Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100
- D
- AnonD-15537
- uvc
- 31 Aug 2012
SpEaKeRb0xXx, 31 Aug 2012I don't know how you get your self to believe on what you a... morehi Speakerboxxx
i m totally agreed with ur opinion....its absolutely 100% true.
- ?
- Anonymous
- tu6
- 31 Aug 2012
[deleted post]Let us be reminded about the problems iPhone faces everytime they launch a device, can't wait to discover them so called flawless device, yes Samsung is not perfect, but if freedome you seek android is the best , but if you love to live under tyranny the good luck iPhone fanboy
- j
- jtallent123
- 9EE
- 31 Aug 2012
shaal, 30 Aug 2012just 1 day before i bought the same for around 675euro its... moreIs good Phone,does works in england, what version android is ? Is faste than other one note ? Tell me about picture, thanks
- S
- SpEaKeRb0xXx
- IaH
- 31 Aug 2012
[deleted post]I don't know how you get your self to believe on what you are saying my friend. "lets be reasonable?" u didn't even know how to.
u don't have to make a list of Samsung handset because they are not made to compete with iPhone. they are created based on consumers needs and satisfaction. You can still have a quality android phone even if you cant afford to buy expensive one, there are lots of phone to chose from. How about iPhone? my friend, you should have this $$$ before you can appreciate ios. Even the 3gs is still quite expensive.
Ill just repeat my self, Sammy created cheaper phone so they can also hit those people who cant afford to buy expensive handset, "bigger market". Not primarily to compete with specs. you cant compare the quality of a $100 handset over the $600 one.
And, before you can even make a valid review you should have held both phones for at least a week. You base your opinions on speculations, reviews, here says, blog or probably "leak" wc we really cant rely on.
we already have the Specs of Note 2, just waiting for the price, it should be reasonable.
Im also waiting for the iPhone 5 so i can compare both and chose what handset to buy. Ill use my own preference and reasoning and i don't really care about the brand if they are both known brands as long as it can provide me what i need with reasonable price.
We know that the price of iPhone handset are incredibly high even tho there are some cheaper phone with higher specs out there. If the price of iPhone 5 will be that "high" with a very little difference on specs over other competing devices or even on its own predecessor, then i guess its a heart breaker and a no no. unless if you're a fan boy or got lots of fortune to waste.
I also wonder if iphone 5 will have higher pixel density over 330 of 4s coz they will stretch its screen to 4" . If yes, then that must be awesome! They should also fix the battery life problem of their handset, started since iphone 4. If the issue has been solve, then i can say that u might be correct that iphone 5 "might" be the number 1 handset. A Quality reasonable for its price.
and like you, let me share some few things that i dont like with iPhone.
i like playing games and using different applications on my handset.
so things that i don't like are..
1.) fix memory space. if you will ask me, it is not wise to have a device with un-expandable storage. Why? latest games and applications offers good quality images, sounds and clips, and also consume lots of your memory space. you should have at least an option to change your storage if the device storage is full. you don't have to waste your time finding something to delete to gain some space. iphone is very limited.
2.) File Sharing - do you really like a phone with file sharing restriction? cant transfer files using BT to other brand handset? hmm not gonna work for me. BT compatibility is already a problem... What more if it is restriction?
3.) Battery life - 3x charging a day? c'mon man! Cant even leave my house and return with my iphone screen on! Or yeah ill ask you guys coz i don't know if im the only one who experience battery problem with iPhone 4s.. "Anyone here who own 4s DIDN'T experience this? lol"
But i have to say this.. When it comes to anything you can see in the screen? iPhone is exceptional.
- ?
- Anonymous
- sfQ
- 31 Aug 2012
why don't people learn proper english before leaving comments on this site.
- d
- deepu
- uvq
- 31 Aug 2012
The phablet looks nice and entertaining but I want to know whether it is having features such as smart stay,smart alert,s voice,s beam
- D
- AnonD-69121
- uCp
- 31 Aug 2012
AnonD-48342, 31 Aug 2012Accordind to specs Lg optimus G is no doubt more powerful. ... morethank for your recommand.
- v
- vicky
- rKn
- 31 Aug 2012
price tag is too high!! no krait quardcore!!lg gng to beats this samsung!! lg has better display and battery tec! upto 10% extra backup!! n wait for wp8 its a best tec!!buz microsoft is a king of software!!!at last wp8 gng to change all!!buz all software n hardware r nw working of microsoft invents!!
