Samsung I5500 Galaxy 5
- ?
- Anonymous
- mE0
- 12 Jan 2011
does any1 know how to update to froyo without going to service center and with just my pc and phone. i have kies if that helps. also will i have to wipe my phone. one last thing, does froyo support apps on sd card?
- ?
- Anonymous
- mE0
- 12 Jan 2011
Jack, 10 Jan 2011I need 2 knw 1 little thing b4r buying dis dis supor... moreinstall avg antivirus from find, just search antivirus. there is a paid version but not much difference to free version.
- A
- Ani
- Hkt
- 12 Jan 2011
i wanna know that can the official upgrade of froyo can be done in India coz am now using the Americas software
- ?
- Anonymous
- utj
- 12 Jan 2011
is there oficialy froyo in india....
- n
- nikko
- Pxx
- 12 Jan 2011
Imran, 12 Jan 2011Please let me knw how to upgrade to Froyou can go to ur nearest samsung service center and bring ur receipt. they will help u there to upgrade ur phone.
- I
- Imran
- w4H
- 12 Jan 2011
seretide, 11 Jan 2011update to froyo for applications on sd.Please let me knw how to upgrade to Froyo
- M
- Mufassir
- K2B
- 12 Jan 2011
Thomas, 05 Jan 2011you can also get android market in middle east(for 2.1 Ecla... morehii
can help me please..when i downloading the aaps from android market its shows that ur download is unsuccess full...
- p
- pique
- 12 Jan 2011
hey wht does java via third party application mean
- n
- nikko
- Pxx
- 11 Jan 2011
Anonymous, 11 Jan 2011it,s very cool and awesome but i can't get themes or the so... morelookin for themes and any apps, games and many more? sign on to market.. and download all u want there. its all there..
- ?
- Anonymous
- fvC
- 11 Jan 2011
it,s very cool and awesome but i can't get themes or the sound recorder
- n
- nikko
- Pxx
- 11 Jan 2011
pero, 11 Jan 2011Richard is right. wifi is a bit lame. It has really short r... moreyeah, right if u r not in the ryt spot and low signal of ur wifi it will keep on disconecting ur wifi, but then if u r in the center and ryt spot and high signal it will run smothly... if ur wifi is too low signal, u must better use ur mobile network it is more faster than wifi..
- h
- hon
- v0q
- 11 Jan 2011
i want to know how big are the keys?
- p
- pero
- 3Z5
- 11 Jan 2011
nikko, 11 Jan 2011hey richard, how could u say that? wifi connection not real... moreRichard is right. wifi is a bit lame. It has really short range. Bit dissapointing. But awsome phone anyway.
- a
- anyone
- 11 Jan 2011
Dr.X: i recomend u to buy the i550 galaxy 5..
2 reasons: it has android and the other dont, and it has 3g.. idk if it has other advantages or disadvantages but i saw this.. lucky with ur buy.. :)
- D
- Dr.X
- 0U$
- 11 Jan 2011
hey y'all. im about to buy a new phone and i'm stuck between 2 phones : Samsung I5500 Galaxy 5 vs Samsung S5330 Wave533. which one is bettet? i need a conclusion , they're at the same price in my area. somebody said to me that android is very hard to handle so go for wave , is that true? which one provides better quality on music playback? thanks
- S
- Sanjeev
- 11 Jan 2011
How can i manually add ip address of my wifi connection because my wifi is running on manually assign ip address?
sound of music
- s
- shrikant
- i4c
- 11 Jan 2011
its an awesome thing i had ever handled in my life
- s
- seretide
- 0Uc
- 11 Jan 2011
Imran, 11 Jan 2011Hey! Please anyone let me know how to install applicatio... moreupdate to froyo for applications on sd.
- n
- nikko
- Pxx
- 11 Jan 2011
richard, 11 Jan 2011wifi connection not really good hey richard, how could u say that? wifi connection not really good? maybe yours....
- m
- mohit
- uuj
- 11 Jan 2011
rizwan, 10 Jan 2011hey ye galaxy ghatiya phone hai with ghatiya touchpagal na ho jayio