Samsung Galaxy S10+
- M
- Maggi
- nE0
- 14 Jul 2020
Azo, 14 Jul 2020I am not saying to you I am only saying whoever is buying i... moreWe can only give our opinons and reviews on the forum. Its up to the person to either except the advice or not. Each person is different. Some Will agree and some wont. We cant force ppl to believe or disbelief our opinons and advice. But i.always give advice on my personal experience. I always start with that everytime. I leave it to the person to decide. I always try to be polite and treat users with respect. I expect nothing less. We are all here because we own s10 plus. Its good if i can help users out and vise versa. Theres a saying, sharing is carimg.
- A
- Azo
- Y}$
- 14 Jul 2020
Maggi, 14 Jul 2020Thats one thing I've never been is bias towards anythi... moreIts not only my problem, its all people problem, get the facts right Maggi Exynos sucks, its all over the internet just not me, Customers have filled lawsuits against them for Exynos, I am not saying from my opinion its all people opinion, we as customer have right to tell something which is good not bad, in the end it will his or her choice to decide, i come with proof not with any foolish rumors;
- M
- Maggi
- nE0
- 14 Jul 2020
Maggi, 14 Jul 2020Thats one thing I dont ignore is facts The fact is this ... moreThats one thing I've never been is bias towards anything or anybody. But your bound to be bias towards Exynos model because of your problems with it. Someone can buy Exynos model and have no problems. Your.entittled to your opinons. But be fair..
- M
- Maggi
- nE0
- 14 Jul 2020
Azo, 14 Jul 2020I am not saying to you I am only saying whoever is buying i... moreBut you can't give honest advice because you will be against anyone who wants to buy Exynod model.of this phone. Dont put the problems you had on someone else. Thats not right doing that. Ppl are not stupid. They will find out themselves. I can only give advice on my experience on s10 plus. There are plenty of users here to.give advice based on thier experiences. Your only torturing yourself by being on here. You have got someone here to.agree with you. Maybe that would set your mind at rest.
- M
- Maggi
- nE0
- 14 Jul 2020
Anonymous, 14 Jul 2020If you knew anything about silicon, you wouldn't call ... moreThats one thing I dont ignore is facts The fact is this phone is powerful because it can handle anything for me . No problems at all. So i fully disagree with your comment! My partner owns exynos and no problems, My friends own it and no problems. So dont try and say i ignore facts. I've owned snapdragon phones. They had heatimg problems for me personally. So again whether it be Exynos or snapdragon some ppl will im sure have problems on both. But if your a fan of snapdragon then you will.agree with anyone who says Exynos is bad. NO its not. And I wont change my mind. So no matter what your comments are I totally disagree with them. Now again, .do you own s10 plus ?
- A
- Azo
- Y}$
- 14 Jul 2020
Maggi, 14 Jul 2020I understand perfectly! Don't take me for a fool. Yo... moreI am not saying to you I am only saying whoever is buying it now, it can be that other users would not have problems but in majority people are having problems and if you are not having then your post could also be valid but based on all majority it is not, you agree or disagree it does not matter, what matters is how people can make their purchase better with a better device, I am also honest here, see my comments I have not made any biased comment, so let people choose we can only give our opinion, it’s on them to choose as we already have came into it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- gD6
- 14 Jul 2020
Super Presh, 14 Jul 2020This debate is going another direction... Ok Exynos or Snap... moreTranslation:
You are only allowed to have an opinion if you like the phone.
What? xD
- ?
- Anonymous
- gD6
- 14 Jul 2020
Maggi, 14 Jul 2020Rubbish your posting. For me personally Exynos is powerful... moreIf you knew anything about silicon, you wouldn't call the Exynos SoC perfect and flawless. Keep accepting inferior chips for more cost in different regions and Samsung will never stop pulling off this scam. And this is why the word "fanboy" exists, because you ignore factual data.
- S
- Super Presh
- xtS
- 14 Jul 2020
This debate is going another direction... Ok Exynos or Snapdragon, if you are satisfied with your phone..fine. If you're not satisfied with your own please kindly buy another phone, replace your own , move to another brand or something and stop coming here to bother us. Try to bother your new phone page. If you've moved to iPhone, they have their pages here too...go there and rant.
