Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100
- V
- Vino
- b{2
- 25 Oct 2012
Could someone help me why Battery usage details is not working properly in my mobile. Is anyone having same issue??
- h
- hs
- utp
- 25 Oct 2012
Is there any video recorder for recording online videos for N7100 ?
- I
- Iyyapps
- b$L
- 25 Oct 2012
iD, 24 Oct 2012Excuse me! Note 2 best phone? NO WAY.. the batty life make ... morewhat are you talking? Worst battery samsung made?? re you talking about Note 2. if so i wonder have u really used the mobile for urself..cos i used for 18 days since i bought note 2 and till now there had no problem in battery after using HD vidoes, 3g, wifi, music player, texts, calls after all this and little game play,. even after this i get mine for solid 18 hours.. now a days i use medium and charge only once in two or three full days.. this is wat i was looking for..
- r
- ramangoel
- t}m
- 25 Oct 2012
Hey suddenly online video players on my browses and YouTube app not working, they are not loading videos. They were working yesterday. Plz anyone help. What should I do?
- g
- gorishankar
- tA3
- 25 Oct 2012
my galaxy note 2 camera note working my phone plz comment
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGT
- 25 Oct 2012
notty2, 25 Oct 2012just got an update from samsung.currently is N7100XXALJ2 In India its ALJ3, latest update.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vpb
- 25 Oct 2012
AnonD-53565, 24 Oct 2012Everything on this device is smooth and powerful except jus... moreare u using HD format waching youtube video? i think note 11 default uses hd format from youtube which has bigger size =(
- ?
- Anonymous
- vuF
- 25 Oct 2012
BUN, 25 Oct 2012s there anyone know that All Gnote 2 have LTE or just in so... moreThe N7100 doesn't have 4G, the N7105 does but it wont work in all countries or on all providers. You will need to check the 4G frequency.
- B
- XNv
- 25 Oct 2012
s there anyone know that All Gnote 2 have LTE or just in some countries only ?
- h
- hey nekko
- K1G
- 25 Oct 2012
Q: Is this phablet too big to carry around?
A: No. Guys who can't fit this phablet in his pants are wearing pants so skinny their sperm production is messed up. Girls don't carry phones in their pocket/skirts. They always carry it in their handbags.
Q: Is this phablet too big for one handed usage?
A: No. If you use it one handed exclusively i.e trying to reach every edge of the screen using your thumb then yes. But the thing is nowadays smartphones demand more two handed usage(qwerty keyboard, web browsing, pinch to zoom, setting the camera and so on and so forth). Even people with smaller screen use it two handed (3.5in iphone) and Blackberry users also use theirs two handed. So what's the one handed operation for? Unlocking screen, picking up calls, watching movies, watching slideshows, snapping pictures quickly without meddling with the settings, all which can be done on this phablet with no problem. So, NO the phablet is not too big for one handed operation.
**Those who said this phablet is too big for one handed usage most probably have only one hand which forced them to type on the landscape qwerty one handed and pinch to zoom while holding the device in the same hand. LOL imagine that.
- K
- Kunal
- U@Q
- 25 Oct 2012
Polaris Office is available in Samsung's App
- n
- notty2
- ib6
- 25 Oct 2012
just got an update from samsung.currently is N7100XXALJ2
- D
- AnonD-75990
- 7Dn
- 25 Oct 2012
AnonD-53565, 24 Oct 2012Everything on this device is smooth and powerful except jus... moretry to clear extra progs running by clearing the ram
im also using note 2 didnt face such probs in my device, and no such probs in my ics s3 either!
- D
- AnonD-75990
- 7Dn
- 25 Oct 2012
just got my device yesterday, was previously using s3. this is a great device, i mean, it'll blow your head off the first time you see it!
feels a bit heavy but not that much just a lil bit after s3 of course, and yeah, about the size, its perfectly manageable, pocketable, and no problem whatsoever with one hand usage!
the s-pen is awesome!
the only minus point, there's no usb on the go, like in s3, you'll need some special adapter which i havent got yet!
so if you need a bigger display and a bigger battery, then you'd better go hor this, espacially for s3 users!
- D
- AnonD-8044
- Sj1
- 25 Oct 2012
JJ, 24 Oct 2012Everything on this device is smooth and powerful except jus... moreAre you je p or jj ??
- D
- AnonD-67893
- wiU
- 25 Oct 2012
AnonD-53565, 24 Oct 2012Everything on this device is smooth and powerful except jus... moreIts not a fault of note 2. It stream full hd videos from youtube and full hd videos always are in bigger size in MB and GB. That may be the reason...
- D
- AnonD-38022
- wYF
- 25 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 24 Oct 2012Globe is the worst. And ur info cant be correct. Smart has ... moreThank you for the info about SMART and Globe. I couldn't make up my mind which one to get. My family and I have been using Globe since 1997 and have been loyal subscribers. I noticed though that service isn't what it used to be, it's terrible and I can't seem to get any decent internet connection on my devices as well. Smart keeps growing, has better offers in their definitely switching!!
- D
- AnonD-53565
- 3IK
- 24 Oct 2012
Everything on this device is smooth and powerful except just one thing...I have the xperia arc s too so when I bought the note 2 I was so excited to watch movies (youtube) on it . Here I was shocked cz the video(youtube) on the arc s was sooo fast but on the note 2 was toooo slow ....and both are on the same wifi network ....someone knows why or I dunno..?
- J
- JJ
- 3IK
- 24 Oct 2012
Everything on this device is smooth and powerful except just one thing...I have the xperia arc s too so when I bought the note 2 I was so excited to watch movies (youtube) on it . Here I was shocked cz the video(youtube) on the arc s was sooo fast but on the note 2 was toooo slow ....and both are on the same wifi network ....someone knows why or I dunno..?
- D
- Duh
- qmW
- 24 Oct 2012
iD, 24 Oct 2012Excuse me! Note 2 best phone? NO WAY.. the batty life make ... moreWorst battery life? Are you on drugs? For a 2GB it has 16-35 Hours of TALK TIME. My S2 doesn't last half that long. It has a 3100 battery. Lay off the booze!