Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100
- S
- Sam On
- P@T
- 26 Nov 2012
mary, 25 Nov 20121--- does this phone support viber calling system?
2--- do... morei bought ut 2 weeks ago and it is the best phone for now:
1- dont know
3-excellence, i always use it instead of keying
4- differerent price depends on country
5-Never accept the broken seal on its box
6- not true
- S
- Sam On
- P@T
- 26 Nov 2012
AnonD-81734, 25 Nov 2012Which smartphone should I buy Samsung Galaxy Note 2,HTC One... moreNote II as I bought it two weeeks ago. I will alway say bye bye to HTC and iphone.
- s
- saneesh
- 26 Nov 2012
dell streak is the best
- ?
- Anonymous
- vwc
- 26 Nov 2012
Samsung Galaxy Note-II has a very unusual limitation. SMS cannot be sent to more than 10 nos names at a time in a group. It is unusual and unexpected to such a limitation of such high cost phone.
Can anybody help?
Will sumsung renew the software to add at least 100 sms in a group. B. Biswas
- P
- C2f
- 26 Nov 2012
AnonD-13569, 25 Nov 2012lol.. its d only phablet in mkt?? so has to b d best in d c... moreLG has just released their first phablet which is squarish in shape.
- T
- Tris
- fxR
- 26 Nov 2012
Hi All,
anyone know how do I remove the ongoing prob/app under page where I scroll down from my screen?
- M
- Matt
- 26 Nov 2012
Just gotten mine last Saturday, what a beast~
- N
- Nicky
- 9A1
- 26 Nov 2012
AnonD-81734, 25 Nov 2012Which smartphone should I buy Samsung Galaxy Note 2,HTC One... moreNo doubt u should buy note 2
- D
- AnonD-81581
- Skg
- 26 Nov 2012
#1, it is best of the best smart phone in market today, i love you my Note 2.
- D
- AnonD-81840
- P@d
- 26 Nov 2012
the phones are depends on the user if s/he want a bigger or a smaller phone. you can do a lot in androids than iphone(s). you can easily download movies and games in android phones. ;)
- L
- Lee Leang
- PA$
- 26 Nov 2012
Actually, I always like and using Samsung Galaxy Note II but it is not support with Khmer Unicode in Cambodia. If you can fix Khmer Unicode can support on Galaxy Note II as soon as possible, there will be have many Cambodian people happy to use it further more then you would expand your market in Cambodia as well...
Thanks, Lee Leang.
- D
- AnonD-57013
- iB4
- 26 Nov 2012
Very strong and beautiful phone, but not for afraid and weak souls.
- R
- Radioman
- Xpt
- 26 Nov 2012
[deleted post]I expect I'm not alone in saying, I can barely understand what you're trying to say and try some punctuation once in a while
- r
- radioman
- Xpt
- 26 Nov 2012
AnonD-81734, 25 Nov 2012Which smartphone should I buy Samsung Galaxy Note 2,HTC One... moreAll I can tell you is, don't touch the i-phone, it's an over rated fashion statment that has all the resiliance of a raw egg. One knock and the screen will crack from side to side and the features fall well short of every other smart phone on the market
- D
- AnonD-81792
- 8JM
- 26 Nov 2012
Its a full computer into your hands everywhere you may go. The S Pen is of great use at university and meetings. Just epic. The 2 Gb of Ram kicks in when playing heavy games or multitaskig. They could just had fitted an A15 cpu in it with a fresh new gpu, but the Exynos 4412 and Mali 400mp4 is up to anything by now.
I recommend to anyone. And it fits perfectly in my skinny jeans pockets.
- A
- Ashu
- t@B
- 26 Nov 2012
AnonD-81734, 25 Nov 2012Which smartphone should I buy Samsung Galaxy Note 2,HTC One... moreu can buy htc one x+ i am using too
- F
- Fhawes
- 43g
- 26 Nov 2012
have you ever owned a iphone before ?
- D
- AnonD-81784
- Rsh
- 26 Nov 2012
My biggest fear in holding a phone is dropping in the sinks at my hair salon in Atlanta. I care it everywhere! Since we got the 4GLTE here in Atlanta, I've been tempted to get the Note 2 with AT&T; taking notes would be great. But I've heard HTC phones are great around water.