Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100
- D
- AnonD-357880
- 30 Jan 2015
I can't beleive I paid Rs38500 for this device. I really wish lot of things were included in this device. I had to get a leather back cover which makes the device look better. The bezel of Note 2 is a peice of crap. Happy with the performance so far and still waiting for the lollipop update for this device. I guess customizing themes on this device could make the device experience even better.
- j
- j
- X0B
- 30 Jan 2015
Note 2 get lolipop ?
- D
- AnonD-357719
- uud
- 29 Jan 2015
Whn ll samsung note2 get update to lolipop... android L... if update came get me a link r get me a notice of it
- C
- Chetan
- PB7
- 29 Jan 2015
Will Note 2 get the Android Lollipop update???
- s
- shrikant
- uw6
- 29 Jan 2015
hello friends I have a suggestion dont upgrade phone from 4.3 to 4.4 when I upgraded my phone 4.4 it gets hang and battery backup was very poor when I see battery uses in setting it shows androit system get 25 to 30 prcent battery then I shown it service centre and said to downgrade it to 4.3 but they said we cant they made software mobile 2 times but problem was still continued then I downgrade it at private store to 4.3 and now mobile is super working and android system get battery only 6 to 7 percent so dont upgrade your note 2 for 4.4 kitkat its not suit to note 2. THANKS...
- a
- anon
- 7tt
- 29 Jan 2015
Anonymous, 28 Jan 2015Maybe the faults are not from the phones,ever wondered whet... moreAnd not to mention the fact samsung allows you to put custom roms on the phone bringing it back to life like a new phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- fsV
- 28 Jan 2015
Anonymous, 26 Jan 2015Useful as a phone but useless for anything else - mini sd c... moreMaybe the faults are not from the phones,ever wondered whether your usage pattern might be to blame..
- R
- Rahul
- K6w
- 28 Jan 2015
I bought this mobile 1 year and 1 month before...
Nice so far no problems....kitkat updated 3 to 4 months before itself ...good speed so far for playing games, using internets and everything it kept faster...ahhh yes abd then battery is too good enough for a higher end smart phone ....its a worthable for a good Hand...for all uses...!
just love and enjoy wat at all..u nly bought this phone...
dont blame its just a good mobile only..!
- D
- DK
- Hkt
- 26 Jan 2015
Skhan, 20 Jan 2015I have note 2 but there is no urdu language why nd how I got it? In my note 2 there is urdu lang
اگر تم پڑه سکو
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2xv
- 26 Jan 2015
Useful as a phone but useless for anything else - mini sd card and samsung kries is as useless as much as microsoft is useless at finding a driver - i would never buy a phone again - they are all useless after 18 months - that seems to be their throw in the bin usage date - after 18 months you will get failure with everything but the phone side then it is not usuable or connectable to computer - dont waste your money
- a
- air
- v0q
- 26 Jan 2015
still no kitkat update here in philippines!!! so LAME!!!
- S
- Sam
- t1$
- 25 Jan 2015
My galaxy note 2.. Swicht on not charghing.but swicht off charging problam solve fnd.plz all fnd.
- D
- AnonD-20890
- uuT
- 24 Jan 2015
June.B, 23 Jan 2015how much is note 2 price in mlaysia? it is good to use?Yes. Very good phone. Buy it before it becomes obsolete.
- B
- Banutu
- 0UX
- 24 Jan 2015
Got this phone for half a year now, I'm quite pleased with it, I will give some pros and cons.
- decent sound quality;
- MicroSD card slot;
- good battery life;
- s pen comes in handy with scrap booker and pen window(functions from note 3)and also when you want to use the phone flat on a table.
-awful build materials and plastic;
- screen wake up lag (mine has it);
- touchwizz not as fluid as other skins;
- J
- June.B
- ibq
- 23 Jan 2015
how much is note 2 price in mlaysia? it is good to use?
- D
- AnonD-351521
- ITn
- 23 Jan 2015
When was the lollipop update
- g
- ganesh
- w4H
- 22 Jan 2015
k5, 22 Jan 2015Hello fri. Now my note2 version .4.3 I want to update to 4.... moreYes u can easily update to official 4.4.2 either using KIES3(Samsung Pc suite) which is to be installed in your PC or flash the PDA these steps carefully.
1.After installing the Kies in your PC then just connect your will notify you and latest Official firmware(4.4.2) will be installed on your phone depending upon your internet connection.
2.if u do not want to upgrade your Note 2 via kies skip the above step.follow the next step. need to install the Samsung USB drivers on your will be available on it&download it.then just logon to WWW.SAMMOBILE.COM
-at the right side u will be observed SEARCH DEVICE
-type GT-N7100 in the box
a list will be appeared containing the model number GT-N7100.countries also one of the firmware.
NOTE:choose the firmware which containins the KIES SYMBOL showing Orange the end of the each firmware line.
-download the firmware which contains the ZIP file and extract it.
-Then download the ODIN will be available on internet.
-Run the ODIN.switchoff the and hold VOLUME DOWN&HOME KEY then POWER key for 6 seconds.release connect your Note 2 to PC.
-now select the PDA file where u extracted the firmware Zip that select tar file and will notify you checking press the START button.and relax for couple of will notify you and a green light will be
- that's it.your Note is running on the Latest Official Firmware.if any doubt about any device like iPhone,Samsung,SONY,Lumia Official firmware flashing feel free to ask me at E.GANESH.119@GMAIL.COM
- g
- ganesh
- w4H
- 22 Jan 2015
AnonD-339277, 22 Jan 2015which will be a better choice for hard gaming and long time... moregun shot,,,note 2 is the best.because u simply compare between note 2 and xperia Z2,Note 2 has the best Camera clarity,excellent battery life,Super Amoled screen.but xperia Z has none of these facilities.i don't understand why the SONY Xperia Z cost is high?
- D
- AnonD-339277
- 22 Jan 2015
which will be a better choice for hard gaming and long time use???
xperia z or the galaxy note 2?????
- S
- XuZ
- 22 Jan 2015
k5, 22 Jan 2015Hello fri. Now my note2 version .4.3 I want to update to 4.... moreStay with 4.3 itself. Do not upgrade.