Samsung Galaxy Note5

Samsung Galaxy Note5

User opinions and reviews

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AnonD-183089, 22 Nov 2015totally wrong info. i have a secondary xperia z for 2 years... moreNot if you are a heavy user like me who uses his device like no limitation on power WITHOUT having to plug in. The thing about batteries is that they degrade even without use over time. Can you say that you still have the SAME screen on time as it was brand new? I've had my Note 8 for three years - from 7 to only less than 5 hours of screen on time nearing its 2nd year. Now, it's less than 4 hours.

Even all manufacturers will claim in their manuals to expect some 20% loss of power hold within 6 months. It's all downhill from there. You don't see as the indicator will just tell you it's "100%", but in fact the number of hours of usage is DIMINISHED than previous.

You can see this clearly with the batteries of laptops where in Windows command prompt "powercfg/batteryreport" (and find that image of the report somewhere in your documents paths that it will give you) can reveal how much percentage of battery capacity is being degraded over the past days,weeks and months.

If you charge and discharge a lot, then your battery will degrade faster; if you're a light user, then not so much. Well, I'm a heavy user - my first set of batteries started showing problems after 1.5 years of even cycling 3 batteries. They could only hold 60% of the original capacity usage time. I could consume 2 batteries every day. I'm now on my second set of 3 batteries.

At least I'm not carrying a powerbank to keep my power demands afloat - powerbanks are like 5 TIMES in volume compared to a single battery. I get a full charge REGAIN in just 80 seconds of swapping batteries, than having to wait some "under 90/120 minutes" as advertised by Samsung. And I don't need to pass by a service center and wait for even days for the battery to be replaced.

    • D
    • AnonD-237139
    • LdQ
    • 22 Nov 2015

    AnonD-183089, 22 Nov 2015totally wrong info. i have a secondary xperia z for 2 years... moreNote 4 has Endurance rating 90h 3220 mAh
    Note 5 has Endurance rating 85h 3000 mAh

    On my Note 4 battery hold about 16 hours and 4 hours SOT.

    What is your endurance rating on xperia ?

      • D
      • AnonD-183089
      • rtY
      • 22 Nov 2015

      [deleted post]It depends on your needs
      if you need sd card, IR blaster, removable battery then go for note 4, if you don't mind about this options choose note 5 for more powerful performance

        • D
        • AnonD-183089
        • rtY
        • 22 Nov 2015

        AnonD-237139, 22 Nov 2015Non-removable battery is the big problem, because average ... moretotally wrong info. i have a secondary xperia z for 2 years which has a built in battery & it lasts for days!!! and never found a problem..all devices in future will have only built in batteries with this concept in future you will not use mobile phones at all

          • D
          • AnonD-237139
          • LdQ
          • 22 Nov 2015

          [deleted post]Note 4 is much better phone than Note 5.
          Note 4 has removable battery,
          Note 4 has expandable memory up to 128gb
          Note 4 is cheaper than Note 5
          Note 4 has the same camera sensor as a note 5 ,
          Sony IMX 240

            • t
            • tech da zombie
            • 3%2
            • 22 Nov 2015

            TheNeighbor, 21 Nov 2015As a heavy Galaxy Note user, I have all my right to even po... moreNicely said (thumbs up)

              • D
              • AnonD-237139
              • LdQ
              • 22 Nov 2015

              Non-removable battery is the big problem,
              because average battery lifetime is just one year !!!
              After that period, users will have to buy new phones.

                AnonD-183089, 22 Nov 2015but put into your consideration that it will be the trend i... moreAnd lost a sector of its customers.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-468134
                  • qR7
                  • 22 Nov 2015

                  Why did Samsung remove the capability of adding signatures on text messages on the Samsung note5? I really liked that feature...important for my work.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-22824
                    • g33
                    • 22 Nov 2015

                    Went for outing today as it was the weekend took phone out of charger at 100% battery level .clicked lots of pics and did lots of video shoots with Note5 for the 1st time so extensively.and all the while when i was traveling note5 was always plugged to my headphones playing music ,data + gps were also always on , played few games as well while waiting in few ques... but not for long .however when came home even then the battery life was still at 30% .
                    The big point I noticed is that phone did not heatup much and was running very cool while clicking back to back pics along with back to back video shootings .even while shooting 4k videos Note5 was very cool and the auto focus was spot on thanks to the OIS the pics and videos turned up nice I mean with any blurr even with my unstable hands .

