Samsung i8510 INNOV8

Samsung i8510 INNOV8

User opinions and reviews

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  • o
  • oh yeah
  • t7K
  • 13 Aug 2010

if your on to the camera quality,,better to avail C905,,

and either,,c905 video quality/audio,,is far more better than this one..

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • ibc
    • 11 Aug 2010

    mach, 28 Jul 2010"Feature wise - yes, it is way better than N86..."... morehello?? y do u say n86 camera better???has a wider and bigger lens??? photo quality depends on the amount of details captured and innov8 does a better job doing that...

      • m
      • mu
      • wr6
      • 07 Aug 2010

      the phone is excellent....

        • m
        • mach
        • UD$
        • 28 Jul 2010

        Samarth INNOV8 user, 25 Apr 2010Feature wise - yes, it is way better than N86... Reliabi... more"Feature wise - yes, it is way better than N86..."

        I have both i8510 and N86, and use them both everyday. I don't know why you say i8510 is "way better" than the N86. i8510 does have a 0.2-inch screen advantage and a trackpad. But N86 has much better camera quality and stronger flash, better build quality, and has AMOLED display. N86 also has OVI apps and free Ovi Maps for life.

        I agree with the reliability and screen issue of the i8510 and Samsung doesn't update their software as much as Nokia does. Last update for i8510 was I think last year, N86 was just this past one or two months.

          • j
          • joe
          • 0wq
          • 28 Jul 2010

          hey guys,plz sum1 help! Which mobile website can i go to,to download a setting wizard for free from??? Plz sum1 reply asap

            • A
            • Arturas
            • MMZ
            • 23 Jul 2010

            INNOV8 user., 16 Jul 2010Guys, I have this phone. But please, I don't recommend you ... moreWell I have this phone too and I can tell that only a few of your points are true.
            So I will agree on you only on these points: 3, 7 and 8. Other than that, completely disagree about the camera, it's perfect I'd say and you can also tweak the settings if you don't like something about it's photographing, and yeah, when you make digital zoom when making a video it's completely normal that the quality gets worse a lot because it's a DIGITAL zoom, it's not optical if you understand that... It might be slightly slower in menus, but other than that this device is raw power! Really recommend this to anyone who's not looking for the newest and most expensive touchscreen. Besides it's photos are waaaaaay better than most of the newest phones in the market.

              • I
              • INNOV8 user.
              • tYW
              • 16 Jul 2010

              Guys, I have this phone. But please, I don't recommend you to purchase it...

              It has good points too, but the bad points are:->

              1. Photos in slight dark, are blurry, and anti shake turns itself off many times,
              Moreover, anti shake and flash can't be used at same time,
              2. Videos have horrible audio quality, and lots of missed frames, and even 2x zoom makes its quality bad,
              3. The paintjob wears out fast, mine is reflective metal now, instead of black,
              4. There's current flowing through its body, which you can get shocked by, if its connected to TV/ Laptop, etc. and if you are barefoot,
              5. its screen updates 1 second later after you press a button while its on standby. Until then, it shows the last screen position which maybe an older time...
              6. Radio is buggy. It won't respond until you press a key ten times.
              If you chose directional key for usage instead, it changes channels damn slowly.
              7. The USB wire got defective within 9 months of normal usage. I had to purchase a new one which was of Nokia 5130 Xpressmusic.
              The charger got defective within 4 months and a warranty replacement was provided.
              Then again, it went kaput at 10 months, then I had to purchase it from market.
              8. Battery life is not even useable for 1 day full of usage.

              I updated the firmware from to XXHJ3 through Samsung Centre, but NO PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED.
              In fact, one of the 3D games disappeared and the other doesn't work anymore, after the update.

              And GSMArena, why didn't you disclose these points in your review? Very bad journalism on your part.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • tYW
                • 16 Jul 2010

                2D, 25 Jun 2010Regarding to the camer it has a better quality then most, b... morePlease don't spread wrong information on forums.

                I have myself seen maximum digital zoom samples of 3 sets, one innov8, and one omnia and a Apple iPhone 3G.

