Samsung Galaxy W I8150
- k
- kevin
- 9xg
- 23 Jul 2012
How to install ICS?
- H
- Hossein
- m4M
- 23 Jul 2012
can i update this model to android 4?
- h
- hendri
- KiY
- 23 Jul 2012
AnonD-63683, 20 Jul 2012Please can you tell me which is better , Galaxy Ace Plus or... moreI sugges don't choose galaxy W. My galaxy W have many problem, such as the light of the screen alwas turn on itself.
- h
- hendri
- KiY
- 23 Jul 2012
i bought this phone two months ago. now the problem is the light of the screen always turn on itself. it makes the battries low quickly. So really DISSAPPOINTED buy this phone.. I heard many user have same problems with me.
- N
- Nheng
- 9LP
- 23 Jul 2012
Hi, i been using Galaxy W for 4 months now. so far i have not encounter any prob.
- d
- dav
- Sgv
- 22 Jul 2012
AnonD-63683, 20 Jul 2012Please can you tell me which is better , Galaxy Ace Plus or... moreHaven't used ace plus so can't comment,I personally have no problem with usb or sound,I have used for over a month.very good phone galaxy w.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PSv
- 22 Jul 2012
how to download a android?
- a
- admin
- v0X
- 21 Jul 2012
dahman, 15 Jul 2012Hi All, I just bought W I8150 but i could not find the came... morecamera zoom is only available when you turn your camera on low megapixel
- a
- aida
- K7g
- 21 Jul 2012
hello everyone, im using galaxy wonder for more than 3 months, but now i am experiencing a problem with the front camera, it is blurd and i cant see the real color when the camera thru capturing pictures and using video's,it appearing dark and when my dress is black, it is soo blurd in the cam..please help me on how to fix this. thank you.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vV5
- 21 Jul 2012
Anonymous, 20 Jul 2012this is unfair! galaxy ace 2 able to upgrade to ICS! but th... moreThe problem with Samsung stock phone is that it run Touch Wiz UI which consume substantial amount of RAM memory, therfore SGW 512MB RAM is not enough to run ICS + TW UI, SGA2 have 768MB RAM which is the minimum requirement for ICS + TW UI, infact after seen my friend SGS2 been update to ICS, I would rather give it a missed, GB with value pack is enough for me, rather to have a smooth GB than a lagged ICS.
If I wanted a ICS phone better to get a SGS3.
- b
- bilginon
- 3ZR
- 20 Jul 2012
AnonD-63683, 20 Jul 2012Please can you tell me which is better , Galaxy Ace Plus or... morei8150 is better. I bought this phone (i8150) two months ago. without any problem.
- D
- AnonD-63234
- uEA
- 20 Jul 2012
mitchem, 20 Jul 2012Hi everyone! i just need some advice about this phone Samsu... moreTheres no denying that playing games would make the battery runs fast. Well just an advice from me.. Always turn on airplane mode. And if u want to play games using wi fi then go to airplane and turn wifi to minimaze batery coz gsm network always communicate to.the carrier and i think that helps the battrery run dry. don't ever use 3g since 3g is a crazy battry drowner use wifi instead. hope this helps :-)
- ?
- Anonymous
- ijs
- 20 Jul 2012
this is unfair! galaxy ace 2 able to upgrade to ICS! but this phone don't absorb any improvement!
- D
- AnonD-63683
- Nr7
- 20 Jul 2012
Please can you tell me which is better , Galaxy Ace Plus or Galaxy W ?
I know theoritically Galaxy W is better , but in fact while searching the internet I have found many users with problem with is ( like the sound and the USB for example )
So any one can advice me about this , I am VERY confused .
- z
- zeropower
- Nr7
- 20 Jul 2012
Please can you tell me which is better , Galaxy Ace Plus or Galaxy W ?
I know theoritically Galaxy W is better , but in fact while searching the internet I have found many users with problem with is ( like the sound and the USB for example )
So any one can advice me about this , I am VERY confused .
- H
- Helper
- 20 Jul 2012
ivan, 19 Jul 2012pls help me out here....whn l connect my USB to da pc it do... moreyou have to download kies on your comp for the comp to recognize your cell but if u have a memory card reader you can put your memory card in it and connect it to ur comp and put ur stuff in it !
hope this helped! :)
- m
- mitchem
- v0q
- 20 Jul 2012
Hi everyone! i just need some advice about this phone Samsung Galaxy W. I bought it for more than 1 month now and i observed after downloading apps and games i easily get low battery even i don't used it that much in one day i still charge it everynight.Please help me with this problem.Any advice? Thanks!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 20 Jul 2012
please upgrade this phone to ICS!!!!
- D
- AnonD-63234
- uEA
- 19 Jul 2012
I've used galaxy w for 9 months and it suits my style. Got about 72 apps and runs okay. many games and HD games and useful apps. My suggestion is always root and change your stock rom into custom rom. Also be sure to "Clear Ram" before and after you play games or if your phone having lags. Sure it will restart your launcher but not if you use 3rd party launcher since default launcher is heavy :(
But don't expect too much because it's a middle range smartphone. You have to do a lot to make this smartphone really runs well. :)
- i
- ivan
- fsW
- 19 Jul 2012
pls help me out here....whn l connect my USB to da pc it doesn't recognize da device. also most of da tym ma camera fails to work whn l nid it badly. pls help