Samsung Galaxy Win I8550
- N
- Nomana
- PAm
- 13 May 2014
Any body change this cell widh me i have samsung galaxy nexus s 16 GB memory plz contect 03454529675
- ?
- Anonymous
- wY8
- 13 May 2014
sunny, 12 May 2014My quattro is heating up very fastly is this normal ? I... morelook for it in the sounds settings
- c
- cs...
- fCx
- 13 May 2014
Can I connect my phone to bluetooth wireless keyboard or mouse? It has only 3.0 bluetooth version.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 May 2014
sunny, 12 May 2014My quattro is heating up very fastly is this normal ? I... moreeven my phone gets heated up..
- D
- AnonD-263023
- U{G
- 12 May 2014
How call voice recording option in Samsung galaxy grand Quattro.....?????????
- v
- vignesh rg
- U{G
- 12 May 2014
Call recording options solluga
- s
- sunny
- rKN
- 12 May 2014
My quattro is heating up very fastly
is this normal ?
It's some times a bit slow
the keyboard works slowly
is it common
can anyone tell me how to turn off keyboard sounds. ....... ????,,
- c
- cs...
- fCx
- 12 May 2014
Hi.. m using Samsung galaxy grand quattro i8552 , this is very nic phone and its price is approx 14 k... but my frnd has xolo q1000 opus... n its price is approx 10 k... n it has upgradeable 4.4 kitkat android, otg support, hd video recording, cortex a7 videocore iv quad core processor... xolo q1000 opus is very good budget phone... it has all things that we want...but why Samsung couldn't launched the upgradable android on Samsung grand quattro... this is very big question... if u look moto g... it has also 4.4 kitkat android, faster processor than grand quattro and hd video recording. Samsung has recently launched the s duos 2 and grand neo it has also 4.2 android and 720p video recording... then why quattro is very last... it doesn't support hd video recording, it doesn't have android 4.2 jelly bean or kitkat, it has only cortex a5 processor and adreno 203... which is very slow. Xolo q1000 opus and moto g is best in other side... but I still love Samsung and plz upgrade the Android only.. that's my wish...
- D
- wH4
- 11 May 2014
vinay, 09 May 2014Hi frnds, i am cnfzed to buy samsung grand quattro or sams... morequatrro
- d
- daman
- bCb
- 11 May 2014
vishal , 10 May 2014how do i take a screen shot in grand quatroo tell me fast ... morepress your power off button and then press your home screen button
- ?
- Anonymous
- rK%
- 11 May 2014
vishal , 10 May 2014how do i take a screen shot in grand quatroo tell me fast ... morejust hold the volume up button n u will get the screen print
- N
- Nameless
- 11 May 2014
vinay, 09 May 2014Hi frnds,
i am cnfzed to buy samsung grand quattro or sams... moreHi,
I have personally use the Quattro for more than 1 year now. Honestly....great phone for working and normal business.
It also depends on what you are looking for in a phone.
As for me. The phone is very responsive and fairly above good average. Maybe because, it's a quad core with battery capacity of 2000mAh.
Nothing to loose....budgeted phone...
- D
- AnonD-262665
- KSv
- 11 May 2014
root ur mobile 1st than u can get a lot of apps
- N
- Nameless
- 11 May 2014
vishal , 10 May 2014how do i take a screen shot in grand quatroo tell me fast ... morePress and hold both (home button + On button) for roughly 3 seconds
- v
- vishal
- vIb
- 10 May 2014
how do i take a screen shot in grand quatroo
tell me fast guysssss
- R
- YT@
- 10 May 2014
vinay, 09 May 2014Hi frnds, i am cnfzed to buy samsung grand quattro or sams... moreJust compare it from specs including: CPU, GPU,Memory Capacity and User opinions, just make sure to chooose the right phone!
- v
- vinay
- tUd
- 09 May 2014
Hi frnds,
i am cnfzed to buy samsung grand quattro or samsung s duos 2 . plz tell me which better and i am very interest to buy from moredays but i dont know which is to buy plz give me your suggestion . if the suggestions comes from experiend who are buy the quattro or s duos it is valueable.
- S
- Swapa Abdul Salam
- fkd
- 08 May 2014
My No is Samsung grand quattro No 18552, problem is that when I use viber or skupe or any call through wifi only one time it's good sound from both side but when I call 2nd times, that time I can hear voice from other but other party can't hear me, So when I make power off and start than it's good again but please mind that again the same problem will be repeat. I reset my phone but still the problem same, pl give me advice What I will do
- D
- AnonD-261700
- vGj
- 08 May 2014
hello!!! frnds...
well,if ur whatzup is not downloading/working for the second time it means that your network mobile number has used the free version of whtzzup for first time and to download second time the whtzzup for the same number is not free.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Trk
- 08 May 2014
samu.., 07 May 2014hey frnzz.. 1st tym i downloaded whatts app it ws wrkng wel... moreHey friend please go to settings and factory reset. erase everything and reboot the device. then download whatsapp and other applications