Samsung i8510 INNOV8

Samsung i8510 INNOV8

User opinions and reviews

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  • S
  • Slim Shady
  • M{3
  • 16 Jan 2009

there are many things i dont like about this phone,the pictures arent always sharp and mostly blurry,after recording a video for 20 mins,the battery will die and the camera wont start,and a common nokia can record upto 4 hrs and still it will have two bars left.The camera isnt reliable,it sometimes hangs afterr capturing a photo,the speaker isnt loud at all,and the phone is very fragile and gets scratched very easily.

    • J
    • Jay
    • fuH
    • 16 Jan 2009

    Steven, 16 Jan 2009How long does it take you guys to fully charge the battery? The first question I asked when buying this phone was trhe correct method of charging it. THe advice I got was simple. Your phone will come semi charged so use it until it goes completely flat. The charge it for 9 hours with the phone still completely off. Then repeat this process again. After that, you need only charge the phone for about an hour and a half and it will be fully charged. Any longer than that and you're just wasting electricity.
    Isn't it ironic that this may be the single most important information about your phone and never once, in over 20 phones that I have had, has a manual ever told you the full process of charging your cell correctly?

      • S
      • Steven
      • 3Kg
      • 16 Jan 2009

      How long does it take you guys to fully charge the battery?

        • A
        • Aris
        • ji{
        • 16 Jan 2009

        Yeah,c905 nothing compared to innov8,it's multimedia beats c905,no doubt! No mercy! But yes,LED makes a little bit disapointed..wait another smartfone with 8mp cam,now it's still d best smartfone!! Great achievment from samsung..congratulations

          • b
          • barrack
          • U2A
          • 16 Jan 2009

          Anonymous, 16 Jan 2009ok guys, this camera has a flash? but is it like the old "f... morelol... u mean xenon flash? no it doesnt...surely u can read the specs and figure that out yaself right?...and yes, the c905 is better at taking pics at night... but thats the only department the c905 beats innov8.
          hope that helps :)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • MBH
            • 16 Jan 2009

            ok guys, this camera has a flash? but is it like the old "flash" on the old samsungs (D900) that was merely a light, or is it a proper flash like on a digital camera, and namely the C905?

            any replies will be greatly appreciated

              • f
              • fabian
              • ib7
              • 16 Jan 2009

              I just bought this phone for 2 week,
              I love this phone so so much... is really nice ..
              sound quality ,movie, wifi, video all perfect...
              just a problem..the bactery cant stand for long...

                • J
                • Jhake (UAE)
                • nCb
                • 16 Jan 2009

                Guys, just want to ask about the quality of the sound of this phone? I have I900 already but the speaker is not so good. Can someone comment pls. about the quality of the sound when the phone is in speakers mode? Need ur response guys.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • U2A
                  • 16 Jan 2009

                  Anonymous, 16 Jan 2009Thank you for your help. Your opinions made me decide that ... worries... cant agree with you on the rushed part mate...
                  as i said read the reviews...enough said.
                  good luck finding that 8mp phone, hope your not waiting too long.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Mve
                    • 16 Jan 2009

                    Thank you for your help. Your opinions made me decide that Sony Ericsson C905 and Samsung i8510 INNOV8 are not a good choice, because from reading almost all the comments i've made my opion of the phones and that is: that bouth sony and samsung rushed to make a phone with 8 megapixel camera and forgot about quality and durability. Sow now i'm waiting for a new 8 megapixeli phone. Thank's again for your help

                      • A
                      • Amir
                      • nq3
                      • 16 Jan 2009

                      The battery consumption of INNOV8 is not good at all.After taking a couple of pictures,it reduces to half.Also signal reception is disappointing from time to time.

                        • b
                        • barrack
                        • U2A
                        • 16 Jan 2009

                        Anonymous, 16 Jan 2009Hey people can you tell me which is better Sony Ericsson C9... morebattery: much better, you will see in the c905 forum the amount of people leaving comments about poor battery life
                        pics: outdoors this phone takes the best pics on a camera phone/ smartphone period... if you wanna use your cam at night, c905 is the obvious pic
                        music: best sound quality on a phone period
                        resistance: i assume your taking about build quality, damb good, much better than the c905..again another common problem on the c905 forum
                        internet connection/software: smartphone vs non smartphone... easy pick... ive had this phone for like 10weeks, hasnt crashed yet.
                        read all the reviews you sure that will help your decision :)

                        hope that helps!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Mve
                          • 16 Jan 2009

                          Hey people can you tell me which is better Sony Ericsson C905 or Samsung i8510 INNOV8. What i'm loking for is: battery time , quality of pictures , quality of music , rezistence , internet connection and software. Please help!! and please be serios no lies!!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 2Ex
                            • 16 Jan 2009

                            I know many of you like this phone. I do too but I do not recommend it to buy this phone as I mention on my previous comments. It was not easy to sell back this to any store as they say is not a popular phone. They were recomending the Pixon.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 2Ex
                              • 16 Jan 2009

                              I had this pohne for about 3 months and finally sold it few days ago. The phone build nice and solid. Looks nice and expensive looking phone and not like most Nokia Phones. My problem was that Not all applications could install and if installed made the phone run slower than normal. Also had problem with internet if changed my provider SIM card then Automaticly would not switch to other provider. So, I had alot of compatibility problem. I think Samsung is not yet up and going with this software.

                                • J
                                • Jay
                                • fuH
                                • 15 Jan 2009

                                Can anyone tell me how to activate the front camera lens of this phone? Eg. If I wanted to take a photo of my son and I and wanted to make sure that we were both in the pic, then being able to see the pic via the front lens camera being activated would be perfect but I can't seem to do it. Or does it only work for video calls? More importantly though, I tried using it with the Fring aplication to Skype someone but I couldn't activate it. Am I asking too much or have I completely misunderstood this front camera lens? Other than this small little issue, this phone is un-friggin-believable.

                                  • J
                                  • Jitoe
                                  • 3Kg
                                  • 15 Jan 2009

                                  I have this phone for 5 days and it's the perfect phone for me. Have had may phones but this is just the best phone ever made. King of the hill.

                                    • b
                                    • barrack
                                    • U2A
                                    • 15 Jan 2009

                                    Striker, 15 Jan 2009I'm feelin ya Barrack, and couldn't agree more!! I've h... morelol... yeah totally! 2-3 WEEKS for me and im usually over them but this one just keeps gettin sweeter!

                                      • S
                                      • Striker
                                      • MSN
                                      • 15 Jan 2009

                                      I'm feelin ya Barrack, and couldn't agree more!!

                                      I've had maybe 20-30 phones in my life, and tend to get bored of them after a few months and want to change them, but I've had my Innov8 since October and still have that "oh my god how awesome is this phone" feeling. I have absolutely no intention of changing it, and in fairness, there's nothing currently available that I'd wanna change to.

                                      Anyone considering buying one - DO IT! You'll not be disappointed.

                                        • b
                                        • barrack
                                        • U2A
                                        • 15 Jan 2009

                                        brynn, 14 Jan 2009Another highly respected review http://www.allaboutsymbi... moreawesome!!! the best thing about this phone is you can find any review...i mean ANY and its reads something like... raises the bar! unmatched! best mobile technology to date!...
                                        lovin it!!!

                                        INNOV8 is BADA$$....feel me!?!?!