Samsung Galaxy Note5

Samsung Galaxy Note5

User opinions and reviews

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  • E
  • Ello'der old chap
  • YP1
  • 19 Jul 2016

I am all for this product and was actually very excited to purchase it but... When I heard that it doesn't have an SD card slot or a removable battery I became worried. My current phone is an 16gb S4 but I use my 64gb sd card with it so it is bearable. I have no idea what disadvantages a removable battery could ultimately do but all I know is that it's a first for a model of this caliber (particularly for this company). These features still troubles me so... Is it worth it?

    Kim, 04 Jul 2016A lot of people who posted an opinion here have one of this... moreWow a genuine comment. thumbs up bro.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • XNp
      • 19 Jul 2016

      Just a month ago I bought this phone. I am happy with its performance. However, when in areas where weak signal is experienced,the unit gets a bit heated up. When the "data" is switched off, then it begins to cool. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any issue. Camera is the best of all. However, when "battery saving mode" is on, the phone shows a bit of lagging. Overall performance is very good compared to many other devices.

        Anonymous, 18 Jul 2016does it have a fingerprint scanner?You meant Iris Scanner?

          • K
          • KiD
          • NuU
          • 18 Jul 2016

          Anonymous, 18 Jul 2016does it have a fingerprint scanner?yes it does....its written on the specs that it has fingerptint

            AnonD-561447, 17 Jul 2016what about battery ? i think 3000mah is not appropriate fo... morethe battery is not bad at all, but do not expect miracles.

              Anonymous, 18 Jul 2016does it have a fingerprint scanner?yes it has

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • t7X
                • 18 Jul 2016

                does it have a fingerprint scanner?

                  • D
                  • AnonD-561447
                  • Nk4
                  • 17 Jul 2016

                  what about battery ?
                  i think 3000mah is not appropriate for note 5
                  please advice me

                    • C
                    • Chirag
                    • u7I
                    • 17 Jul 2016

                    zeeshan.mazhari, 14 Jul 2016My wife is using Note 5 (Exynos version) for past 6 months.... moreZeeshan m also using samsung galaxy note 4 nd nw i m going to buy note 5.. i jst wn tot know how note 5 processor works.. bcz if we compare both 4 nd 5 note.. so note 4 has 4 processors with snapdragon.. nd note 5 have nt snapdragon also note 5 has only 2 processors.. So i wnt to confirm is note 5 has hanging prob or nt? plz rply me on my email

                      • D
                      • AnonD-100398
                      • g33
                      • 17 Jul 2016

                      The.N.EI.G.H.B.O.R., 17 Jul 2016Air view (with finger), thermometer, USB 3.0, infrared remo... moreWow how brillient you are .you think that ir blaster ,sd card , and removable battery features were removed through software update Lol. Like always you Look like a stup!d with that comment .LOL

                        • D
                        • AnonD-100398
                        • g33
                        • 17 Jul 2016

                        missiponder@wildblue, 17 Jul 2016Why would samsung take away features that were already on T... moreWhy are you Posting same lies again and again with diffrent diffrent id's like few note5 haters here ? I guess you are already one of them LOL .

                          • D
                          • AnonD-100398
                          • g33
                          • 17 Jul 2016

                          Missi, 17 Jul 2016Best phone I ever had until about 3 weeks ago when it did a... moreDude are you even for real there is no feature which was taken back with the updates.stop spreading lies.moreover with each update the phone became much more better than before. Like in battery endurence speed might have some bug on your note5.

                            missiponder@wildblue, 17 Jul 2016Why would samsung take away features that were already on T... moreAir view (with finger), thermometer, USB 3.0, infrared remote, wonderful removable battery (for extended batteries), and ever useful memory card - all in Note 3.


                              • m
                              • missiponder@wildblue
                              • 4Ke
                              • 17 Jul 2016

                              Why would samsung take away features that were already on Their phones previously with a new software update?? Seriously. I paid too much money for this phone and it's already installed features to just lose them with updates. Does this happen with every update if so let me know now cause I'm already having to go back to a darn iPhone cause since the update my phone is not working proverly and features are gone.

                                • M
                                • Missi
                                • 4Ke
                                • 17 Jul 2016

                                Best phone I ever had until about 3 weeks ago when it did a software update and took away the motions and sounds from the lock screen which was really cool and one of the reasons I got the phonemail to start with. I think they should not take away features that you already have on any phone oright whend they do software updates unlesso they are harmful to the phone or not working properly which wasn't the case with the phone or this feature. Also since the update my phone just opens things by itself and just goes off and on and freezes. I really wish that they would have left the immaculate phone alone and now they have really made it not so good. I really do not like an apple phone but it's the only one the 6 S plus that is even close to this note 5 in comparison. I really wish samsung would rethink their software update they just did or at least add back the features it took away cause that is just wrong. Guess I will be switching back to an apple iPhone thanks Samsung for taking a phone I loved and used daily and even bought a gear s2 watch to go with it and taking away my features and adding stuff that isn't working right. I hope you rethink this. Hello darn iPhone again I have no choice.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • sS5
                                  • 17 Jul 2016

                                  AnonD-553158, 13 Jul 2016Hi all. I'm seeing a lot of people asking the same question... moreHow does its battery lasts 2,3 days??

                                    • S
                                    • Shah
                                    • PA}
                                    • 16 Jul 2016

                                    I using Samsung note 5 almost three month but suddenly its back button not working. can u tell me why n how on this button?

                                      • I
                                      • Iphone
                                      • KAd
                                      • 16 Jul 2016

                                      zeeshan.mazhari, 14 Jul 2016My wife is using Note 5 (Exynos version) for past 6 months.... moreCheck whether hot-spot is on or disabled

                                        • K
                                        • Krishna
                                        • ITn
                                        • 16 Jul 2016

                                        I have purchased Note 5 duos 3 months back. I am facing the problem of hanging and automatically restarting at any time.