                See the result yourself:


                  • n
                  • nathalie
                  • 04M
                  • 13 Jul 2010

                  People if you think your battery sunk, then change you current theme trust me it worked for me!!!!!!!

                    • R
                    • Roll
                    • Kx6
                    • 04 Jul 2010

                    Sahand, 04 Jul 2010I have updated my phone too, but the battery didn't get better!Thnks for your answr Sahand,i'm so sad,now i think to get a second battery and keep a charge in my bag

                      • S
                      • Sahand
                      • 3be
                      • 04 Jul 2010

                      Roll, 27 Jun 2010Have u get the upgrade firmware?the other post say that if ... moreI have updated my phone too, but the battery didn't get better!

                        • d
                        • dev
                        • 0UH
                        • 30 Jun 2010

                        The main problem with this phone is the person holding it. If one is smart enough to flash a good firmware and tweak it afterwards this is probably the best 8 Mpx phone ever made.

                        There are thousands of applications, themes, etc that will make your life easier. But why spend a few minutes researching stuff when you can whine.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • uZ9
                          • 29 Jun 2010

                          i love this phone. but after a while, the phone is sooo hard to be charged cuz of the charger ends is diffrnt compare to nokia n so, u can only place the phone side ways or try any other ways in other for the phone to b able to read the charger. ugh. troublesome. drives me mad! :(

                            • J
                            • Jonathan
                            • n{0
                            • 28 Jun 2010

                            Hi all.apart from the many problems ive got with this fone,it now does not connect to the internet since i tryed to download probably has a virus.the dealer i bought it from said to send it to Samsung where they will reprogram the Phone to get rid of all the bugs u think such a thing will work because ive also heard that the I8510s already came from the factory with a fair share of viruses in the 1st place.thanks

                              • R
                              • Roll
                              • tDB
                              • 27 Jun 2010

                              2D, 11 May 2010But what do you expect ? Have you checked the date, Rele... moreHave u get the upgrade firmware?the other post say that if we get new firmware it will make better battery life,but u said that upgrade firmware won't get better battery life,where is the truth?2D n someone please replay..

                                • T
                                • Tmd
                                • uNV
                                • 26 Jun 2010

                                Go here for all latest release symbian application, games, themes, news...

                                  • 2
                                  • 2D
                                  • n$j
                                  • 25 Jun 2010

                                  Regarding to the camer it has a better quality then most, but perhaps would only compare it to 3.2 mgpx's or even 5 from Nokia. The problem its having a smal sensor to capture photos, which means, it can have a pretty good detail but is limited on size. That reduces the fun on the i8510 camera.
                                  But still, it has powerfull features and a weird blueish flash plus it takes good pictures by night (when you aren't shking ...).
                                  You may wanna look for photo examples to make sure if this is want you want. And you should also see nokia n8 (symbian with 12mgpx), that one seems to ve the best camera phone on the market for now ...

                                    • B
                                    • Benjamin
                                    • mI6
                                    • 21 Jun 2010

                                    Hey guys! I need to know if the camera is that effective as the Sony ericsson C905. Moreover how do you find its voice when you play music. Is it audible in a place like restraunt? I have also heard that Nokia phones costing 200 Euros can be resold for 100 Euros. What about Samsung phones?

                                      • G
                                      • Guest
                                      • 9x6
                                      • 08 Jun 2010

                                      innov8, 07 Jun 2010my samsung not connected to pc through data cable. when i c... moreHi
                                      Regarding help with device not found.
                                      Try installing drivers specially usb drivers and try connecting it with other ports also.
                                      Also disconnect any usb drive properly otherwise on next boot it will be engaged and you wont be able to use it properly resulting to blue screen errors.
                                      Hope this will solve your problem like mine got sloved.

                                        • i
                                        • innov8
                                        • uWJ
                                        • 07 Jun 2010

                                        my samsung not connected to pc through data cable. when i connect data cable in my pc , give some error
                                        "device not recognized Usb device attached to this computer has malfuncitioned" many time i installed and uninstalled usb driver. also check in xp and window 7 but also get same error plz some buddy help...