Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100
- D
- AnonD-22824
- u7J
- 30 Sep 2012
i just bought it online yesterday in india pune they r giving free Bluetooth headset,waiting for it like crazzzy!!
- s
- sam
- wia
- 30 Sep 2012
[deleted post]IPhone 5 is just the name and selling bcz of it. Wait and watch next year no one buy it
- a
- ahlaidi
- 2Is
- 30 Sep 2012
From the spec can see that note2 is better den s3. But how abt the cam? The cam can take continuous? Like s3 like tat?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 30 Sep 2012
Gab, 30 Sep 2012When will it be released in Malaysia?In OCT.. Not dec.. Note 2 is even now launched in India so as soon as possible it will come to malaysia.. Not too long..
- s
- samsungfan
- Mbt
- 30 Sep 2012
Gab, 30 Sep 2012When will it be released in Malaysia?in dec 2012
- i
- ikhsan
- tA$
- 30 Sep 2012
when it come here ? (indonesia)
- A
- Adam
- vLP
- 30 Sep 2012
Anyone know does it get hot when we connect 3G using internet. I heard Galaxy Note get hot.
- A
- Audiophiles
- tA$
- 30 Sep 2012
what about screen burn-in issue? Super Amoled display suffer from screen burn-in. Does this phone have this problem too??
- G
- Gab
- 30 Sep 2012
When will it be released in Malaysia?
- r
- rams
- t}5
- 30 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 30 Sep 2012I love this phone; iphone is just bullshit. Andoid phones a... moreyes i agree your word....bro
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2S{
- 30 Sep 2012
exellent, fantastic, mind blowing..........
- a
- asif
- 0BS
- 30 Sep 2012
when note 2 will be available in saudi arabia?
- r
- ravi
- 95E
- 30 Sep 2012
samsung lover, 29 Sep 2012can someone read the ppi for mepixel per inch
- A
- Abbas
- uu{
- 30 Sep 2012
I am waiting for ur complete review... Plz update it ASAP.
- M
- M.M
- pTf
- 30 Sep 2012
samsung lover, 29 Sep 2012can someone read the ppi for mepixel per inch
- P
- Prof
- J5k
- 30 Sep 2012
Ashutosh, 28 Sep 2012But S3 is Better than Note 2 in Specification, you can google itMy dear you are the one who needs to google it... Galaxy note 2 has better specs than the s3... 2GB of ram, better clocked processor at 1.6 instead of 1.4... bigger screen... extra features..
- N
- Note2lover
- t1$
- 30 Sep 2012
samsung lover, 29 Sep 2012can someone read the ppi for me267 ppi pixel density
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sam
- 30 Sep 2012
I love this phone; iphone is just bullshit. Andoid phones are more capable........ love it :)
- j
- jks
- wgC
- 30 Sep 2012
PANKESH , 29 Sep 2012where do u stay and how u got note 2 so earlyAlresdy availbe in india
- S
- Spectra
- KSf
- 30 Sep 2012
Nothing great in it except .2" bigger and 4g supports.(not advance version) almost same.