Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100
- D
- AnonD-57901
- Xuw
- 29 Aug 2012
Lg fans are now happy....
As Lg kicking samsungs a** like hell...
What is note 2?
Remember Lg optimus VU,the phoneblet (korean) had a dual core qualcomm,but the international version had a nVIDIA tegra3....
Now,if Lg optimus VU 2 (korean) uses a dual core krait,well,then then international version will kick the samsung a** like HELL.....
- d
- dark
- S9h
- 29 Aug 2012
i was waiting for this phone but now that i saw lg optimus G specs i'm disappointed with samsung..
i ll buy the Optimus G,sorry Samsung
- m
- mark
- S9h
- 29 Aug 2012
u disappoint me Samsung this time
Optimus G from LG is much much better
i will go with LG,the G is my next phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- L4K
- 29 Aug 2012
Hello, please. Could you confirm the ppi of Galaxy Note II? I think it is 350 ppi, not 267 ppi...
Thank you a lot.
- M
- Mobilemaster
- Lax
- 29 Aug 2012
sgs2user, 29 Aug 2012for all those who say that lg optimus g is better: a good p... moreWell, you know LG fans now are very happy, we should understand them. Anyway, Samsung rocks, and the Note 2 is not their last smart phone for this year, the Galaxy Nexus 2 is coming in the fall is the rumors are true. The only problem with the Note 2 is the size. It's even bigger then the original one. The specs are amazing, but if it can't fit in your pocket, it's a problem right? :P
- O
- uSS
- 29 Aug 2012
why samsung can't produce a good looking design for their smartphones?
i love samsung & lg phones!
but i always prefer lg's design!
- s
- sgs2user
- mZx
- 29 Aug 2012
for all those who say that lg optimus g is better: a good phone is not the specs and the A15 cores or whatever!! ok i agree quad krait is better but what about LG software,UI and updates?? and i bet 13MP camera of optimus g will not be even close to note 2 8MP quality!! if you like lg go buy it,your mistake!! GALAXY NOTE II IS A MONSTER!!
- O
- uSS
- 29 Aug 2012
it's time for optimus "g" to win the game!
- N
- Nickhawk
- 0Ud
- 29 Aug 2012
I own one Glaxy Note. In my opinion this new phone should deserve a more better camera, and more memory.
- O
- uSS
- 29 Aug 2012
has better cpu ,and processor ! better camera, better resolution, better design, better hardware!
optimus "g' rocks..........
- n
- nikourasu
- PUa
- 29 Aug 2012
its an improvised version of both S3 and the first Note which is a delight to Samsung fans but it would have been a blast if the pixels on the camera receive similar improvisation but then again the amount of pixels isn't really the main contributor behind a decent photoshoot. I believe Samsung's initiative to produce a zero lag shot ought to be complimented
- O
- uSS
- 29 Aug 2012
optimus "g"
is more better and more prettier!
l.g. stands for looking good!
- T
- Tonda
- 0yU
- 29 Aug 2012
A as a Note owner I have to say this is disappointment. Step down from 1280x800 to 1280x720 is beyond all understanding.
- M
- Mobilemaster
- Lax
- 29 Aug 2012
This can support a memory card up to 64 GB, please correct the mistake.
- m
- mac
- 7qE
- 29 Aug 2012
Samsung galaxy note 2 nice specifications.. 5.5inch screen might not fit in all that pockets..
- A
- Athrune
- K7g
- 29 Aug 2012
Anonymous, 29 Aug 2012Why is it that so many losers jump on a forum about Samsung... moreVery well said... they keep on complaining but the truth is they're drooling and wishing they have one of those
- y
- you kiss
- UiB
- 29 Aug 2012
everything is great except low resolution, too low for such a smart phone!
- D
- AnonD-68883
- mg5
- 29 Aug 2012
I read the feature as Best photo in the Note II camera as displayed in the Backdrop at IFA Announcement. This would mean that it has matched the features of Galaxy S III. Refer
- V
- Veen
- 6Qb
- 29 Aug 2012
Just check out total hits of note II page, compare with xperia T, LG Optimus G E973.. No doubt Note II has created a huge buzz.
- D
- AnonD-53342
- mZF
- 29 Aug 2012
completely disappointed...ok i understand you want to save exynos 5250 for SGS4 but why did you decreased screen resolution why samsung????