Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+

Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-435690
  • vx4
  • 15 Sep 2015

if some are you aren't samsung fans, then why would u waste your time looking for this article ? is just for you to give your mean comments? cmon, you cannot deter us from being a samsung fans..

    • V
    • ViSo36
    • L1$
    • 14 Sep 2015

    herald, 14 Sep 2015wtf .... why should people buy s6 edge + when it is the sam... moreExactly, just that, BIGGER, like me, many people dont like smartphones with less than 5.7" screen, My S6 Edge+ is just awesome, and is not mini!! ;)

      • M
      • MBosS
      • Sw0
      • 14 Sep 2015

      When we are talking bout Samsung high-end smartphones there is only 2 logical choices.... S or Note series... I used all Note phablets (1,2,3, 3 Neo, and now 4 ,..i will mention Note5 later) and those are best devices I ever operated with. Regarding S series smartphones, I used S2, S4, S5 and S6 edge...and they were always behind Note, but thats my oppinion based on heavy usage of stylus S-Pen.
      Note 5 is practicly S6 edge+ with S-Pen (ofc minus edges), and is huge step back in Note series,..not to mention lack of infrared, SD card slot, or removable battery cover and battery capacity itself.
      If you want to buy Samsung flagship device, only choice is Note 4 or S6 edge. And right answer is Note 4.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • rA%
        • 14 Sep 2015

        I am using samsung edge 6 from last 25 days. now we have found a problem as heating phone. i regret to say that i am not satisfied with this phone. kindly arrange to replace the same or return my amount asap.

          • s
          • sunny
          • Kxb
          • 14 Sep 2015

          The most decent phone nowadays is samsung galaxy note 4. It is an excellent phone which beats all other phones event the phones which sansung is going to release for the next 2 years. So whoever wants the best phone with them for the next 3 years grab note 4. You will be the happiest person. I have used all the phones till date but note 4 is the amazing one. S6 is the phone i could not bear it for 2 days. Note 4 is excellent in all aspects battery, display, speed etc. No complaints at all in fact i would like to thank samsung for making such a good phone and advice them stop making craps and make phone like note 4. Thank you.

            • T
            • Threadpool
            • Qiq
            • 14 Sep 2015

            herald, 14 Sep 2015wtf .... why should people buy s6 edge + when it is the sam... moreGee, I dunno... Maybe they like bigger phones?

              • C
              • CCY
              • Hka
              • 14 Sep 2015

              herald, 14 Sep 2015wtf .... why should people buy s6 edge + when it is the sam... moreBro this plus has bigger screen and run smoother compare with edge

                • h
                • herald
                • 0TF
                • 14 Sep 2015

                wtf .... why should people buy s6 edge + when it is the same as normal edge ...only bigger

                  • S
                  • Shangii
                  • vIf
                  • 13 Sep 2015

                  (Samsung s6 edge+) beats note4,s6,s6edge,iPhone6 etc, the world

                    • n
                    • naresh
                    • XQg
                    • 13 Sep 2015

                    im using s6 edge im not full satisafaction and hanging problems samsung mobile brands was waste battery back up (iphone is better battery backup)

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • nEc
                      • 13 Sep 2015

                      Kazi, 12 Sep 2015my Galaxy S6 EDGE+ not detecting 5ghz wifi band; any soluti... moreMine does, have you tried using the automatic.W P S button on the router and the setting on your phone

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • nEc
                        • 13 Sep 2015

                        sunny, 12 Sep 2015The most decent phone nowadays is samsung galaxy note 4. It... moreWhat you would like to do , is stop all Samsung newest phones from selling, bet your someone's Pr guy pretending to be a member of the public.
                        Truth is, note 4 IS all you say it is, and , the 6 edge models are a fantastic line of phones, never seen any gadget so worth, the extortionate prices apple have dragged the industry into. As for he fabricated lies the Internet is full of, we have both models, and zero problems to date.My obvious upgrade would have been the note 5 (Not available here.) but we're over the moon with the best looking top performing, fully featured phones on the market.

                          • a
                          • android Guy!!!
                          • Nvf
                          • 13 Sep 2015

                          once again no memory card slot is being introduced to the S6 edge +....please bring back the sd card slot!!!

                            • s
                            • sunny
                            • HsF
                            • 12 Sep 2015

                            The most decent phone nowadays is samsung galaxy note 4. It is an excellent phone which beats all other phones event the phones which sansung is going to release for the next 2 years. So whoever wants the best phone with them for the next 3 years grab note 4. You will be the happiest person. I have used all the phones till date but note 4 is the amazing one. S6 is the phone i could not bear it for 2 days. Note 4 is excellent in all aspects battery, display, speed etc. No complaints at all in fact i would like to thank samsung for making such a good phone and advice them stop making craps and make phone like note 4. Thank you.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-100398
                              • KSt
                              • 12 Sep 2015

                              If anyone is confused what to buy GN5 OT S6 E+ Sud read this
                              I chose Note5 over S6 Edge + cause note5 has a wider screen than S6 Edge+ screen it has a less wider screen cause some of the scren estate gets lost in the curved edges which are on both the sides .earlier note4 edge was better in this department it has only one curve and that too it was not very deep.I took a hands on of both Note5 and S6 edge+ and found out that the videos other media and everything looks better on the Note 5 than the S6 Edge+.moreover the back of GN5 looks way better and more premium than the S6E+.

                                • k
                                • kb
                                • uwB
                                • 12 Sep 2015

                                Maddy Abidi, 11 Sep 2015Make sure you saved your contacts on Device Storage rather ... moreWhy is that??????

                                  • K
                                  • Kazi
                                  • XMB
                                  • 12 Sep 2015

                                  my Galaxy S6 EDGE+ not detecting 5ghz wifi band; any solution please

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • HjB
                                    • 12 Sep 2015

                                    CCY, 11 Sep 2015Thank you all for the reply I was a apple fans actually,... moreAre you one of those people who get S6 edge+ for Samsung promotional $1 a month trial? Is it good. I mean the trial.

                                      • S
                                      • Sharma
                                      • rAV
                                      • 12 Sep 2015

                                      AnonD-362195, 11 Sep 2015I have bought S6 edge + 64Gb a week ago (when arrived in de... moreYou can delte the WhatsApp contact.its not phn problem

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-316697
                                        • cNJ
                                        • 11 Sep 2015

                                        CCY, 11 Sep 2015Thank you all for the reply I was a apple fans actually,... moreGood luck, i am sure s7 will beat iphone 7, once both gets released :)