Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • Dyadic
  • XuF
  • 18 Nov 2012

S man, 17 Nov 2012GS3 has a higher ppi countIf you could afford,
GN II has put above gs3 by Samsung.
says 2GB RAM,1.6 GHz clock speed , larger screen view, higher battery endurance of 60 hrs, improved stylus pen, split screen software application etc.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • vaN
    • 18 Nov 2012

    S man, 17 Nov 2012GS3 has a higher ppi countNo. GS3 has a ppi of 306 for green subpixels, for red and blue the ppi is only 216. That gives an average ppi of 246, and that's well below note 2 at 267 ppi.

    About the post you replied to, I believe he didn't disable power saving or he left the brightness at auto, it is well known that the Note 2 display is superior to GS3, BUT it's also more reflective so outdoors it doesn't make a difference.

      • n
      • nitinrao
      • vI9
      • 18 Nov 2012

      hi guys finally was able to increase my internal memory from mear 5 GB to 7.5 GB by shifting files .from internal memory to external memory...and how to do that .....?no root required.....!!!! just simply download file expert from play store and shift files and see the magic.......cheers.....!!!!!

        • D
        • AnonD-77338
        • kW8
        • 18 Nov 2012

        A, 17 Nov 2012I am hesitant to buy just to this plastic body? what should... moreI have mine as Grey, cause the black screen when you turn it off matches the Grey portion, whereas White stands out like a sore thumb. Plus the Grey has a shiny gloss reflection which i like.

          • D
          • AnonD-78172
          • qLn
          • 18 Nov 2012

          Where or When will Samsung bring out the 32 or 64 gig versions to the masses ?

          I've been duped into buying the NEXT SHINNY DEVICE, like everyone else but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !

          Am not shelling out close to $700 on a 16 gig model when a few months down the road Samsung will start delivering 32 and 64 gig versions, AFTER the 16 gig made them BOO-KOO BUCKS !

            • R
            • Raju Gupta
            • ut2
            • 18 Nov 2012

            Friends ! the touch screen of Galaxy Note II is very sensitive compared to its previous version. Phone is handy. But Samsung is not satisfying all the customers by providing the 32GB & 64GB version of Galaxy Note II. Are they making fool???

              • N
              • Nadi
              • rA2
              • 18 Nov 2012

              Awesome Phone

                • D
                • AnonD-78154
                • Tuh
                • 18 Nov 2012

                S3 has pentile Note has RGB-matris or something. PPI isn't everything!

                  • S
                  • S man
                  • IsD
                  • 17 Nov 2012

                  Anonymous, 14 Nov 2012i just bought it tomorrow it is really awesome but i found ... moreGS3 has a higher ppi count

                    • D
                    • AnonD-78138
                    • bdj
                    • 17 Nov 2012

                    This phone performs well in about every area but two.
                    1. What kind of beautiful smart phone should be limited to ONLY a lousy 16GB of INTERNAL MEMORY? I heard and keep reading about three versions of this phone being offered and have yet to see any such thing. NO 32 or 64GB version of this phone is going to be sold on any US carrier apparently. What moron made that decision at Samsung? I wanted to get the 64GB version with a 64GB memory card but it looks like that will never happen!
                    2. Why limit the features on the US phone further by not offering the multi-tasking feature? I read about ALL the features on this phone and took back the SGN2 I had because I thought it was defective frankly and wanted to see if they'd fix it. Apparently you have to be on Sprint's network to get the "update" so that you can multi-task. You can't purchase the phone outright from Sprint along with insurance either. You must be on a two year contract and wait 22 months to get an upgrade. While the fact it handles all the way up to a 64GB memory card is great having a smart phone loaded with wonderful features but a small internal memory is just horrible product design. It feels like a bait and switch.
                    I have repeatedly asked about when they'll wise up and offer versions with more internal memory but no one knows anything. Guess I'll have to wait a few months more for a smartphone worthy of shelling out a lot of cash for. A possible 128GB memory had me drooling and now I'm just very disappointed by Samsung's empty promises. I certainly hope they'll offer the aforementioned versions but it's looking more like we won't even see a 32GB version in the US. I would also like to inform people that you can't move apps you purchased to your memory card too. I have read about this but never tried it since I took back the SGN2 I bought. This was going to be my first smart phone and while it's a great phone it just lacks too much in key areas I can't compromise in. This is a serious failure on Samsung's part to the consumer and I just wanted to share my experience.

