Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-2665
  • Hkq
  • 12 Jan 2014

NikiDroid, 12 Jan 2014 There, I have legacy folder, ... more

    • p
    • paragb
    • rAU
    • 12 Jan 2014

    I love this phone for the battery backup.a is the 3rd day without charger and i am at still 35% ....great job software & battery department

      • D
      • AnonD-53316
      • vGT
      • 12 Jan 2014

      NikiDroid, 12 Jan 2014I almost always carry charger whenever I go to my office or... moreWe enjoy and know the features of the phone so we can easily accept the battery performance.

        • D
        • AnonD-53316
        • vGT
        • 12 Jan 2014

        S . SUDHAKAR, 11 Jan 2014So it is your fate to carry external battery pack and the c... moreSince many months I am telling you that HTC and Sony gives the worst battery back ups and Note 2 and 3 is the best in the market if compared, but it is of no use as you have in your mind sticked to Symbian and will always keep bashing Android. Once again if you are so much dissatisfied with Note 2/Android why are you still using it. Android is giving you sleepless nights for many months. You never enjoyed the features of this phone just made you tensed for its battery back up.

          • D
          • AnonD-53316
          • vGT
          • 12 Jan 2014

          S . SUDHAKAR, 11 Jan 2014So it is your fate to carry external battery pack and the c... moreYou think you are stating something new. 99% people knows about the battery consumption of Android it is only you who didn't knew before buying accept it. In normal usage Note2 and Note 3,easily goes upto two two days, so try to understand comments. A kid can eat 2 pieces of bread but an adult needs much more than that, and that is the difference of Symbian and Android.

            • D
            • AnonD-53316
            • vGT
            • 12 Jan 2014

            NikiDroid, 12 Jan 2014I almost always carry charger whenever I go to my office or... moreYes I do the same, carry the charger with me to office. Never switched off my phone or bought an extra battery or pack. I was very happy with Note 2 and more happier with Note 3.

              AnonD-53316, 11 Jan 2014I am not bothered about the battery back up, I said this t... moreI almost always carry charger whenever I go to my office or other place, I am OK with that, battery life is not good or whatever. For me, I can accept Android consumes battery, and again I am OK.

                AnonD-2665, 11 Jan 2014device storage- /storage/emulated/0 sd memory card- /stora... more

                There, I have legacy folder, I never create it. Os there something wrong? Is it OK if I delete legacy folder, cause it is the same with emulated folder?

                  • D
                  • AnonD-108170
                  • KIg
                  • 12 Jan 2014

                  AnonD-58472, 11 Jan 2014Got exact 12hrs battery backup on 4.3Exact Two Days battery Backup on 4.3
                  Wifi + Msging + music + Phone calls :)

                    • D
                    • AnonD-121248
                    • tt8
                    • 11 Jan 2014

                    AnonD-159203, 10 Jan 2014Why you guys hate Symbian? It will still remain the best se... moreIf symbian would have been the best, Nokia would not stop it and it's support. Symbian has Severe restrictions plus lag. Symbian N8 if used with all features call messaging browsing navigation and gaming and video making will die much much earlier than note 1. So note 2 is way ahead. People should talk facts and in a technical way rather baseless arguments.

                    Android is same as Windows to people in terms of popularity but customised like Linux.

                    Let's be creative and productive rather than biased talks. Thanks

                      [deleted post]So it is your fate to carry external battery pack and the charger whereever you go (even for normal usage). Carry on !!!.

                      To all :
                      This person has accepted the truth of the battery backup of most to all android handsets now. So beware before buying any android handset !!!.

                      I have not used any Windows or Mac phone. So no comments on those.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-53316
                        • vGT
                        • 11 Jan 2014

                        S . SUDHAKAR, 11 Jan 2014I have rights to post the truth of android handsets in rele... moreI am not bothered about the battery back up, I said this too, on Note 2 if you will play Hayday the battery is finished within 3 hours, I don't care, and on my Note 3 it gives 8hours backup with a screen of 5 +, hours still I am not bothered. Got it, I know what I am asking for and what is the price of it. In high end sets you have to pay the price in form of battery backup, everyone knows it.

                          AnonD-53316, 11 Jan 2014One thing is sure you will not get the battery life you des... moreI have rights to post the truth of android handsets in relevant page(s).

                          Before I have posted as N7100 gives worst battery backup. Now I have corrected myself to 'most of the android phones give worst battery battery backup'.

                          So in terms of vehicle (comparision) you are capable of driving high end vehicles without bothering about the soaring fuel prices?.
                          If yes, post that you are not bothered about battery backup and you enjoy only the features of the handsets (and not the battery backup).

                            doc am, 11 Jan 2014Does galaxy note2 have a gorilla glassNo.

                              • d
                              • doc am
                              • Hkq
                              • 11 Jan 2014

                              Does galaxy note2 have a gorilla glass

                                • D
                                • AnonD-53316
                                • rJ9
                                • 11 Jan 2014

                                S . SUDHAKAR, 11 Jan 2014High configuration, better performance. At last worst batte... moreOne thing is sure you will not get the battery life you desire from any of Android sets they are power hungry, so better found a permanent solution, rather than discussing battery performance for months years and ages.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-53316
                                  • rJ9
                                  • 11 Jan 2014

                                  S . SUDHAKAR, 11 Jan 2014High configuration, better performance. At last worst batte... moreI left this for you to made you happy. So high end Android sets are like Hummer cars, they eat gallons of petrol though loved by specific class of people not by everyone.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-58472
                                    • rKH
                                    • 11 Jan 2014

                                    Took 1hr 30mints to charge 50%...

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-2665
                                      • Hkq
                                      • 11 Jan 2014

                                      NikiDroid, 11 Jan 2014Almost the same. Look at this: ... moredevice storage- /storage/emulated/0
                                      sd memory card- /storage/extSdCard
                                      I don't have legacy folder !

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-58472
                                        • U{J
                                        • 11 Jan 2014

                                        Got exact 12hrs battery backup on 4.3