- B
- Bee
- tA$
- 31 Aug 2012
[deleted post]to tell you the truth, people like this make me sick...
i guess i understand if you're working with apple, but...
bragging all of that and this about apple, did they paid you?
so following your nick name which is LETUSBEREASONABLE... gonna wait for your reply on the screen depth, then we'll talk...
okay mate... had none...
they're good...but...nah, i'll pass...
what makes iphone looked bad actually isn't the phone itself...
but the fanboy, who claimed that gadget to be their king...
iphone over anything else...
it's sickening me out......
- D
- AnonD-48342
- uRA
- 31 Aug 2012
AnonD-69121, 31 Aug 2012some one can tell me what is different spec for Lg optimus ... moreAccordind to specs Lg optimus G is no doubt more powerful.
Its quad-core krait not only quad-core!!!
dual-core kraits are as good as quad-cores!!!
sony xperia t and v have easily beaten quad-cores like sgs3 and one x.
and note 2 has the processor same in sgs3 but a little overclocked only...
So LG optimus g
is way better...
- D
- AnonD-48342
- uRA
- 31 Aug 2012
[deleted post]there r plenty of devices these days with 342ppi!!!its upto samsung who themselves shorten their products life cycles by releasing newer devices!!!
what a crap apple is...only two designs have been produced since the first iphone!!!they have only fewer devices so people buy because these are availabe only...
Apple introduced first multi-touch phone so they have earned a goodwill which is being utilized...
- D
- AnonD-69121
- uCp
- 31 Aug 2012
some one can tell me what is different spec for Lg optimus G and samsung galaxy note 2.i want to know which one smartphone hardware more i know galaxy note2 build with quad core 1.6ghz and Lg is quad core 1.5ghz,both a phone come with 2Gb ram.
- S
- Sharon
- Xue
- 31 Aug 2012
Hey geeks !
One question pliz...... What does a huge RAM in a smartphone for ?
Can we able to store large applications/softwares like desktop could ?
could we able to update large phone data/ softwares or huge offline maps without PC helps (which is impossible without PC helps at present) ???
- A
- Android and iOS fan
- uRJ
- 31 Aug 2012
[deleted post]I have no complain about iOS. In fact I have been using both platform alternately. You should think about the people who cannot afford Iphone & high end Android devices (and these numbers of people are having majority stake in mobile industry - think about people in Africa, South America, Asia even in Europe etc). Samsung can reach these people and offer them the taste of latest technology. In the long run this will create benefit to customers and it is called social responsibility. Apple must come get rid of monopolistic culture and invent something for mass use not for so called apple fanboys. Btw, Please check and experience the Sony Xperia S's ppi which is higher than Iphone....
- D
- AnonD-15537
- uva
- 31 Aug 2012
cplover, 31 Aug 2012326ppi is the highest? u sure bout that check on sony's xpe... morehi cplover
u r right, some ppl dont know the truth, they just open their mouth and say anything.....they dont know that they cant transfer files using their iphones BT, they cant use micro Sd cards in their iphone .......n many let them stick with their iphones....
- p
- ppp
- 7qE
- 31 Aug 2012
AnonD-1846, 30 Aug 2012After Sony and LG beat Samsung on CPU performance, Google w... moresony, htc dont even stand close to Samsung.. This is a great phone and sammy make it best..
- ?
- Anonymous
- tPG
- 31 Aug 2012
How come on every note 2 hands-on videos I've seen, the users always have to use the s-pen to click on the '+' button on the top right corner 2-3 times? it a bug?
- D
- AnonD-69114
- uQ}
- 31 Aug 2012
Minuscule spec differences equate to tangible gains for the end user - said no-one ever.
- D
- AnonD-15537
- uva
- 31 Aug 2012
[deleted post]u r just an iphone fanboy, just saying the things what u konw, plz accept n know the truth my dear
u said iphone5 has highest ppi, its totally wrong jst check the ppi of sony xperia s........
Iphone5 has 326,while xperia S has 342.... So the conclusion is that just know the truth,then open ur mouth....
I jst got hands on xperia s,htc onex, iphone 4s,sgs3, sg note n found sgs3 has the most beautiful display....just every thing luks floating on the screen its due to its superAmoled n hd screen......