Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100
- D
- AnonD-32667
- yXZ
- 27 Aug 2012
I must say, Samsung is doing a good job keeping their piece of art under the radar. They better hope the ipad mini doesn't affect it's sales.
- ?
- Anonymous
- rJS
- 27 Aug 2012
no usb otg
- M
- Mobilemaster
- Lax
- 26 Aug 2012
There are only 2 days till the announcement. Here are the specs this could have: 5.5 inch Full HD screen, it could be flexible as the rumor say, 1.5 GHZ Quad Core CPU, 1.5 GB of Ram or 2 GB, 32 GB of internal storage(expandable up to 64 GB), Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, 2500+ mAh of battery, 8 or 12 MP camera.
- D
- AnonD-57013
- 33@
- 26 Aug 2012
After the recent developments my next phone will definitely going to be Note II,will pass on the next IPhone for now, My wife is also thinking of replacing her aging IPhone 4 with Samsung Beam, being a teacher herself she thinks the projector will come handy.
So,hope that Samsung will not disappoint us on August 29.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3EY
- 26 Aug 2012
LG Optimus G 4.7" is WAY faster than any exynos 4 device, so samsung better change this cpu in Note2 and put something like overclocked exynos 5250 with 2GB ram or it'll be destroyed.
- J
- XMc
- 26 Aug 2012
Not 1.5 GB ram on N7100
2 GB ram on this device
- Z
- Zhivago
- up2
- 26 Aug 2012
GSMARENA frequent new discovery needs correction sometime !!!
ha ha ha haaaaaaa......
Exynos 5250 with quad core is yet to discovered by software scientists.
Currently, there is only Exynos 5250 with Dual core A15 exist.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3kX
- 26 Aug 2012
king, 24 Aug 2012bettary must 5000 or mor that's all It's irritating when I read posts like this battery must be 5000? Why not make it 1000000
- D
- AnonD-53336
- Lix
- 26 Aug 2012
Johnny, 24 Aug 2012I was going through all the comments. I accept many of them... morei agree with every single detail and suggestion you made, if they do what you've suggested the note II will be a real high-end phone
- D
- AnonD-68298
- tes
- 25 Aug 2012
Specification says Exynos 5250 Quad-core, but there is no such a thing. It must be Exynos 5250 Dual or Exynos 4412 Quad-core.
- P
- Potential Customer
- kSn
- 25 Aug 2012
I think the size of the first Note is good enough. No need to make it any bigger, even though I don't mind too much about it. However, if the camera is still an 8mp, considering the size of this gadget, I am not interested. I would stick to my LG until something better comes out. My LG is decent enough for me to hang on to so its all good.
- T
- Taylen
- 3WZ
- 25 Aug 2012
greg, 24 Aug 2012I hope it is the same quad core as the s3 but some reports ... moreActually, Exynos 5250 is better then the one in Galaxy S3. Exynos 4412 (which is in S3) has 4 A9 cores, while the Exynos 5250 has 2 A15 cores, which are much better than the A9 ones, and I also think it has better graphic processor.
- b
- bleach
- thu
- 25 Aug 2012
The rumour made me dissapointed! I'd buy galaxy note 2 if its better then sgs3. It should have minimum 10 mpix cam and better design.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGV
- 25 Aug 2012
Johnny, 24 Aug 2012I was going through all the comments. I accept many of them... moreAgree with most of your points. However don't think the iphone 5 will be competition - completely different market.
Also would much rather they improve the lens and sensor on the camera. This is much more important than the magapixels.
- p
- puvi
- utY
- 25 Aug 2012
can i make video calling with this phone?
- k
- kathir
- vIf
- 25 Aug 2012
ya tooooo guddddd.....
- p
- prp07
- u14
- 25 Aug 2012
the specs mentioned above are not 100% true. Wait for the official announcement of Samsung Galaxy Note 2 on Aug 29th at Berlin....
- b
- butters
- qb6
- 24 Aug 2012
greg, 24 Aug 2012I hope it is the same quad core as the s3 but some reports ... morethe dual core 5250 will be day and night more powerful than the quad core so dont worry! Itll be based on ARMS A15 chips instead of the old A9 chips that are currently in all samsung phones. We can only hope it uses the 5250, itll probably be the first phone with a noticeable difference in power and speed
- s
- salar
- L6@
- 24 Aug 2012
northcorean, 23 Aug 2012According to samsung they said "we expect to sell more... moreif the exynos 5250 wouldn't come with galaxy note 2 because nobody buy sgs3 seems a little unrealistic.... because the note and galaxy s series both have their own group of customers and also LG HTC all are preparing quad core snapdragon s4 pro chipset in their future phones coming probably in the Q4 of 2012,if samsung do not introduce more powerful phone than them ,actually they will loose their customers...(as all of us know that dual core snapdragon s4s has approximately same processing power as all quad cores of ARM A9 CPUs)...
- J
- Johnny
- t1$
- 24 Aug 2012
I was going through all the comments. I accept many of them. If Sammy wants to attract original note customers,it must upgrade it's note 2. I believe it should be better than the s3.
All the last flagships of galaxy series like s2,note,s3 have a 8mp camera. Its time to raise the megapixels. Please make it 12. I-phone5 is said to have 12mp and a front facing hd camera.
The battery should be atleast 3000 mah. I prefer a retina display over the pentile display. The resolution should increase with atleast 330ppi.
Exonys 5250 should come in place of 4412 of s3.
Ram needs to be increased from 1gigs to 1.5 or 2gigs. Ice-cream sandwitch is now old. Sammy should introduce Jelly Bean. Besides, the Nexus has already come out with Jelly Bean Os.
And for God Sake please dont come out with the wierd roundish shape of s3. The shape of the original Note/S 2 wad good enough.
These are some of the possible things which Samsung should consider in the Note 2.
I personally am waiting for the Galaxy Note 2. But I dont know why,i think that this year apple's iphone 5 may just be a step ahead of Note 2.
I am planning to buy a phone,i'l be considering Galaxy note 2 and Iphone5. Just waiting for August 29 eagerly and then September 12(iphone5's announcement).