Samsung I7500 Galaxy
- S
- Sujith
- nCb
- 08 May 2009
Will it support...Pdf,Excel,Word?????
- e
- elina
- txj
- 08 May 2009
i heard that android os motorola will be named motorola calgary..please gsmarena clarify this news..
- r
- robo
- puC
- 07 May 2009
yes is very good
- N
- NY
- PFg
- 07 May 2009
Any word about the pricing yet? Rumor has it about 300euro b4 taxes n stuff...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4mE
- 07 May 2009
Still, I love this phone and I'll probably get this if this phone will work on T-Mobile 3G in the USA .
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4mE
- 07 May 2009
Nothing out there can kill the IPhone other than a newer IPhone... its simple as that... all other devices are somehow just going to be another device. The IPhone is everywhere and has now become a trademark of Apple as the only phone they produce. Obviously the iphone will always be iphone.
Now the samsung i7500: This phone is very feature rich is really cool. Its probably a much better "phone." The Iphone is a great toy but as a phone its probably mediocre.
The thing is that this samsung phone will most probably be forgotten in 3-6 months after its out (if it comes out with more HQ phones) because samsung makes so many darn phones. Plus not everyone is going to hear about the Samsung I7500 as much as they've heard about the iphone. Thats just a matter of fact.
- R
- Ryo Jin
- ji{
- 07 May 2009
To: AG(Denmark) & Mbah Marijans(Indonesia)
U must compare SE IDOU with Samsung i8910 Omnia HD. The only competitor for Samsung i7500 is HTC Dream(T-Mobile G1), HTC Magic, and the next HTC Hero(T-Mobile G3) and Samsung Houdini. All this phone using Android OS, while SE IDOU and Samsung i8910 Omnia HD are Symbian Touchscreen device.
- b
- bliss
- 4$F
- 07 May 2009
There is no secondary camera for video conferencing. That;s a huge knock on a smart phone like this. These phones will never get it all right, something always seems to be missing.
- ?
- Anonymous
- iT8
- 06 May 2009
will this beat iPhone?
- M
- Marco
- N7U
- 06 May 2009
What about the battery life time ?
- z
- zogan
- LIu
- 06 May 2009
por dios! q manga de ganzos!!! peliando por telefonos celulares!
- G
- Gopal
- ijy
- 06 May 2009
This Machine is awesome... I am not sure what HTC is going to do with its Android devices. This phone has all the feature i want to have in a phone. Hope this will come within my budget... :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- p8p
- 06 May 2009
MBAH MARIJANS, 04 May 2009This Phone will not Gonna beat IDOU, Because SAMSUNG need s... moreHello SE fanboy. They already *have* something better.
A - n - d - r - o - i - d.
The only thing "Idou" have is 12mpx camera. But then again, the megapixels doesn't matter that much, it could still be crap pictures.
Symbian sucks. Just like SE and Nokia.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 May 2009
is it just me or does that have the same display as the HTC Dream??
- N
- NY
- PFg
- 05 May 2009
AG, 05 May 2009This will most likely be my next smartphone because: The d... moreU got that rite! AndroidOS is the next platform for mobile devices.(hopefully)
- A
- AG
- ph4
- 05 May 2009
This will most likely be my next smartphone because:
The design seams solid, clasic, suficiant 3.2 screen size and slim build enabling 1 hand usage. The specs match all the funktions that i value and the camera has been rated to be rather good, which I find important also. It has an on-screen keyboard that insures the most screensize for viewing webpages and movies. I will most likely have to wait to try it in the shop before buying though since the respons and setup of the on-scren keyboard i vital.
Competition at this moment is:
HTC Magic
Sony Ericsson Idou
Htc Magic, has a smarter navigation with more dedicated buttons but the camera is not as good and less MP, the body is thicker, smaler battery, seams more plastic than Samsung I7500, reduced bluetooth support (maybe), and I just prefer the design of Samsung I7500, though i would prefer the coating of the phone to be that of HTC touch HD.
Sony E Idou is somewhat thicker, and though packing i high MP camera and a 0.3" larger screen, is running symbian.... :( Though symbian is an acceptable operating system I would not dare buying a phone without the future operating OS "Android". Basically Android just seams so much more advanced, stable and interessting than symbian and winMo, so for me I'm prefering any device with this OS. Also I like Idou, and should the on-screen keyboard show to be much better than Samsung I7500 and should the phone show to have faster aplication respons than that of samsung I7500, this will most likely be my choise in stead.
Anyways - theese are my thoughts on my choise of my upcomming smartphone.
Best regards - Andreas (Denmark)
- ?
- Anonymous
- PFg
- 05 May 2009
this is my next smartphone!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- PP$
- 05 May 2009
Ravikiran, 04 May 2009Hello Gang! Anyone using this babay? What's the damage t... moreRelease date approximately June. Nobody has it yet....
- ?
- Anonymous
- SqX
- 04 May 2009
pb, 30 Apr 2009 hello , GPS or not GPS in this phone ? thanks ! pbSamsung I7500 supports GPS
- R
- Ravikiran
- 04 May 2009
Hello Gang!
Anyone using this babay? What's the damage to pocket like?