- M
- Maggi
- nE0
- 14 Jul 2020
Azo, 14 Jul 2020Yeah I am trying to make them understand but no they don... moreI understand perfectly! Don't take me for a fool. You.dont like Exynos because you had problems. No matter what you post its same old comment! Not all have problems with Exynos model. If you hate Eynos model s10 plus that much then why are you still posting comments on this forum when you don't own it. Just except it as it is and move on to a diff brand. Totally disagree with your comments based on my own experience with Exynos model. Im not going to agree just to please anyone. Im always honest on this forum!
- M
- Maggi
- nE0
- 14 Jul 2020
Anonymous, 14 Jul 2020They think Exynos is perfect and flawless because mommy and... moreRubbish your posting. For me personally Exynos is powerful and flawless. You can say whatever you want and still not true for everyone. I buy my own phones because I'm a grown up person who works to buy my own phones. As for calling fanboys its such a childish comment! I buy Samsung because they make good phones. Not just for the brand. Stop trolling !
- A
- Azo
- Y}$
- 14 Jul 2020
Anonymous, 14 Jul 2020They think Exynos is perfect and flawless because mommy and... moreYeah I am trying to make them understand but no they don't, just have an opinion about it as someone asked so guiding it through, rest its your choice, you buy it or don't or whatever you want to do.
- ?
- Anonymous
- gD6
- 14 Jul 2020
Azo, 14 Jul 2020I am not making silly stories, saying what the truth is, ag... moreThey think Exynos is perfect and flawless because mommy and daddy happened to buy them that one. A bunch of Samsung fanboys with reality loss. They don't mind getting scammed since it's not their own money.
- B
- Bronze.
- r3H
- 14 Jul 2020
I think samsung realized too late that the 2 front cameras was a mistake. Because they tried to hide it behid the wallpapers. Why? I mean if its normal and ok they'll not try to hide it. The only option of hiding it is the wallpapers. I love a bezel less phone those two cameras i my own opinion its a mistake its too big on a screen. They should have made it smaller. Like S10.
- M
- Maggi
- nE0
- 14 Jul 2020
scorpio, 14 Jul 2020Maggi stop aggravating yourself. It's not worth it. He... moreThank you scorpio:).Yeah im goning to leave it. Can't be annoyed lol.
- A
- Azo
- Y}$
- 14 Jul 2020
scorpio, 14 Jul 2020Maggi stop aggravating yourself. It's not worth it. He... moreI am not making silly stories, saying what the truth is, again I am saying no doubt S10+ is a good device and will remain one but with the situation I had now cannot accept it, don't be serious for it, this is just my opinion, others will be have different opinion so not be serious, enoy your device and I will enjoy mine.
- s
- scorpio
- 14 Jul 2020
Maggi, 13 Jul 2020Some ppl will have problems whether it be snapdragon or Exy... moreMaggi stop aggravating yourself. It's not worth it. He seems to have a problem and now all phones must have the same problem He should realise that no two users are the same so he should not be comparing his phone with his friend. No two people are identical. My wife just received a replacement iphone11 because hers was giving her problems. That does not mean that all iphone 11's are bad. Her new one is fine. So leave him to spread his silly stories. We both know what is right.
- A
- Azo
- 6p{
- 13 Jul 2020
Maggi, 13 Jul 2020Some ppl will have problems whether it be snapdragon or Exy... moreI am going with reality and this is the truth, Exynos version would be good for many people but not for me, for sure S10+ is a good device and still I would have brought it but it's loss have made me switch to other brand and I am happy for what I have now.
- M
- Maggi
- nE0
- 13 Jul 2020
Azo, 13 Jul 2020I have owned a S10+ before and I know it gets hot so I am g... moreSome ppl will have problems whether it be snapdragon or Exynos. But problems can be solved if checked. Thats all im saying. I personsonally dont have heating problems since owning this phone. If I did I would be the first to complain. But thankfully I've nothing to complain about. I've nothing negative to say.about s10 plus Exynos model. And my friends dont have any problems either.
- M
- Maggi
- nE0
- 13 Jul 2020
Azo, 13 Jul 2020I have owned a S10+ before and I know it gets hot so I am g... moreNo thank you. I have used snapdragon phones. They had problems of heating. Motherboard went in one of them. So i know about snapdragon which is why I can tell the problems I had. As for youtube etc. I go by my own experience. I dont believe everythimg on youtube. Because there are ppl brainwashing ppl get this version or that version. I go by my own instincts. Not by what someone on youtube says. You need to.stop listening and go by your instincts.