Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100
- j
- jeet
- 7qI
- 06 Nov 2012
does it supports ms-office in it?
- H
- Henry
- Y}P
- 06 Nov 2012
Its my third day since getting my Note 2 and the battery life is pure awesome. Its on 50% charge, i use wifi, listen to music and make some calls. About moderate usage. Its actually not that big of a phone. Oh and it kicks iphone ass too as an added bonus!!
- g
- gugel
- t7X
- 06 Nov 2012
if u want to dwnload apps other than the play store just use google search and find it to urself.,
- m
- mmbark
- uNV
- 06 Nov 2012
can anybody give me a link to download latest android games and apps(not google play store).
- L
- Leo
- N9@
- 06 Nov 2012
Just bought thls phone 15hrs ago its wonderful
- N
- KAj
- 06 Nov 2012
Can anyone tell me how to transfer files to micro sd card ??? how to move my files to sd card..?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 06 Nov 2012
TrickyWizzy, 05 Nov 2012i dont think you can....i have tried countless times. and i... moreNon related, but apple did not include a sd card reader into their devices because they are well aware that, that developers program apps to only run off the phone. So basically what I am saying is most apps cannot run off the sd card. So if you thinking, "oh I should just get a 16 gb phone, and buy a 64gb sd card, i am set." your in for a surprise. Most apps cannot run off the sd card. I thought you guys knew that. no?
- ?
- Anonymous
- LiD
- 06 Nov 2012
mark, 06 Nov 2012can anybody help me how i can download apps,games and other... moreIf your pc is connected to a DSL or USB modem internet, then download and install Connectify on your PC. Connectify would make your PC as wifi hotspot.
- M
- Mike
- t7{
- 06 Nov 2012
xyz, 05 Nov 2012Just want to say something about pathetic service Samsung h... moreAll you have to do was update your software, or hard reset your phone. 90% of the time it works.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vaN
- 06 Nov 2012
mark, 06 Nov 2012can anybody help me how i can download apps,games and other... moreYou have to get a wifi router, or make your PC a wireless access point if it has a wifi card that supports that (i think will not work on WinXP though, maybe not vista also, better have Win7 for this maybe).
Anyway, when you have a Note 2 you need Wifi connectivity, then you can use your Note 2 for most of your online activities, instead of the powerhungry PC =)
- n
- note 2er
- Mcy
- 06 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 05 Nov 2012in reply to @mmm yes you can save apps to sd card you just ... moreNo.You don't have this function to save your apps into micro sd card unless you root your note 2 like iphone call jailbreak.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vaN
- 06 Nov 2012
ray, 05 Nov 2012help my note 2 Loads fine over WiFi but not loading some pa... moreThat happens and is a bug in Android since 2.2 or before that. You have to open it in opera or maybe also chrome will work, but not the Android browser.
The bug occurs when a page is loading over 3G and then get a timed out error, after that it can take weeks before you can load a page over 3G again but no problem over wifi.
- m
- mark
- uNV
- 06 Nov 2012
can anybody help me how i can download apps,games and others from google play store directly to my computer because here mobile internet is very slow.please need help.
- u
- ukeshp
- Hxh
- 06 Nov 2012
As we all of already had well known its popularity & fame of latest model of samsung, we everyone liked it much.
Just how can i get it a bit in easy way esp. in easy price....???
- ?
- Anonymous
- vaN
- 06 Nov 2012
ray, 05 Nov 2012help my note 2 Loads fine over WiFi but not loading some pa... moreThat happens and is a bug in Android since 2.2 or before that. You have to open it in opera or maybe also chrome will work, but not the Android browser.
The bug occurs when a page is loading over 3G and then get a timed out error, after that it can take weeks before you can load a page over 3G again but no problem over wifi.
- m
- mus
- f0n
- 06 Nov 2012
how i get the setting for this phone,i called vodacom and theu\y said to me that they haven't yet the setting for thid mobile
- ?
- Anonymous
- U}}
- 06 Nov 2012
sgn2 is the king!
- ?
- Anonymous
- vuA
- 06 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 06 Nov 2012why would you need to save your apps in an sd card???? the ... moreLets see.... when you get the note 2 its already down to 10.5gb.
Given that there are a lot of apps over 1GB it doesn't take a lot to chew up the remaining. I dont play games but now have less than 5GB left (with 120 odd adds installed).
- N
- NeusMische
- wu4
- 06 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 05 Nov 2012in reply to @mmm yes you can save apps to sd card you just ... morenot true, apps2sd don't work on the note 2. the only way to store apps to the sd card is by rooting it.
yez the phone have 16gig of storage but you only have 10gig to use because of the software and the preinstalled apps.
- B
- Boy
- uCc
- 06 Nov 2012
I hope Galaxy Note CDMA will be release...