Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

User opinions and reviews

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Frost, 03 Feb 2024First off, 6.9 inches doesn't matter! it's just o... moreI have a xiaomi MiMax 3 with 6.9 inches screen and just bought a TCL 30 XL that has 6.82 inches. Trust me the TCL looks small side by side. The difference is very much. And look at how wide MI MAX 3 is compared to this Galaxy S24 Ultra. From the specs S24 Ultra is even thinner than S23 ultra. Maybe it's what you like but for me when i type with Mi MAX 3 the keyboard is wide and i don't type wrong letters because my fingers are big. Do yes the 6.9 inches matters...for some of us.

    Do you guys think the manufacturers use titanium to jack up the prices and add on their bottom lines? Because the cost of the titanium is next to nothing for Apple and Samsung. But it's great for marketing and justifying their jacked prices.
    As a user, I can't tell the difference in feel and weight compared to S23 Ultra. Who uses their phone without a case? So most of the time the material inside doesn't matter as long as it's sturdy and doesn't bend.

      S23U user, 16 Feb 2024Samsung Galaxy S24 phones start receiving first major camer... moreHey when it will be available in india.
      Any idea?

        Anonymous, 19 Feb 2024Just holding S24U makes you an expert of S24U and what make... moreHey. I did not say i am expert. Ijust asked for OTA Update status. And shared my my till date exp.
        I did not even said s24U is bad or i am regrwting etc.
        Its an Fab... phone.
        But what i am facing i thought i should share.
        Thats it.

          • A
          • Anonymous
          • pdw
          • 19 Feb 2024

          Anonymous, 17 Feb 2024I had this phone in my palm. This feels like a midrange dev... moreWhich phones do you consider mid range?

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • u7V
            • 19 Feb 2024

            Tushar11, 19 Feb 2024The s22 was past.. And s24U its your imagination that i d... moreJust holding S24U makes you an expert of S24U and what makes worse is you told your negative imagination of S24U.

              Anonymous, 19 Feb 2024Then you should be in the S22U (you wrote a22U) pages and t... moreThe s22 was past..
              And s24U its your imagination that i don't hold s24U.
              So better if you don't respond and stay in your imagination.

              Thank you

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • sEB
                • 19 Feb 2024

                Tushar11, 19 Feb 2024Bro. I am user of samsung phones from long. From galaxy Y.... moreThen you should be in the S22U (you wrote a22U) pages and told everything experinces you had. It is appreciated more, better than if you tell your imagination of S24U.

                  S. Smith, 16 Feb 2024What is your country?bharat (india)

                    Anonymous, 16 Feb 2024Another "speaking-only" person. I am sure that th... moreBro.
                    I am user of samsung phones from long. From galaxy Y.
                    I used a22U before
                    Not holding s24U. Now.
                    If this platform permits i can share images and bill.

                    And these issues i am sharing are genuine..
                    Kindly think before speaking..

                      aaronwt, 16 Feb 2024That sounds like a lemon. I have not run into any issues li... moreI am going to wait for update may be all get fix.. ansmd i already reported these issue on members app.
                      Lets see what happen now

                        • M
                        • Maria
                        • sEB
                        • 19 Feb 2024

                        MaryusD, 18 Feb 2024I am planning the same , but to trade in my S23 Ultra, plea... moreI never buy S23U, but I do S24U. If you find no fault with your S23U and you enjoy S23U, do not upgrade.
                        We will surely find the new one better every year. I plan to use S24U longest than I think.

                          MaryusD, 18 Feb 2024I am planning the same , but to trade in my S23 Ultra, plea... moreI actually liked the overall design enhancement & beauty of camera rings, flat screen, feels lighter in hand due to proper weight distribution & handful use of AI...that's why I switched from S23U to S24U..also offers on S24U are still good.

                            Anonymous, 14 Feb 2024Pictures look much better than S23ultra. no oversharpeningI see over sharpened images all over this review

                              Anonymous, 18 Feb 2024Another one too. There are many reasons why they dislike Sa... moreThat's not the case at all. I have had many previous Samsung flagships and won't ever buy them again. They never change their image processing is horrid

                                I am planning the same , but to trade in my S23 Ultra, please tell me the major differences that you find

                                  Finally I switched from S23Ultra to S24Ultra for better overall I sold my 2nd hand S23Ultra & bought a new Titanium grey 256GB S24Ultra..😊
                                  I'm from Pune, India.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • M4S
                                    • 18 Feb 2024

                                    such a good phone and they didn't include emergency texting via satellite for the second year in a row that is a big let down and instead of that AI is truly adding something extra.

                                    Other than that the phone has the most features available.

                                      • M
                                      • Maria
                                      • xhn
                                      • 18 Feb 2024

                                      Anonymous, 17 Feb 2024I had this phone in my palm. This feels like a midrange dev... moreNothing wrong with your feeling. All phone, from the cheapest ones to the most expensive ones, have the same feeling on our hands. Just like when I wear authentic Versace T-Shirt, I feel the same when I am wearing a free "from nowhere" T-Shirt.

                                      The difference is happening when other people look at you using the most expensive ones (Peace)

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • xhn
                                        • 18 Feb 2024

                                        abdul samee, 17 Feb 2024be careful with Samsung mobiles its b coz after updating m... moreAnother one too. There are many reasons why they dislike Samsung, one of the reasons is they may not be able to buy S24 Ultra and the previous ones.