Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 P5100
- s
- sadman samee
- K2I
- 01 Mar 2012
why 1ghz processor! huawai got many things! not going to buy it
- B
- Banda
- t}f
- 01 Mar 2012
Oh... Mind Blowing....
Ice Cream Sandwich Powered 10.1" Tab..
Well Done Samsung.. Good Job...!
- D
- AnonD-44480
- ubg
- 01 Mar 2012
Hi Guys, can I use this device to make a call and send sms? thanks.
- c
- curiousone
- ubg
- 01 Mar 2012
hey guys,can make a sms and call using this device? thanks
- D
- Dexterde
- fsW
- 29 Feb 2012
No wonder the silent release, we need 7.7 with quad core, super amoled plus and 2gb ROM., That will mos def beat all competition
- ?
- Anonymous
- mCi
- 29 Feb 2012
It's very good that support GSM Call and micro SD external memory.I'll buy it
- m
- malav
- kx$
- 29 Feb 2012
why get another dual core when nvdia quad core 1.3ghz is around the corner
and remove that shity touchwiz it sux
- a
- ashish
- utq
- 28 Feb 2012
no quad-core no means to launch take it back load it with processer
- K
- Kavi Vyas
- 2Ze
- 28 Feb 2012
Its a Welcome Move from Samsung that in Tablet PC Category they have extended it's specification by including most relevant Voice Calling Feature. But Camera they should have given at least 5.0 MP.
Anyway Love U Samsung...
- A
- Android:over
- tA$
- 27 Feb 2012
So, does it mean no ICS upgrade for Samsung Galaxy 10.1" ? The specs almost the same.
- e
- epic-fail
- E{t
- 27 Feb 2012
Ok samsung .... wat r u trying here ?
"Dual-core 1 GHz" ..seriously ??? Other boys out ther r having tegra 3.
considering ur pricing history ... Definitely this ones not gonna be less than $500 ... WTH.
Its epic fail.
ASUS transformer prime still remains best android tab.
- s
- samsunglover
- thd
- 27 Feb 2012
yet!, 26 Feb 2012make 7 inches, quad core and cheap price...its impossible to make a cheap quadcore tablet until next year, maybe cheap dualcore exynos, which is very fast, like the galaxy note
- l
- life
- fqX
- 27 Feb 2012
now this is what i've been waiting for...
when is it coming to south africa??????????????????
- W
- Wolverine037
- Mv2
- 27 Feb 2012
very wrong if this is the competition for the IPAD3 this year then samsung got it wrong with this its the same as the old TAB but with ICS soft update i mean come on the apple are coming with quad core and retina display and ios5 and believe me i m not an apple fan,i hate it
- T
- Techh
- MS3
- 27 Feb 2012
I completely agree with you egghead. This specs is very simple. Mobile phones is much better as to hardware specs.
- l
- lonewolf32680
- t7Q
- 27 Feb 2012
they should have made it quad core...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3c1
- 27 Feb 2012
huawei got a 1920x1200 px screen with quad core tablet. goodbye samsung.
- y
- yet!
- nC7
- 26 Feb 2012
make 7 inches, quad core and cheap price...
- g
- galaxyfan
- 2T7
- 26 Feb 2012
its rocking.. Will beat ipad 2 in all terms!! everyone should realize that android is the future u $am$ung
- e
- egghead
- t7G
- 26 Feb 2012
Bad move samsung.
Why waste money on developing a tablet with the same specs as the last one and only to have ICS as the upgrade? It doesnt make sense. Why not just upgrade the current galaxy tab range with ICS?
Samsung is starting to act like Nokia, releasing the same product with only cosmetic changes. It may work for a while but we all know how that turned out for Nokia.