Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

User opinions and reviews

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  • a
  • abi
  • vbx
  • 19 May 2013

pls help me out i m so frustated 15 days back i bought note 2 and it showing some unfortunaletly msg tell me what i do and it hang a lot even after resetting it 2 time the problem still remain

    • D
    • AnonD-147115
    • t7X
    • 19 May 2013

    khon, 13 May 2013My note 2 lte wifi always switch on when the phone is power... moresend me your email i will attach a screenshot of a setting that may help to your problem...

      • H
      • Heman
      • fk2
      • 19 May 2013

      cherry, 18 May 2013i want to buy a phone with excellent performance n looks ,m... morewell remove Nexus 4 from the comparison, its battery is bad compared to the Note 2 and the HTC one X+ .. i would go with the HTC one X+ cause it's better designed and better audio quality (for your requirements)

        • D
        • AnonD-48911
        • GQh
        • 19 May 2013

        The third generation handset, in the meantime, is expected to come with almost 6 inch Full HD display, far more powerful processor, more RAM and 13 mega pixel camera.
        1080p Super AMOLED edge-to-edge display, thus reducing the entire size of the device as much as possible. time available. In this regard, the new variant of the Note will be again ideal, because it is going to have a bit more large display than both of its predecessors.

          • D
          • Diego
          • Xu6
          • 19 May 2013

          Excellence features.

            • D
            • AnonD-57013
            • 33Z
            • 19 May 2013

            ghghgh, 18 May 2013this is the last time i buy a samsung phone...why!?because ... moreObviously you must have been cheated for a Chinese clone, I've been using mine for almost 9 months now and it's hands down the best phone money can buy.

              • l
              • leo
              • PF5
              • 19 May 2013

              hi friends, is n7100 and n7105 have the same gaming and overall performance?? please answer me coz i want to buy it...thanks

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • XMF
                • 19 May 2013

                ghghgh, 18 May 2013this is the last time i buy a samsung phone...why!?because ... morestupid lie, mine has no lag at all, non root n original touchwiz

                note2 is beast :-)

                  ghghgh, 18 May 2013this is the last time i buy a samsung phone...why!?because ... moreAwesome, what an epic rant. You are lost. You might as well go iOS. You talk like one of its users.

                    • c
                    • cherry
                    • utZ
                    • 18 May 2013

                    i want to buy a phone with excellent performance n looks ,music (in ear phone only), great display clarity ,gud battery backup....i go through almost all reviews and qualities but i have confusion in buying

                    Note 2 vs Nexus 4 vs Htc One X+ , Xperia Z vs S4 .

                    which is best to buy ...???
                    which suits me value for money(bcoz i was collected the money for a long time)

                      • D
                      • AnonD-147021
                      • 3Y1
                      • 18 May 2013

                      awesome mobile i love my note 2 tis is best mobile till now 4 me

                        • a
                        • abhishek
                        • PId
                        • 18 May 2013

                        neha, 17 May 2013message app crashes sometimes in my note 2 and also get hea... moreTry formatting the phone. Do back up your data.

                          • S
                          • Sss
                          • PSc
                          • 18 May 2013

                          [deleted post]Hi fri
                          If u look for economic samsung smart ph with big screen, just go for galaxy GRAND, 5.05 inch screen, 8mp camera and 2mp front one, dual gsm sims, 1.2/ 1.4 ghz ?dual core processor, can work nearly as good as s note 2.

                          The price is 3/5 of that of s note 2. Try it. I have note 2 and my sis uses s g grand. Worth for price.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-137486
                            • KAY
                            • 18 May 2013

                            Dear Friends
                            I just got this beast a week before.Previous mobile HTC one X plus,S3,Iphone5.Iphone4s
                            Planned to go for S4 but turn back to Note 2 reason S4 started with price 41,500 but today 39,000 in weeks so might be in months it may comes to 35,000 hope so.

                            Reviews about Note 2 a week of usage
                            Battery is best heavy usage 1.5days normal usage 2.5days todays busy life battery is very much important there are many smart mobile in market but no use of battery backup.
                            It can open any apps or HD games flawlessly because of 2gb ram 1.6quadcore so there is no problem of future firmware updates like key lime pie.
                            At first it was to big for me 5.5inch screen but later it became very compact and comfortable past one week never touched my laptop :)
                            SPEN mind blowing.
                            Friends my suggestion go for this beast compare to S4 Just think about daily usage battery,screen size,good hardware and pricing.
                            People who get heating issue just restart your mobile or flash your firmware the problem get solved.
                            HTC brands you won't get software updates as like samsung and samsung is very friendly user.

                            Compare to any smartphone in todays market this beast has hardware,display,price and very important BATTERY were other devices lack.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-252
                              • J5N
                              • 18 May 2013

                              [deleted post]Just wait a year after initial release and the price will drop to more reasonable levels! It is always too expensive to have the latest model!

                                • D
                                • AnonD-77443
                                • i2p
                                • 18 May 2013

                                [deleted post]Seriously?? Do you tell Ferrari the same thing? Maybe you should look at Toyota, Nissan etc if you can't afford a Ferrari.

                                Maybe instead of the SGS4 you should look at the Nexus 4. Not as good but still a good phone for a fair bit less.

                                The price of high end smart phones has never been lower and the margins have never been smaller (just ask apple).

                                PS The other option is to study, work hard and get a job that pays more.

                                  • g
                                  • ghghgh
                                  • sqm
                                  • 18 May 2013

                                  this is the last time i buy a samsung phone...why!?because they always look good on paper with all the specs but real life experience is a joke...the worst 650e i spent...don't get me wrong,i like the phone,i love the huge screen and the good battery life but i'm sick and tired of the freakin' freezes and crashings and stuttering and did i mention ...the lag!!!wt...f!!! quadcore with jellybean and lags...a lot...i bought it because it best suited me for my work and also for my free time but instead of being the helpful device i needed and wanted i'm say the least...and i also rooted and instaled custom roms so i know what to do with android...maybe is my particular case but i don't think that i'm the only one complaining...i love phablets...ever since dell streak 5(what a great device that was but in the wrong time period)...i like android for all the possibilities...but come on samsung,you charge a leg for this!? i had the galaxy s,s2,s3 now this but no more for me...i previously owned htc's and i regret now the experience that i had on those devices with the only shortcoming being battery life,but in real life usage they were great...i don't hate samsung or love htc or sony but it is not normal for this things to repeat with each model they put on sale...they should stop with the crappy touchwiz and all the gimmicks and focus on the experience..i mean i have smart stay and guess what?it's not working,for me has a pen that i never use..and the so called great camera it's just crap(using sony camera modules explains it..previously owned xperia arc s and camera was crap so...)im not seing don't buy this but it's better if you have a chance to test it..maybe it's not what you are expecting,just like in my case..i expected a lot and got in return almost my next phone will be a non-samsung device..sorry but i think that htc is better than this..for me at least...there are a lot of things that i like but also to many that i bad..this phone could've been really good but for me it's not...

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 3GV
                                    • 17 May 2013

                                    neha, 17 May 2013message app crashes sometimes in my note 2 and also get hea... moreHahaha don’t lie mate :) mine is overclocked to 1.8gh just for fun… no extra heat at all and super fast…
                                    if you really have such problems (I seriously doubt that) it must be a defective unit..

                                      • n
                                      • neha
                                      • U{g
                                      • 17 May 2013

                                      message app crashes sometimes in my note 2 and also get heated very badly that its not possible to talk without headphones

                                        • R
                                        • Rishav
                                        • t1$
                                        • 17 May 2013

                                        @Aniket Razor bro i am from kolkata.There has a lte of airtel.