Samsung Galaxy On5

Samsung Galaxy On5

User opinions and reviews

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  • m
  • mardo
  • kCU
  • 11 Feb 2017

This review is for the metroPCS Galaxy on5, which has cameras of 5MP/2MP, not 8MP/5MP. The good things about the phone are:
- Size. 5'' screen is not too big or too small
- Screen. Nice and bright and clear.
- Performance is generally sufficient for basic everyday use--call/text, email, web browsing, social media. Also able to listen to FM radio.
- Battery. With light basic everyday use, I get a solid 2 days before recharging.
- Price. Very cheap w/ metro promotional. If I had to buy a phone outright full price, probably would have gotten a G4 play which is the same size but better specs.

- The camera is pretty bad. Unless the lighting is very good, picture quality is lacking. There is also significant delay between pressing the button to take the photo, and when the photo actually takes.
- Memory. Only 8GB internal, more than half of which is already occupied with system and pre-loaded junk. Some can be removed/disabled, but you're still left with

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 4j4
    • 09 Feb 2017

    kim , 09 Feb 2017Where do u get micro sim cardYou will need a nano sim for this phone. I haven't the faintest idea why it says micro sim on the phone. My micro sim is too big. The SIM card you use now can be cut down to use in this phone. You can get it cut at Walmart or any mobile phone retailer. I think Best Buy might do that as well.

      • k
      • kim
      • Ibx
      • 09 Feb 2017

      wow, 15 Jan 2017the phone is fine just put in a micro sd card and you could... moreWhere do u get micro sim card

        • M
        • Mikey93
        • 43t
        • 07 Feb 2017

        The galAxy on5 is a great phone. The only down side is the storage capacity which is only 8gb but u can also add a micro sd card which gives u extra memory for pretty much everything except apps. Songs, videos and stuff like that can be downloaded into sd card. The screen resolution is great for movies and shows. Screen is fairly large as well making the phone great for tv entertainment. Compared to my iPhone 5 that I was using for some time. But I have to say I like the galaxy on5 much better. And I was never an android person. But the phone also feels great in your hand and not for not for nothing but it's a damn sexy looking phone. Highly recommend this but especiAlly for what you get for your money. Defidently the best low end smartphone money can buy. Usually around 125$ so worth it. As much as ppl say it's a basic phone it's really not. I can do just as much maybe even more on the galaxy on then I could've done when I was using my iPhone 5

          • D
          • AnonD-642089
          • gNR
          • 06 Feb 2017

          Iam using samsung galaxyon5 around 2 months iam facing restart problem any one know how to solve this problem please reply....

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 9LB
            • 04 Feb 2017

            the safety feature on this phone sssssssuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkksssss !!!!!!

              • E
              • Eroctheone
              • jBu
              • 31 Jan 2017

              Shark, 22 Jan 2017I need a 'most frequently asked questions' website or somet... moreHotspot refers to using your mobile device as a modem ot acts like a wifi device allowing you to use it to connect a lapto0,tablet or other devices to your mobile carriers mobile data, so say you are out instead needing to find a coffee shop with free open wifi, you can pull out your cell turn on the hotspot, set it up with connecting your laptop or tablet and use to get online at a park, or on the train or bus, or anywhere you have mobile service without wires

                • P
                • Param
                • wdK
                • 30 Jan 2017

                I have this Phone with me and I am using it A lot as my Basic Phone, I don't find any Issues!!! All run well every app does well in this!!! then y others have problems??? You invest 8,000 Rupees and Dream of an APPLE IPHONE????

                  • D
                  • AnonD-638030
                  • 4Dg
                  • 25 Jan 2017

                  I hate nicknames, 24 Jan 2017I just bought this phone and I discovered it has no Radio, ... moreuse iheartradio app I use it the first time last summer trip from Texas to Florida to listen to my local station and ut worked great

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Rbq
                    • 25 Jan 2017

                    Had to get this phone as a last min thing. I ask for the phone in white, but the store didnt carried it. When I got home and was set up the phone. I realize the the camera quality was really bad on both cameras. The storage sucks also. Dont get this phone unless you need to!! Cant wait to get a new phone soon!!!

                      • D
                      • AnonD-637715
                      • Ibx
                      • 25 Jan 2017

                      I hate nicknames, 24 Jan 2017I just bought this phone and I discovered it has no Radio, ... moreNextRadio is a free app in playstore which allows you to use the radio in this phone.

                        • I
                        • I hate nicknames
                        • xF7
                        • 24 Jan 2017

                        I just bought this phone and I discovered it has no Radio, some of us like to use it, it's annoying not having a radio to listen to and having to download a radio app from the google app store radio is free I don't want to download and buy a radio app from them to have music and there is no mp3 or mp4 player on here I have 1007, songs I changed from my samsung galaxy s4 mini cellphone and I had all those songs on there I changed to my new cellphone recently and I only have 665 songs, that sucks. You also have to download from google app store a good message app, because this phone comes with the ugly boring and very dull message app. Don't buy this phone, I'm going to take mine back to the store I got it from and buy me a real cellphone that meets my standards of a great cellphone for me.

                          • B
                          • B.E.A.N.S
                          • IuD
                          • 23 Jan 2017

                          i can't revive or serbs mms.... how do i over come this small problem?

                            • S
                            • Shark
                            • s18
                            • 22 Jan 2017

                            I need a 'most frequently asked questions' website or something. I really don't even know what a 'hotspot' is or why I would be interested. I would like to be able to go to a place for definitions before I do the trial and error method. The word 'hotspot' doesn't even compute with my computer. Webster has it as two words, hot spot. I don't mind if you make up your own words I would just like you to define them somewhere.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-636396
                              • Ibx
                              • 22 Jan 2017

                              Anonymous, 10 Jan 2017received the On5 when the company I worked for switched car... moreI'm on metro version. The only complaint I got is the small internal storage. Adopted storage sucks. Really made no difference. Still had low space error etc. For the price it's cool though. I mean there is TWRP and root. Just got a ZTE zmax pro trying to root that damn thing smh

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • cUD
                                • 21 Jan 2017

                                Akshay, 14 Jan 2017I bought this mobile before 7month. And update its every u... moreI got this phone 3 months ago and it's all ready messing up and glitching out and typing words I'm not saying

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 2@g
                                  • 20 Jan 2017

                                  I recently upgraded my On5 to MarshMallow 6.0.1. But there are two issues of no boot sound and a lower volume than in the Lollipop version.. How to resolve these two issues?

                                    • J
                                    • Jillybonce
                                    • 0Rs
                                    • 20 Jan 2017

                                    I got mine in September last year. Was absolutely brilliant until December. Then it crashed, and crashed and crashed. Had it factory reset and flashed, but no help. It's a great phone now, but switch on wifi and that's it crashes again within seconds.

                                      • a
                                      • ajay
                                      • D0b
                                      • 19 Jan 2017

                                      MLN, 22 Dec 2016which one is good samsung on 5 pro or samsung on5bro on5 is better than on5 pro.because its quality is good and an first model with original hardware

                                        • J
                                        • Jackie2769
                                        • IbI
                                        • 18 Jan 2017

                                        No storage at ALL and the biggest annoyance is the buttons stick. Ex: i just had to hit "E" about 10x before it actually showed up on screen. Then (that word just took a minute to write too bc of lag) when u try to hit bkspace, it does same thing.