Hmm. Do have a Samsung monitor though.
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- AnonD-430264
- 11 Dec 2015
AnonD-100398, 11 Dec 2015dam u! that is my personal opinion may be if you wud have t... moreNo reason to get offended. I was saying that it looks like the old HTC ONE.
Yes, I'll admit it; Samsung copied the old iPhone with the glass back on the Note 5.
Do I like it? Not really. It's the same cop-out that Apple used with the HTC.
Usually people that are looking for an android phone want the customization factor though. It's two different form factors when choosing between an iPhone or Android. It's not about looks really. You seem to love the Note 5 so why suggest an iPhone? Although I have suggested an iPhone to a coworker before, it's because she wanted the simplicity instead of dealing with customizing. That's about it.
Stick to your guns if you're really into this Note.
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 11 Dec 2015
AnonD-430264, 11 Dec 2015Just curious how you think the iPhone 6 looks sexy when it ... moreOh look, he used the word "hypocrite" again without knowing what it exactly it means... Totally contradicting himself to what he keeps telling us.
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- AnonD-100398
- g33
- 11 Dec 2015
AnonD-430264, 11 Dec 2015Just curious how you think the iPhone 6 looks sexy when it ... moredam u! that is my personal opinion may be if you wud have taken a hands on u wud not have found it to b dam sexy but i did.why do i have not like some things from the rival device , i am not a hypocrite like few dumb ppl here.i'll give u a example i also like the mirror back on the chrome color Z5P a lot no matter how much i hate it for not having the biggest apreture, OIS , 5.7" amoled screen, small bezels the moral of the story is there are diffrent things diffrent ppl look for while buying a device & there cud be something that you wud like from other devices as well .
I do not have fanboy type mentality to just follow one OEM and agree to everything they do.LOL.
- T
- TheNeighbor
- PSv
- 11 Dec 2015
AnonD-100398, 07 Dec 2015That is very true man Note4 is still a great device that is... moreAnd here's another telling him that the Note 4 is "still a great device", bit on November 23 you said:
"More over Note4 feels like a Note3 or a note3 neo in front of Note5, I mean Note5 just feels like a completly diffrent Premium and wonderful device.& Note4 feels like a cheap device."
Man, you don't know what you're saying. Feeling confused?
- T
- TheNeighbor
- PSv
- 11 Dec 2015
AnonD-100398, 11 Dec 2015Yeh man Iphone 6 s plus looks dam sexy and robust even i go... moreLOL. Your post last November 11:
"6s+ & Z5p are the exact copy of there previous flagship line up means they still come with those huge bezels and over repeated design language".
And now you are telling us you find it "sexy"?
Sheesh. Get your story straight.
- D
- AnonD-430264
- 11 Dec 2015
AnonD-100398, 11 Dec 2015Yeh man Iphone 6 s plus looks dam sexy and robust even i go... moreJust curious how you think the iPhone 6 looks sexy when it looks identical to an almost 3 year old HTC ONE?
My fiancé got that phone back when it came out (pre-order). The iPhone had the glass back, then. It's a pure copy of the HTC.
Now we have a Note 5 that's a copy of the "then" iPhone when the HTC ONE came out. Glass back.
Samsung is paying almost a billion $ for copying the iPhone. Think it's time Apple pays for copying HTC.
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- AnonD-100398
- g33
- 11 Dec 2015
MirzaSohail, 11 Dec 2015Need Sincere Advice, I have shortlisted IPhone 6s Plus &am... moreYeh man Iphone 6 s plus looks dam sexy and robust even i got attracted to buy it instead of Note5 but then when i compaired it side by side in a hands on i felt that note5 is much better in overall specs however in looks department iphone is like 95% and note5 is like 89% IMO even if you compair 6splus with note5 only robust body and a little better looks is what is going on with Iphone 6s plus but the rest like camera,screen quality and size,OS,light weight and compactness etc are all the upsides of Note5.I know my opinion is not helping you much to make up ur mind but get the phone based on ur usage.i mean if you do not use smartphones a lot then i guess the ip6splus is better but if u use ur smartphone a lot i mean cameras, OS, battery life, etc then note5 is the better option. cause i went with note5 cause i use my smartphone a lot.
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- TheNeighbor
- PSv
- 11 Dec 2015
AnonD-430264, 11 Dec 2015Apparently not. Sucks that I pulled her away from iPhone. S... moreThis is one of the many reasons why in not so keen on going for sealed batteries. I just find it annoying that my most used device is reduced to requiring you to plug it about 2 to 4 hours before you get home. My experience with the Note 8.
All for the sad fad of making phones thin with little batteries, and making you carry power packs. Just absurd.
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- AnonD-430264
- 11 Dec 2015
TheNeighbor, 11 Dec 2015Haha, I guess they never fixed this problem. Similar is wit... moreApparently not. Sucks that I pulled her away from iPhone. She went to the HTC One. That one ended up having battery issues. Then she goes with the Note 5 and here we are with battery % issues.
Unfortunately she's going back to iPhone after this. I'm hopefully going Surface Phone if it's true. I just need a good working pen and true multitasking.
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- AnonD-218710
- 6PI
- 11 Dec 2015
Mirza Sohail, stick with N3 till next year 1st qtr when S7 plus with gaint 6" released. Otherwise its your choice.Problem with ourselves is cells have become our weakness, and class conscious, everybody doesn't come from filty rich background, but there cell reflects the mentality of Us. Have a second thought and react.
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- AnonD-237417
- tTc
- 11 Dec 2015
TheNeighbor, 11 Dec 2015Your better off with the Note 4 than the two choices you li... moreNote 5 is the best
- T
- TheNeighbor
- PSv
- 11 Dec 2015
MirzaSohail, 11 Dec 2015Need Sincere Advice,
I have shortlisted IPhone 6s Plus &am... moreYour better off with the Note 4 than the two choices you listed. Note 4 actually has better battery, and you can better the battery with double or triple capacity ones.
Even with my Note 3, I've already ordered two 6400mAh batteries so I'll never change or charge during the day with heavy use.
- M
- MirzaSohail
- 3Ya
- 11 Dec 2015
Need Sincere Advice,
I have shortlisted IPhone 6s Plus & Note 5
Currently owing note 3 but Never had used iOS before,6s plus stunning finish is forcing me to take it. I am a heavy user and fan of phablet.
If I go for 6s Plus will it be a wise move or I stick with android. My main concern is Betty life of Note 5.
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 11 Dec 2015
AnonD-430264, 11 Dec 2015Fiancé's battery % showed 82% in the morning after s... moreHaha, I guess they never fixed this problem. Similar is with my Note 8 - battery indicator fluctuates because of software. I have to literally disconnect the battery to reset the battery fuel gauge. No such problems with a removable battery.
- B
- Bhabani
- uvU
- 11 Dec 2015
I recently read that smartphones will become obsolete in 5 years because nobody wants to hold a 5 inch or 6 inch display most of the time in life which is uncomfortable .so be ashamed if you certify urself to be a overpowered user.
But note 5 is a great phone.
And Note 3 sucks
- D
- AnonD-430264
- 11 Dec 2015
Fiancé's battery % showed 82% in the morning after she had it charged all night (still on charger).
While at work it went from 68% to 15% to 43% back up to 60%. It's all I've the place. As you know these phones aren't old.