Samsung i8510 INNOV8

Samsung i8510 INNOV8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • u{E
  • 01 Dec 2008

rambaldi47, 01 Dec 2008I actually went to Samsung to have my innov8 replaced. Afte... moreActually i have the battery problem at first. But after i turn off the WLAN auto scan and switch on the power safe mode, the battery actually can last me for full three days with two to three hours radio and mp3 listening each day, around 5 short calls each day and some sms each day. If i use the camera and videos, it can still last for two days...

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • u{E
    • 01 Dec 2008

    Anonymous, 01 Jan 19708 to 12 months? Are u sure? My Samsung had been with me for two and a half years still working like a new one. My N73 also the same, almost two years still working ok after i drop it for almost 30 times. Where do you get this 8 to 12 months development life cycle thingy? really interested to know.. mind to tell? thanks. lol

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • M3s
      • 01 Dec 2008

      brilliant handset, everything works fine for me(touch wood)

        • a
        • aden
        • Ui$
        • 01 Dec 2008

        all i can say for this phone is the worse phone i have ever used.

        why is every1 saying THIS PHONE is GREAT etc etc.. i am the end user i say its the worse.

        The remote standby screen hangs, lag like no one's business.. at times i couldn't even asscess it..

          • b
          • brc
          • U2A
          • 01 Dec 2008

          Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970read the reviews buddy.....enough said!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Yg5
            • 01 Dec 2008

            This plone is amazing. I just configured it to receive internet. The screen has nice vivid colors. I hope this phone lasts a long time. If it ever broke, I would buy another one in a heartbeat. I also own a Touch of color Samsung 46 in LCD HDTV. I love Samsung. Great company

              • k
              • ks
              • iJ6
              • 01 Dec 2008

              I am having 2 small problems can please someone help me. 1st i can not install the software that i down load from the official site of samsung for a reason it gives me error and 2nd how i can transfer the my contacts from my sony-ericsson k850 to samsung i8510 . any information will be helpfull

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Sia
                • 01 Dec 2008


                You're just plucking those figures out of thin air aren't you? Lets face it, theres not a shred of truth to anything you just said. I have a Samsung D600 that still works perfectly and I've had that for years. I also bought a RAZR V3 when they first came out and it was in the repair centre within weeks and spent more time there than it did in my pocket.

                If you're gonna post comments, please, at least make them somewhere near accurate!!

                  • M
                  • MUKARRAM
                  • pJf
                  • 01 Dec 2008

                  THE Specification is cute and fantastic....Next time I wish samsung could make i8510 touch screen and dual SIM as it is slider.

                  it should be possible....

                  more grease 2 ur elbow Samsung

                    • r
                    • rambaldi47
                    • FMY
                    • 01 Dec 2008

                    I actually went to Samsung to have my innov8 replaced. After three weeks of torture, they replaced it. I have few questions, does any1 here have problems using GPS? mines not able to lock connection with any GPS satellite. The battery is bad even with the new unit however i would wait for a week to see if it will change. Also mine doesn't come with the route66 navigator software. IS it really normal?

                      • B
                      • Bk
                      • p$K
                      • 01 Dec 2008

                      Somebody help me!!! Does he have youtube?

                        • N
                        • NESS
                        • mc9
                        • 30 Nov 2008

                        I'm a user of Nokia N95 and also a bit Fan of Nokia, but I'm thinking to Buy a Samsung INNOV8 or OMNIA, and to make a difference in my life, because i was bored of using Nokia, Nokia,Nokia everytime and by the way also SYMBIAN OS.. that's why I decided to buy an Omnia, but now a days I start to think that SYmbian is better than Windows Mobile and any other OS, it's clear, fast and easy to use... so I'm so confused and also not sure that do I have to buy an INNOV8 or an OMNIA !!!

                        Any Idea?? you'r welcome :)

                        Thanks :)

                          • E
                          • El Mariachi
                          • w4J
                          • 30 Nov 2008

                          Battery life:

                          in the beginning, bad, after a few times charging: very good!

                          To anyone who complains about bad battery life:
                          - recharge only when battery is really(!) empty (this 'teaches' the battery about its capacity)
                          - try to hold your opinions about bad battery life for one week
                          - Be reasonable: if you try every gadget the phone has all day long any phone's battery would deplete

                            • k
                            • kk_k
                            • myg
                            • 30 Nov 2008

                            I would like to ask if it is possible to use GPS without being connected to the internet. I mean, download the maps and then use GPS without connecting to internet

                              • b
                              • brc
                              • U2A
                              • 30 Nov 2008

                              hey guys,another question... can the location of where u are be displayed under the network name displayed in the idle screen.. i can do it with all the other phones ive owned but cant seem to figure it out with this one... think its like cell info, or broadcast messages or somefin but yeah, i cant work it out..
                              any help??

                                • a
                                • aireal10
                                • PxR
                                • 30 Nov 2008

                                I simply can't understand why this phone has given so less ratings at GSMARENA.COM despite it's superb features.

                                I Think people are jealous of Samsungs

                                In my opinion this phone is the best in the market to date.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • u{E
                                  • 30 Nov 2008

                                  Anonymous, 30 Nov 2008yea... actually i also having problem with the auto rotate ... morehehe found the solution already.

                                  settings => personalisation => display => enable auto pivot


                                    • S
                                    • Shou Ji
                                    • ji{
                                    • 30 Nov 2008

                                    Samsung has proudly proclaimed that global sales of it's high megapixel packing cameraphones have topped 10 million units this year, and that's considerable achievement.

                                    These include the symbian-powered GT-i8510 INNOV8, SGH-G810, SGH-F480 and also the recently announced GT-M8800 PIXON.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • u{E
                                      • 30 Nov 2008

                                      Striker, 28 Nov 2008@ Anonymous keytones can be removed by pressing the volu... moreactually, i think allowing people to turn off the camera shutter sound is a bad idea. Because some immoral people can use their 8mp camera to capture some "under female's dress" without their knowing. Which is a crime.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • u{E
                                        • 30 Nov 2008

                                        Anonymous, 27 Nov 2008Is it possible to get a better battery? Something like a he... moreTo answer to my own question.
                                        The battery life is not actually that bad.
                                        It is as good as SE C905 if not better.

                                        I can play a few MTV videos, listen to few hours of radio each days. Shoot a few photos and videos and about 3 to 6 calls and around 10 sms each day.
                                        Now i am in my third day since my last battery charge.

                                        What i did was just simple turn off the WLAN auto scan and switch to power save mode. It really does save a lot of battery consumption.

                                        Btw, not really understand when people say that the signal is bad... cause since last week till now, i never face this problem.

                                        Same as the responsiveness. It is superb. It is better than Renoir and C905.

                                        And maybe My Innov8 is the one of the super Innov8? because till now, it never hang or restart itself before. Can someone teach me how to make it auto restart itself? hehe