                      • S
                      • Sohail
                      • Hxc
                      • 17 Nov 2012

                      Hi im from dubai snd using Note 2 since two days I'll say only one word its Awesome

                        • D
                        • AnonD-77905
                        • fvI
                        • 17 Nov 2012

                        Anonymous, 17 Nov 2012I dont think it looks good from an angle, it will look blue... moreSo is this with the all note 2 phones or just some devices like mine and what really bothers me that i have note 1 and i sold to get this phone and the note2 did well in everything ( battery life , loud speaker , speed , call quality ) its better in all of these than the note1 but in term of the disay the note 1 did better than note 2 i didnt notice that yellow tint in my note 1 and the colors were better on the note 1 so thats what annoys me , and BTW the screen is more better from the angle i would get the screen with this blueish tint than this buggy yellow tint

                          • H
                          • Humbu
                          • f3D
                          • 17 Nov 2012

                          How do you rate this device?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • vaN
                            • 17 Nov 2012

                            AnonD-77905, 17 Nov 2012the weird thing that if i tilt the phone just a little and ... moreI dont think it looks good from an angle, it will look blueish from an angle, any angle, even a small one. When you tilt it more it turns blue-green.

                            You need to put it beside another phone to see that its actually blueish from an angle, as an untrained eye cannot easily perceive this without a source of reference.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • vaN
                              • 17 Nov 2012

                              uu, 17 Nov 2012Planning to buy on Monday but some of them have posted tat ... moreNOthing to worry about, that tint is almost not noticeable and its simple because of a slightly low White Temperature of the display. This should be 6500 kelvin to be perfect, but no phones are perfect. Actually the Note 2 fares MUCH better here than the Gaalxy S, S2, S3, as those had way to high white temperature, and THAT is annoying! As the display then gets a blue tint.

                              Im very sensitive to display quality and i tested 2 demo units Galaxy Note2 in the store before i bought mine, and i also looked at the actual unit i was buying before i paid, to make sure it didnt have the lame blue tint from the Galaxy S series.

                              And to be more accurate, the tint is not even yellow, its yellow-magenta, which is known to increase sunlight readability. Annoying? You will not notice it anyway. And in any case its less yellow-,agenta than many SLCD phones from HTC, and you dont hear HTC owners complain about that tint, do you? Because its really not a problem.

                                • J
                                • Jack
                                • Xu4
                                • 17 Nov 2012

                                uu, 17 Nov 2012Planning to buy on Monday but some of them have posted tat ... moreI want to buy sgn2 .. does it really have yellow tint problem ???? Plz guide ....... To uSERS

                                  • a
                                  • arif
                                  • 0FI
                                  • 17 Nov 2012

                                  cant wait to buy this phone... waiting for d day

                                    • X
                                    • Xreal
                                    • PS6
                                    • 17 Nov 2012

                                    Just got mine today, cant wait to go back home and play with it ! Saved my money for this since June! Im still at work, cant wait to go backk!!!

                                      • u
                                      • uu
                                      • t1$
                                      • 17 Nov 2012

                                      Planning to buy on Monday but some of them have posted tat tint. And yellow line which makes me to. 're think should. I invest to buy this , plz guide me

                                        • A
                                        • AYC
                                        • ITV
                                        • 17 Nov 2012

                                        guys i am hesitant to buy due to its outside plastic material and look. what should i do? and which colour is comparatively more in demand?