Samsung Galaxy S10+
- A
- Azo
- Y}$
- 17 Jun 2020
Maggi, 17 Jun 2020Samsung push.the updates to networks. Its the networks resp... moreNo it's regionally locked, when Samsung opens up the Region then that specific region will get the update, its up to Samsung not the network.
- M
- Maggi
- nFx
- 17 Jun 2020
Super Presh, 17 Jun 2020It annoys the hell out of me. What are they smoking over th... moreWhat do you mean over there? I'm in UK. Where are you if you don't mind me asking. What country?
- M
- Maggi
- nFx
- 17 Jun 2020
Azo, 17 Jun 2020This is one of the biggest problem of Samsung that they don... moreSamsung push.the updates to networks. Its the networks responsibility. They test it first.
- M
- Maggi
- nFx
- 17 Jun 2020
Super Presh, 17 Jun 2020It annoys the hell out of me. What are they smoking over th... moreI agree. Sometimes I had to wait longer for updates to. Users were getting it a month before me when i owned s9 plus. So I've been through it myself waiting while others got updates long before me. I had to contact samsung many times. I was told I would get it. Like I've said before samsung push the updates to the networks and its up to them to push it to thier customers. But it was annoying waiting like you are to now with s10 plus. A friend of mine owns s10 plus and she hasn't recieved the update yet. Its the networks that take thier time testing it before pushing the update to thier phones. Really you should contact your service provider. I switched network provider because of it. But hopefully you will get it soon.
- A
- Azo
- Y}$
- 17 Jun 2020
Super Presh, 17 Jun 2020It annoys the hell out of me. What are they smoking over th... moreThis is one of the biggest problem of Samsung that they don't update all devices universally only regional that's why updates take long and some take longer than carrier ones also, if you can wait then its fine otherwise do it manually it will not hurt your device if done perfectly.
- S
- Super Presh
- xtS
- 17 Jun 2020
Maggi, 17 Jun 2020Im sorry to hear that. Contact samsung. You should have go... moreIt annoys the hell out of me. What are they smoking over there at Samsung? I mean updates should be uniform across board and get to everyone within the shortest possible time after release.
- M
- Maggi
- nFx
- 17 Jun 2020
Super Presh, 17 Jun 2020Today is June 17th and I'm still getting your software is u... moreIm sorry to hear that. Contact samsung. You should have got the updates by now. Or contact your service provider. You should have gotten june update already. Im sure your frustrated with this.
- M
- Maggi
- nFx
- 17 Jun 2020
enuma, 17 Jun 2020Maggi how do I know hide the punch hole? How do I call and ... moreHi enuma. To hide punch hole go into settimgs - Display scroll down to full screen apps. Press it and up at right hand corner is 3 dots. Press it and there you can enable hide camera cut out. For calls and texts to other devices.. In your phone move your contacts to Samsung account. If you have a tablet that supports calls and texts to other devices then you need to make sure your contacts in tablet are moved to samsung account. Or if its a phone do the same. I can call or text through my samsung tablet since pie came out. That feature came with android 9. I noticed after last update an icon appeared in notification panel for calls& texts on other devices.
- S
- Super Presh
- xtS
- 17 Jun 2020
Today is June 17th and I'm still getting your software is up to date while I'm still on May Security patch level. What's going on?
- e
- enuma
- Nug
- 17 Jun 2020
Maggi, 06 Jun 2020Don't worry about the punch hole. I know its hard to believ... moreMaggi how do I know hide the punch hole? How do I call and text on other devices? Please explain them for me! Thanks for your help all the time!
- M
- Maggi
- nFx
- 17 Jun 2020
Triki-Triki, 16 Jun 2020How many free RAM memory did this update left? How much fr... moreUpdating your phone won't decrease the Ram since the Ram is just a temporary memory. Like ive said before you want to use your ram. It keeps phone running smooth. Low ram usage will cause the phone to lag, slow at opening apps etc.
- T
- Triki-Triki
- nqI
- 16 Jun 2020
Anonymus, 14 Jun 2020How many free RAM memory did this update left?How many free RAM memory did this update left?
How much free RAM memory did this update leave?
- M
- Maggi
- nFx
- 15 Jun 2020
Anonymus, 14 Jun 2020How many free RAM memory did this update left?You shouldn't worry about Ram usage. The more ram used the better. Idle wasted.
- M
- Maggi
- nFx
- 15 Jun 2020
Anonymus, 14 Jun 2020How many free RAM memory did this update left?The update hasn't affected ram usage. The ram memory differs everyday day. At the minute I have 3.7gb ram left. But sometimes goes up to 4.2gb. It depends how often im using my apps etc..
- A
- Anonymus
- LiQ
- 14 Jun 2020
Maggi, 12 Jun 2020Just received update today. Features for touch screen impr... moreHow many free RAM memory did this update left?
- M
- Maggi
- nFx
- 14 Jun 2020
lucalan, 14 Jun 2020Does anybody knows about 25w super fast charging on s10 plus?NO. Not on s10 plus.
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- Azo
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- 14 Jun 2020
lucalan, 14 Jun 2020Does anybody knows about 25w super fast charging on s10 plus?Samsung S10 plus is capable of charging on 15w that's it, whatever charger you use it is 25w or 50w it will charge to same 15w charging which it is compatible with, only S10 plus 5g is capable of 25w fast charging.
- l
- lucalan
- JM$
- 14 Jun 2020
Does anybody knows about 25w super fast charging on s10 plus?
- M
- Maggi
- nFx
- 13 Jun 2020
Super Presh, 13 Jun 2020I only have Pro in Pictures but no Pro in videosThen pro video must have came with that update. Because I only had pro in pictures. I just noticed it today.
- S
- Super Presh
- xtS
- 13 Jun 2020
Maggi, 13 Jun 2020Super Presh. Do you have pro video and pro in your camera? I only have Pro in Pictures but no Pro in videos