                    I have never experienced this on any smartphone previously all the other smartphones i used were heating up quickly plus photos and videos used to come blurry and out of focus if not taken properly plus the smartphone use to loose lots of battery power while taking those pics and shooting videos.

                    However when reached home and checked the phone ,I found out that Both the pics and the videos On note5 turned up to be very nice,crisp and there is lots of details.even in low light conditions as there was a sudden weather change and it started raining for a while.

                    Front camera is also good however u need to keep the phone stable otherwise the photos and videos may come a little blurry as there is lack of OIS in front camera. Never the less even selfies have lots of details + beautyface feature works just fine.

                    Overall the camera is just awesome on the Note5 .
                    So guys This was is my 2 cents review for the camera on Note5.
                    Plz share ur experince with Note5.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-183089
                      • rtY
                      • 22 Nov 2015

                      AnonD-237139, 22 Nov 2015I will never buy note 5, because non-removable battery is b... morebut put into your consideration that it will be the trend in the upcoming samsung note series devices & note 4 will be the last flagship with a removable battery! if we look around will see that all other manufacturers are depending on built in batteries and samsung was late in using built in batteries in it's flagships!

                      N.B.: i'm a not 4 user :)

                        • D
                        • AnonD-237139
                        • LdQ
                        • 22 Nov 2015

                        I will never buy note 5, because non-removable battery is big problem.
                        Note 4 is a much better than Note 5,
                        and my choice is Note 4.
                        + money save :)

                          • D
                          • AnonD-22824
                          • g33
                          • 22 Nov 2015

                          Go launcher or as a matter of fact any launcher on play store is not the entire UI,Its just the home screen and app launcher with few icon options and few toggels.
                          However Using any launcher wud not change the entire touchwiz UI which is a skin given by samsung to the Android .
                          However with Note5 U now have a Theme option where in u can change the entire skin of the touchwiz UI on Note5 that too according to ur taste , i mean u can select which ever theme u like from the theme store ,some are free and some are paid.but u wud definetly find the one of ur taste.
                          Btw One can even use any launcher while using the touchwiz theme options.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-183089
                            • rtY
                            • 22 Nov 2015

                            AnonD-450447, 22 Nov 2015I hv upgraded from note 4 to Note 5 n I m v Happy. .Is it worth to upgrade from note 4 to note 5?

                              • D
                              • AnonD-100398
                              • g33
                              • 22 Nov 2015

                              AnonD-77443, 22 Nov 2015I brought a nexus 10 a while back and was really disappoint... moreGo launcher is not the entire UI,Its just the home screen and app launcher.
                              Using any launcher wud not change the entire touchwiz UI which is a skin given by samsung to the Android .
                              However with Note5 U now have a Theme option where in u can change the entire skin of the touchwiz UI that too according to ur taste , i mean u can select which ever theme u like from the theme store some are free and some are paid.
                              Btw One can even use any launcher while using the touchwiz theme option

                                • D
                                • AnonD-450447
                                • YM3
                                • 22 Nov 2015

                                seriuosly buyer, 21 Nov 2015if i want to buy..which 1 i must get..note 4 or note 5?i lo... moreI hv upgraded from note 4 to Note 5 n I m v Happy. .

                                  • B
                                  • Bob
                                  • t7X
                                  • 22 Nov 2015

                                  I am planning to sell my galaxy note 5 since it's screen is not working unless used with s pen. I just got the unit a month ago. The samsung service center has already replaced the screen yet it's still failing. I don't know what to do. Is anybody here experiencing the same problem?

                                    AnonD-77443, 22 Nov 2015I brought a nexus 10 a while back and was really disappoint... moreI don't understand about the facination about "pure" Android, when you need the app to run the S Pen, infrared remote controller, and plus you can entirely theme the entore phone with another UI like Nova Prime with gesture controls. I just want the hardware, and I'd like to change most of the UI.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-77443
                                      • PPx
                                      • 22 Nov 2015

                                      I brought a nexus 10 a while back and was really disappointed with all the features "pure" android was missing compared with the Note series. That said, i always replace the Touchwizz interface with GoLauncher.

                                        • s
                                        • siddhss
                                        • HsE
                                        • 22 Nov 2015

                                        hi i m from india...i bought note 5 yesterday 32gb for 47k....its superb yaar.....thanx for samsung..............but missing expandable card slot and removable battery...but i purchased 1 year extended warranty.....feeling reach.............